Secondary crushed stone. Characteristics, scope

Secondary crushed stone is produced artificially by crushing buildings and structures, namely brick, concrete and asphalt. Then there is grinding into fractions and purification from unnecessary debris, metal and foreign inclusions. The main advantages of this building material are its relatively low cost and wide scope. Also, this crushed stone is an excellent way to utilize construction waste and its secondary use. This article will provide information on the main properties of this material and its applications. Also here you can look at secondary crushed stone, photos are presented.

The main properties of crushed stone

secondary crushed stone

Secondary crushed stone is a building product made by grinding and crushing concrete slabs, buildings, bricks and asphalt. Its main characteristics are:

  • low cost. The price of this crushed stone is almost 2 times less; it is natural;
  • multifunctionality;
  • large scope;
  • increased water resistance.

The remaining qualities of crushed stone, such as strength, frost resistance, and durability are somewhat lower than those of natural ones. However, due to the competent and correct application in the right areas and because of the low price, these properties do not matter much. The most common crushed stone is secondary with an unsorted fraction, with a size of up to 6 cm or 60 mm. However, sorted material with fractions from 2 to 4 cm, 4 to 7 cm and 7 to 10 cm is very popular.

Secondary crushed stone. Areas of use

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Due to the low price, secondary crushed stone is used for the following purposes:

  • preparation of the base for the foundation of buildings and under the floors;
  • as aggregate for concrete;
  • for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
  • for adding at arrangement of sidewalks and for the paths prepared for laying of paving slabs;
  • in the construction of temporary and dirt roads, when price is a priority over qualities;
  • for filling under parking lots and paved areas for various purposes;
  • as a replacement for soil when backfilling;
  • in the fight against landslides;
  • as a basis for waterworks;
  • for dusting roads and sidewalks during ice. It uses small crumbs with a fraction of up to 10 mm;
  • for decorative purposes arrangement of landscaping.

crushed photo
Secondary crushed stone. Value for construction companies

In the desire of entrepreneurs to significantly reduce the cost of production, this type of crushed stone greatly helps . This material makes it possible to reduce costs, while maintaining decent quality. It is an excellent alternative to materials with a high price and reduces the cost of structures.

Environmental support

Thanks to the disposal of construction waste and the production of secondary material from it, which is subsequently safely used, not only the cost of the structures obtained from it is reduced many times, but the country's ecology is also maintained and maintained. Therefore, in the modern world, the overproduction of any non-metallic building materials from the resulting waste is increasing.


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