Lankaran acacia - silk miracle of nature

Albition, a sleeping beauty, a silk tree - as soon as they call a graceful, deciduous tree, not like its relatives, with a rich spreading crown. And we call this natural charm Lankaran acacia.

Lankaran acacia

Her lush light green crown looks like an open umbrella, and the delicate cirrus leaf is divided into long and very graceful small petals that look like lady's fingers. When they begin to tremble with a breeze, there is a feeling that the branches are fanning themselves with a luxurious fan consisting of 14 links. In very hot weather and at night, an albition leaf is prepared for bed, folding along the entire central vein, and then curled up at all, leaning down.

However, the delicate appearance of such a charming plant is very misleading. This miracle of nature has a powerful, thick trunk, the girth of which is over 3 meters, and a very large height reaching 12 meters.

Where does silk albicia grow?

Lankaran acacia is very thermophilic, and therefore it grows in tropical and subtropical regions: in the hot climatic conditions of Africa, in the dry deserts of Australia and Mexico, on the moist soils of Madagascar and India. Agree, this plant has a considerable range of places of residence. However, scientists unanimously believe that the homeland of albition is one of the cities of Azerbaijan, located in the south of the Talysh Mountains - Lankaran. Based on these facts, we can conclude that albicia is unpretentious and comfortable in different natural conditions, if only it were warm: in the low valleys of the coast, on stony soils with a minimum amount of lime, as well as in highlands.

Plant life

Albitsia, on average, lives from 50 to 100 years, but recently the life period of a silk tree has noticeably decreased, apparently due to changes in climatic conditions. It grows and develops very quickly. Let's look at this fact with a concrete example. At 1.5 years old, the height of acacia is 1.5 m, at two years old - 2.5 meters, well, by the age of 3 years, the beauty of this beauty reaches 5 meters, while the trunk thickness increases exponentially. Active growth of the plant ends by the age of 30, and then the aging period begins: the bark cracks, the crown grows thinner, numerous hollows form.

When and how does Lankaran acacia blossom

Acacia Lankaran landing
The plant blooms in mid-summer. Its flowers, collected in corymbose panicles, have a yellowish-white hue, long pink stamens with a lilac sheen at the end spread out of them. Such a multifaceted color gives this plant a decorative effect. During the flowering of a tree, its blossoming buds exude such a delicate and sweet aroma that their delicate fragrance touches the soul of anyone who is not far from this miracle of nature.

Flowering albicia ends in mid-autumn, depending on weather conditions. But immediately the leaves do not fall, they hold until the end of November, and this feature sharply distinguishes this tree from others growing in our climatic zone. Well, if suddenly a sharp cold wind blew or a severe frost hit, then overnight the green leaves crumble.

Planting time and plant care

Lankaran acacia planting and care
This plant is growing fast. Very photophilous Lankaran acacia. Planting and caring for it can not cause great difficulties due to the fact that her root system is superficial, but at the same time powerful. It prefers deep, rich in humus, sandy and alluvial soils, but also grows on dry, clay or crushed stone containing lime.

For exotic, plant a tree in the courtyard with the beautiful name "Acacia Lankaran". Planting will not take you much time, but this delicate tree will deliver you a feeling of bliss for more than one year. Also, the plant can be safely planted on the ocean, and nothing will happen to it, because it is not afraid of salt water. If you want to create beauty in your city - please, the burnout, the soot, and the smell of gasoline are not scary. The only thing that can ruin the beauty is the temperature below -16 ยฐ. Under such weather conditions, crown branches freeze.

How to plant an albia

Lankaran acacia care
If you decide to plant an album in your area or near your home, do it in early May. Before sowing, pour fruit seeds with warm water and hold them in this state for two days, waiting for complete swelling. For planting, check the temperature of the soil, it must be well warmed up. Plant seeds per 1 sq. M in heated soil. m. 2 gr.

After the shoot is born, provide it with proper care, and you can have no doubt that the flowering garden is provided to you, because albition can freely propagate by self-sowing. In the southern expanses of Russia, such annual trees by September grow to 30 cm in height. You can calmly transplant them up to 8 years of age, more adults take root much worse. There are many nodules on the roots of the tree, due to which nitrogen-fixing bacteria enrich the soil well.

How to properly care for albicia

Lankaran acacia personal care requires careful, namely:

- Lighting should be saturated and bright.

- Temperature conditions: in summer no higher than + 25 ยฐ, and in winter no lower than -8 ยฐ.

- Periodic irrigation with standing water in the spring-summer period, and careful - in the winter.

- Humidity should be no higher than average.

- Complex mineral fertilizer. Albition should be fed in the spring and summer, and when it is at rest, it should not be touched.

- Cropping. The plant must be rid of weak branches by pruning.

- Transplant . Root cuttings need to be transplanted into bulk dishes only after flowering of the tree. When transplanting plants, humus must be used.

Decorative plant near the house

decorative plant near the house
Lankaran acacia will decorate your winter gardens and greenhouses, as well as a site near your home. In a bright, cool room, it will warm you with its warm energy. If you like natural beauty, then by all means plant this amazing plant where you see fit.


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