Shoulder Raising Muscles: The Litmus of Good Practice

When a beginner in yoga, beginning to deeply learn his body, turns to anatomy, he will find out an interesting fact. The muscles that raise the shoulder blades are located in the neck, and this point is usually surprising. Logical thinking does not work. Although on the other hand, where is this muscle to be, if not over a controlled object?

Location and features

Muscle origin starts from the first four vertebrae of the neck, attaching with tufts on the side. On the way down it is fixed to the upper corner of the scapula from the side of the spine, hiding under the trapezius muscle.

scapula muscles

In Latin, the muscle that lifts the scapula sounds like musculus levator scapulae. In translation, levare is “lift”, and scapulae is “scapula”, which gives a complete definition of the functionality of this muscle.

Its leading function is indicated in the name of the muscle. Additionally, it helps to rotate the neck, tilt it to one side towards itself, and also works as an extensor of the cervical spine. It is this muscle that is trying so hard to help raise its head higher in Sarpasan and the pose of a dog looking upward. The entire muscle is quite small and has a limited spectrum of action, but it is involved in most exercises on the shoulder girdle not as a leader, but as an auxiliary.

How is the hypertonicity of the muscle that raises the shoulder blade?

Pain in the lateral side of the neck along its entire length, pain in the shoulder joint and under the shoulder blade, restriction of neck mobility - these factors indicate excessive muscle tension. On palpation, there is a spasm in the form of a seal, which is easily felt under the skin in the lower corner of the neck, on the side of the trapezius muscle. Movements raising the shoulder blade are difficult, and backward movement of the shoulder joints provides relief.

scapula muscle

Very often, practitioners mistakenly consider shoulder pain to be a problem or trauma to this area. In fact, this responds to the trigger point of the muscle that raises the scapula. It is she who is the key to the problems that need to be worked out.

The most affordable way to release voltage

After spending a long time at the office at the computer, you can feel pain in the neck and tiredness in the shoulders: this is a signal that you need to take a three-minute break and remove tension from the muscles. Tilt your head to the side, in the direction of defeat, trying to lower your ear to your shoulder as low as possible (but not vice versa!). Hold this state for about 15-20 seconds, then make a slight turn of the neck in the opposite direction, lifting the chin up and gradually removing the tilt by moving forward and down. Hold this position for about 15 seconds, then relax and repeat the other way.

muscle raising shoulder blade exercises

This exercise can be done anywhere due to the small amplitude of movement and minimal effort. Another important aspect: you need to breathe deeply and evenly through your nose.

Post-Isometric Relaxation: Exercises

The muscle that lifts the shoulder blade stretches quite simply. For this reason, the following statements are often ignored by practitioners as being light and elementary. Such a craving for difficult poses is one of the traps that stands on the yogi’s path: falling on her and not doing basic exercises, he is subject to microstresses and asymmetric spasms of small muscles, which, in turn, will lead along the wrong path.

Exercise number 1. Lappasana A: lying on your stomach, put your right right hand to the left so that the palm is facing up. All joints should be in the same plane. Arm at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the torso. The second hand lies down along the body, while trying to lie on top of the right arm with the shoulder joint. The head is turned to the left so that the ear touches the floor.

muscle raising shoulder blade in Latin

Exercise number 2. The position under Marichiasan A very well stretches the muscle that raises the shoulder blade, while at the same time tilting the head sideways from the leading arm (the one we are holding and trying to straighten).

Why does the muscle overstrain?

The most common cause of spasm in this zone is considered to be a prolonged position of the head, turned sideways or in an inclination. The hidden initial stage of the development of upper respiratory tract diseases can lead to problems. Spasm can occur due to improper head position during sleep, as well as in the process of incorrect practice of yoga or working with heavy weight.

In order to prevent overstrain of the muscles that lift the scapula, in yoga practice one should pay attention to the position of the neck and head in power asanas: Chaturanga Dandasana, Navasana, Sarpasan and in the balance on the hands: Ashtavakrasana, Eka Pada Bakasana, Kaundinyasan. No need to try to maintain balance with the neck, that is, to ensure that the center works correctly.

In work with heavy weight, the position of the head at the time of lifting weights should also be noted, avoiding muscle tension and uneven distribution of weight in the shoulder girdle.

In yoga practice, the key factor is the total awareness of what is happening and the lack of shifting efforts to the secondary muscles. Only then will the body work correctly and without distortions. If you ignore these rules, then chronic hypertonicity of deep muscles can lead to injury or the occurrence of diseases of a different nature.


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