Ein Gedi Nature Reserve: description and reviews of tourists

Between the Dead Sea and the Judean Mountains there is a truly fabulous place, delighting with its unique natural beauty. A charming oasis located in the Ein Gedi desert and bearing the same name, has a unique history. In the Middle East, this corner is considered one of the most picturesque, and it is not for nothing that tourists from different parts of our planet rush here.

Oasis divided into several parts

The famous name, which translates as "goat spring", are several attractions:

  • an ancient settlement that arose before our era;
  • modern kibbutz;
  • Free beach
  • spa with hot springs;
  • nature reserve.

Travelers from different countries go to a blessed place, divided into several parts, from Tel Aviv by bus. Experienced tourists warn that it is necessary to be careful in choosing the right stop, because the distance from one to the other is very large, and if you go out of there, you will have to go a long time under the rays of the burning sun.

Unique place with ancient history

The Ein Gedi Israeli Reserve covers an area of ​​15 square kilometers, and a tropical oasis unusual for this area with piercing fresh water sources contrasts sharply with the arid desert.

ein gedi israel

The Bible mentions that in the ancient settlement, the history of which dates back to the 7th century BC, the young king David was hiding. In his honor were named a waterfall, stream and gorge. In the fertile lands fed by spring water, there was a wonderful city famous for valuable incense.

Interesting facts from the life of ancient settlers

Here were found the ruins of a temple erected before our era. A small settlement during its history of existence has experienced a lot, it was destroyed by the conquerors and reborn again. An unexpected find by archaeologists was completely surprising: the ruins of a synagogue with a well-preserved mosaic floor were found, on which a strange inscription was laid out saying that whoever reveals the secret of β€œAfarsemon” will be damned.

Ancient Jews made a balsam for incense, which has a strong effect on humans, from a special plant. Surprisingly, a wonderful smell persisted in the premises for up to a year. The liquid was sold by weight, healing ointments were made from it, which helped with various diseases. Until now, no one has learned the centuries-old secret of making balm, and it is believed that this is what the mosaic inscription warns about.

The well-preserved water supply system is even now admired by experts and is evidence of the high level of technical development of the ancient settlement of Ein Gedi.

ein gedi nature reserve reviews

The Dead Sea has long been known as Asphalt, and so it was called by the Jewish historian Josephus in his annals. He talks about how residents collected black clots from the surface of the water and used them to repair ships, roofs and mummify bodies.

It should be noted that salt production in the city was a very profitable sector of the economy. The precious mineral was in incredibly high demand, because it was used not only in cooking. Products generously sprinkled with salt were stored for a long time, it was also used in the preparation of skins.


Unfortunately, in the VI century, Ein Gedi was completely destroyed by nomads, and it was restored 63 years ago when the kibbutz (commune) appeared, which is the successor to the traditions of the city, which no longer exists. At the beginning of the forties of the last century, young and active people came to the desert, dreaming of turning a lifeless territory into a blooming oasis. Over time, the first seedlings appeared on the barren land, and the arrivals of enthusiasts arrived children in need of comfortable conditions.

In 1994, the kibbutz, which manages all its natural wealth, receives the status of a botanical garden. More than 900 species of plants imported from five continents were planted by the ideological conquerors of the desert as part of an important experiment. Now greenery, rare and exotic flowers, including poisonous ones, are rampant here. This is the only botanical garden in the world that coexists with a residential settlement.

ein gedi dead sea

On the territory of the kibbutz, a plant for the production of mineral water of the same spring was built, and here is located the world-famous cosmetic company Ahava, which produces products with the healing gifts of the Dead Sea.

However, due to the increase in water consumption for communal lands, the oasis flora has suffered. Currently, the state is preoccupied with the problems of the national heritage and is trying to restore the lost.

Free beach and spa

Another stop is a public beach that any tourist can visit. It is not recommended to dive so that salt water does not get into your eyes, and after each bath you should take a shower.

ein gedi

A therapeutic spa complex, offering visitors six hydrogen sulfide baths and special baths, was once built on the shores of the Dead Sea. Guests are covered with healing mud, then they go to the pool with water from a hot spring. In the complex you can buy both souvenir products and cosmetics based on marine minerals.

Near the spa is a private beach, equipped much better than free.

Park-like nature reserve

In 1973, Ein Gedi, a nature reserve, appeared, and its convenient location and proximity to the waters of the Dead Sea give it a special appeal in the eyes of tourists combining a wellness holiday with a visit to the holy places of Israel. The warm climate and the eternal sun create excellent living conditions for the most diverse representatives of flora and fauna.

A picturesque corner in the middle of the desert

A delightful oasis that looks more like a city park with marked footpaths for visitors to walk, exists thanks to the streams of David and Arugot, giving him life-giving power.

Through cracks in the limestone rocks, rainwater oozes from the Judean Mountains, which feeds natural springs. It goes a long way, is cleaned and hits with transparent springs in the territory of Ein Gedi (Israel). A wonderful corner famous for its abundance of water attracts various animals and becomes a breeding ground for vegetation. The second largest oasis in the state is a favorite vacation spot for Israelis and foreign tourists. Here the highest concentration of tropical plants, many of which are rare.

In the reserve, mountain goats, hyenas, leopards, wolves, foxes, Cape damans feel at ease.

Opening hours of the reserve and various routes for tourists

The entrance to Ein Gedi, whose photos convey the stunning beauty of nature, is paid and passes under strict control. The reserve is visited from April to September from 8.00 to 17.00, and from October to March from 8.00 to 16.00. The cost of visiting is 25 shekels.

ein gedi reserve

There are several routes for tourists of varying difficulty. They are marked on the map in bright colors: green is the lightest, red is hard, black is for experienced travelers with good physical fitness. Hiking trails allow visitors to the reserve to access natural pearls, the beauty of which is beyond description.

Experienced tourists are advised to come to the reserve early in the morning, because in the afternoon many routes with visits to waterfalls and steep climbs to the cliffs will be closed due to the fact that you may not have time to return before sunset.

What to see in the reserve?

One of the most interesting historical monuments is the temple of the Chalcolithic period (copper age). Erected before our era, it is the oldest sanctuary. The building, which was restored in the 60s of the last century, is a fenced yard with a temple and an altar. Once nomads came here to bow to their gods.

ein gedi nature reserve travel reviews

Ein Gedi, a nature reserve whose reviews are mostly positive, is cut into two parts by a canyon. A hiking trail leads along its bottom leading to a beautiful cave, where the powerful Nahal David Falls falls. It falls from a sheer cliff from a height of 20 meters and is buried in lush vegetation.

Ein Gedi (nature reserve): tourist reviews

Tourists admire the unique corner, reminding visitors of the need to take care of natural resources. A green oasis in the middle of a lifeless desert is a real delight, like the flora and fauna of the reserve.

Everyone notes the convenient routes laid out for people with different physical abilities, and recognize that the easiest is accessible even to children. Guests talk about the amazing sensations when visiting a kibbutz. Amazing botanical garden with exotic plants makes you forget about everything, and from the panoramic platforms located in the commune, truly magnificent views of the Dead Sea open.

A convenient beach that can be reached on foot or by mini-train is very comfortable for visitors, however salt and stones scratch your legs, so swimming shoes are required. It is very hot here in summer, and the most comfortable time to visit is autumn.

Some note an unpleasant odor of hydrogen sulfide, which causes the desire to go to the spa complex to disappear. Gourmets love cozy restaurants and bars offering delicious dishes.

ein gedi photo

The reserve in Israel is a wonderful corner that heals not only the body, but also the soul. Entire families come here to take a break from all worries and problems, and the healing air and amazing nature do their job.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26207/

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