Goodness - what does it mean? Meaning of the word

There is still debate about how to write - “Internet” or “Internet”. Some sources say that the Internet in recent years has become the same means of communication as a telephone, so a lowercase letter is what you need. But the question is, did the phone affect the language like its younger comrade did? Today, in the area of ​​our special attention, the word "suitability", which means this, we will analyze.


suitability what does it mean

It is easy to guess that the validity comes from such words as "good", "good." That is, the meaning of the definition is guessed intuitively. The word came into use relatively recently and, despite its obvious sound clumsiness, has not disappeared from the language yet.

Initially, it meant a positive assessment of any content on the Internet (film, music, video). Moreover, saying “content”, we do this not out of great love for English borrowings, but because this term is most precisely suitable in this context.

Now validity has left the Web and went for a walk along the streets. Today, not only Internet clips are evaluated in this way, but in general everything: clothes, a concert, a movie in a cinema. You can involuntarily ask yourself: "" Goodness "- what does it mean and why is the word so popular?" This is a good question, and it is not so easy to answer.

The Russian language is rich and powerful, but every year it is more and more shortened, saturating with new-speaking obscure words and Angloisms.

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The most relevant book today is The Little Prince, with its parable wisdom. Remember the argument that adults do not see the true beauty of the world. They don’t see how beautiful the house is, on the windows of which there is a wonderful geranium, but if they are told that this house costs 8 million, adult uncles and aunts will immediately say: “Yes, this house is wonderful, how good it is!” Naturally, we convey only meaning. The accuracy of the quote is not the point here.

So, all sorts of indicators devour our lives. "Suitability, what does it mean?" - the reader will ask. And we will answer: "This is a way to save time." It is known that spoken language is trying to squeeze the maximum number of meanings into the minimum textual volume. The Internet language goes even further: it is trying to cut back on colloquial speech. No one sees the tragedy of the language behind this. The feeling that soon we will generally begin to communicate with abbreviations, this will also greatly save people time and destroy the luxury of human communication.

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validity what does this term mean

The answer to the question: “Goodness - what does it mean?” Will be clear if we turn to the following list below.

  1. Suitable.
  2. I like.
  3. Lubo.
  4. To my heart this film / music / video.
  5. The author is well done!
  6. The book is full of meaning and has undeniable artistic merits.

If the reader already thinks in terms of “validity”, a substitute must be sought because it helps to make the meaning of the statement more specific.

Mirror example and the word broad semantics

meaning of the word

As it became clear from the previous narrative, the meaning of the word “suitability” is elusive. If we apply a five-point scale to it, it turns out that its content ranges from “satisfactory” to “excellent”. But is such an assessment always appropriate?

Teenagers are easily addicted to everything new. The older generation is no longer so mobile. Now let’s imagine a person teaching the Russian language will be expressed using the word broad semantics.

The teacher checks the test in 2035, and she has only two grades: “suitability” and “slag”. Of course, the Ministry of Education will not allow this, because the availability of such assessments still needs to be agreed at the top, but imagine that the Internet language will become total. Already no one needs to explain the definition of "validity". What does this term mean - and so already everyone knows.

As Stephen King said in The Ballad on Flexible Pool, if one person doesn’t walk under the stairs, it’s a quirk, but when everyone starts to avoid the stairs, the spans, it becomes crazy.

So it is with our word. While it is used by young people and adolescents who, due to their age, have not yet developed a sense of language - this is not scary, but what will happen if the “suitability” is adopted by broad sections? Was the reader creepy? And rightly so. But this will never happen, because language has an amazing ability for self-regulation.


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