Patchwork technique for beginners. Patchwork style

Mastering the patchwork sewing technique, or patchwork, for beginners can eventually turn into a very useful hobby. It, as you know, involves the use of pieces of different fabrics to create a new product. At the same time, the patches are assembled in a specific pattern, which makes it possible to produce completely unique pieces of tailor's art. In the patchwork style, clothes are sewn, pillows, panels, bedspreads, decorative frames for photographs are made and whole rooms are decorated.

Today we will try to give some tips on preparing for sewing and patchwork techniques for beginners.

patchwork for beginners

How to pick up and prepare fabric

The patchwork style was originally a find for thrifty housewives: old worn things were used for it, from which suitable flaps were cut. Now, for a similar sewing, they also buy a new fabric.

By the way, for beginners it is best to use cotton fabric for sewing. It does not slip, easily cuts, holds folds manually laid.

The patchwork technique for beginners involves some subtleties. So, even if in front of you lies a completely new section of chintz, wash it, and then smooth it. New fabrics can shrink in the product, which will turn your elegant work into something bent and unsympathetic. In addition, some materials may fade during the first wash, and in this way you will save your creation from unnecessary stains.

Please note that it is desirable to starch fabric for sewing - this will facilitate the work with it.

Patchwork Technique for Beginners: Cutting Rules

  • patchwork technique for beginners
    The key to success in the patchwork is accuracy in the cut. Therefore, use cardboard templates (the simplest geometric shapes on which outline the seam and trim lines) so that all elements have the same dimensions. On the line, the craftsmen are advised to make an allowance of 1 cm, and for loose fabrics - 1.5 cm.
  • For patchwork, try to select a fabric that is uniform in texture and color. For example, only cold gamut or only warm. In one large product, try to use no more than 7 fabrics of different colors. Otherwise, it may become overly motley and lose its style.

The patchwork for beginners, in addition, is also a good preparation of sewing skills.

  • Remember that you should not draw on the fabric with a ballpoint pen. To do this, use chalk or remnant. And in light colors, lines made with a simple pencil are clearly visible.
  • Be sure to cut the edge, as it gives a strong shrink during washing.
  • When cutting, do not forget to make an incision only along the shared thread, otherwise the patches may stretch and lose shape during the stitching process.
  • For squares and rectangles, the shared thread should coincide with one side, and when cutting triangles and hexagons (โ€œhoneycombsโ€), it should be perpendicular to the base.

Getting to the assembly of parts

  • First lay out the future bedspread or tablecloth on a flat surface. Assemble, like puzzles, a new pattern. The most saturated in color should be the middle of sewing. The environment for her is selected lighter.
  • When everything suits you, start numbering the squares in rows.
  • Then, for ease of stitching, assemble them in stacks so that the first square is on top.
  • And start stitching. First, sew rows of squares and only then, having smoothed them out with an extremely hot iron on both sides, assemble one product from these rows.

patchwork technique for beginners

    To facilitate the assembly of parts into one canvas, a non-adhesive non-woven fabric is on sale, on which there is already a grid of squares and triangles for patchwork.

    In order to save time, they are also advised to stitch patches without basting, directly along the pin chips. Try to make a basting with contrasting threads so that it is clearly visible.

    Sew the fabric

    If you use loose fabric (which is not recommended for beginners using the patchwork technique), be sure to process the edges of the parts on the overlock or manually.

    Depending on what exactly you are going to sew, you can sew butt or lap seams. Masters often use decorative ribbons of contrasting color over the seams. And sometimes the seam itself is performed in a decorative style.

    patchwork style for beginners

    Let's decorate the kitchen!

    The patchwork technique is ideal for creating colorful kitchen details. For beginners, tack will be perhaps the most successful training in this technique.

    Choosing a fabric for them, do not forget about the general color scheme of your kitchen. It is important that even such a small detail harmonize well with it.

    For relief and functionality, make a batting or sintepon gasket between the tack cloths. In total, you will need 8 squares from the selected fabric with a side of 10 cm. For edging the product, you can buy a finished inlay or a satin ribbon.

    Tack sewing instructions

    1. Fold the flaps in pairs and sew. Then iron them carefully.
    2. Sew together each pair of shreds and iron again. Thus, you will get two finished canvas, consisting of four shreds.
    3. Fold them with the wrong side to each other, and between them place a batting or synthetic winterizer.
    4. Pin the whole product with pins and make lines over the patch line.
    5. After this, sew the edges with an inlay, not forgetting to make a loop of it. To do this, add 8 cm to the total length and begin processing the edges of the tack from the corner, so that, having finished, make a loop from the remaining tail.

    Your fun and smart patchwork style pimp for beginners is ready!

    patchwork beginners potholders

    Getting started with the patchwork technique

    If you have at least basic knitting skills, then this technique is for you. To execute a product in the patchwork style, you need to be able to dial loops, knit the front rows and correctly reduce. In the process of knitting, the squares are joined, not stitched.

    They are made of any color and size. For example, if the width is 15 loops, type 31. This is from this calculation: 15 (one side) + 15 (the other side) + 1 (central - the angle of the square).

    The subtleties of knitting in rows
    knitting needles patchwork

    Squares are knitted with facial loops on the front and on the wrong side. Do each second row with a decrease (knit the three central loops together). This is done as follows: the first loop is removed, the next two are knitted together with the front, and then the removed loop is pulled through the knitted one. This way you get a square.

    Do not forget to simply remove the first loop in each row without knitting, and knit the last, like everyone else.

    After the first square is ready, dial 15 new loops, as usual, and in addition make 16 loops from the edge of the first square: insert a knitting needle over the edge and stretch the loop.

    Tie the second square, like the first, making reductions in each second row on the three central loops. By adding new squares, you can knit the desired width of the whole product in the style of patchwork with knitting needles. For beginners, it is important to carefully study the rules of knitting the second row.

    How to knit the second row

    On the upper side, dial 15 loops and add airy ones (16 pieces) to the knitting needle.

    • Knit the first row of the square without decreasing, and in the second, reduce, as usual, and then further through the row.
    • The second square of the second row is typed along the edge of the first row (15 loops) + 1 loop from the corner of the square + 15 loops of the first square of the second row.
    • Also knit all the other rows, repeating the principle of the second row.

    So in the end you will get a bright original plaid or a cape on a chair.

    Imagine, the patchwork technique provides great opportunities for this! I wish you success!


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