Floor tiles for the kitchen - types, features of choice and laying technology

Tile materials are used in cases where you need to build strong, durable and externally attractive coatings. Such cladding is not suitable for laying in the living room or bedroom, but for the kitchen this is the best solution. Especially for floor surfaces that are constantly exposed to physical, chemical and thermal hazards. On sale, tiles on the kitchen floor are presented in different versions, differing in size, texture, material of manufacture and other parameters.

Material requirements

Even tiled products for forming flooring do not always cope with operational loads in difficult conditions. The use of this coating in the kitchen presents its requirements for a variety of properties. First of all, this applies to strength qualities. It is desirable that the tiles on the floor for both the kitchen and the corridor be able to cope with intense loads and not lose their original appearance. So, according to the PEI marking, material should be selected with a strength class of at least III. Added to this is chemical resistance and thermal resistance. With regard to moisture resistance, the specialized series of tiles for flooring, as a rule, are by default characterized by the ability to repel water and not absorb moisture.

Special attention is paid to texture. The choice can be between matte and glossy surfaces, which have their pros and cons. So, the safest option is a rough tile on the kitchen floor with anti-slip coating. Some models even have special ribbed surfaces, eliminating the risk of the slightest slip. But these same coatings get dirty faster and more difficult to wash.

Varieties of Cooking Tiles

Glossy tiles on the kitchen floor

There are three popular tile options that are advisable to use in this room. These are ceramic products, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and ceramic granite. Ceramics in this case also remains the most common solution due to the balanced combination of strength, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity. To this is also worth adding the widest variety of design solutions. For example, the color of the tiles on the floor in the kitchen in the case of ceramics looks more natural and organically complements furniture made from natural materials. This is especially true for neutral and pastel shades, in particular.

PVC tile models are also immune to the adverse effects of aggressive environments and are able to withstand strong mechanical stresses. The unique advantages include elasticity, lightness and flexibility in terms of performing various mounting configurations. But there are also weaknesses in vinyl products. The main one is artificiality and the presence of chemical components in the composition of unsafe health.

Porcelain tile is not the most successful material for the home in principle. It has a rough texture compared to the varieties described above, a large dimensional format of the elements and a high cost. But on the question of which tile on the floor in the kitchen is best suited to all flooring according to the criterion of durability, experts will primarily consider products from porcelain stoneware. This is the most resistant to shock and other physical influences material that can serve for decades without requiring repair and restoration operations due to cracks or clogged areas.

Tile selection by size

The universal established rule for calculating the amount of material for floor laying in the kitchen states that you should focus on small-sized products. Ordinary tiles have parameters 20x20 and 30x30 cm, but in this case, such decisions should be discarded. At least when it comes to small-sized premises. The optimal tile on the kitchen floor has the shape of a mosaic or a size of 10x10 cm. This approach, on the one hand, is due to the complexity of the configuration of this room with the working area, and on the other hand, due to the presence of many communication channels, the connectors of which are easier to arrange in small fragments. For the same reason, the volume of waste material resulting from trimming tiles will be less.

Tiled flooring

At the same stage of selection, one should consider the requirements for the form of elements. It may be different depending on the design decision. Stacking can be done diagonally, flipped and a street. The configuration of the arrangement will determine what the edges and ornament of a part of the coating elements should be. Also today, the concept of zoning is popular, in which one area is divided into several different functional areas. Thus, you can get combined floors in the kitchen. The working area is laid out with tiles, and, for example, with the laminated panels - the dining room. In the selection it will be important to take into account the characteristics of the edges in terms of mixing two diverse materials. For example, there are series with wavy edges that provide an organic transition from one coverage area to another.

Selection of the optimal texture

At this stage, it is important to follow two directions. Firstly, to withstand the overall design composition, and secondly, do not forget about the practicality of the coating, since the risks of pollution will quickly detect the disadvantages of a light floor in the kitchen. Black tile, however, is also not the best solution for the home as such - as a maximum it is suitable for giving contrast in the contours of the differentiation of zones.

According to their texture, tiled materials seriously lose to natural wood and stone. Despite the proliferation of artificial analogues of granite and marble, such use in the kitchen is not recommended. However, tile on the floor for the kitchen and the corridor can serve as a stylistic imitation. Many manufacturers are experimenting with series in which tiles with drawings of natural wood and stone are presented. But in this case, it is important to consider the practicality of the external coating of the material itself. So, it is advisable to give preference to models with an enameled wear-resistant layer, which will not only protect the structure of the base from damage, but also preserve the texture with patterns and patterns for a long time.

Black tile on the kitchen floor

Common mistakes when buying tiles

Often the material is purchased strictly end-to-end according to the calculations made. As practice shows, even with a thorough examination of the target site, there remains a high probability of exceeding the tile consumption. This may be due to the implementation of complex installation operations, during which it will be necessary to trim the whole tile with rejection. For example, the same combined configuration of the floor device in the kitchen can be planned - both the tiles and the laminate will form a single coating with joints. In this case, it is hardly possible to estimate the amount of consumables in advance. Therefore, you need to make a margin of 10-15%. It will also be required in case of repair.

Another serious mistake is related to the primary troubleshooting of the tile. This applies to checking the material at the time of purchase. It is not necessary to inspect each element separately - it is enough to make a random sample, since in most cases flaws of one batch cover several adjacent products at once. Do not focus on the low cost factor. For high-quality tiles on the floor for the kitchen, the price can be about 1000-1200 rubles / m 2 . On average, for example, ceramic and vinyl models cost 600-700 rubles / m 2 . Cheaper offers, obviously, will lose in terms of strength, wear resistance and durability.

Tools and consumables for styling

In the process, mounting crosses for tiles, glue for fixing the material and grouting composition will be required. As for the first accessory, it is a plastic cross-shaped part with identical blades in size. Crosses are set in between the coating elements, providing equal gaps between them. Also thanks to this addition, kitchen tiles on the floor can be laid out without bursting and wedging.

The choice of a suitable adhesive is also very important. The following suggestions exist in this niche:

  • Cement means. This is an adhesive with the addition of special pigments, resins and plasticizers, the basis of which is cement. Such compositions are suitable for large-format tiles, they provide a good and durable hitch, but also cost more than others.
  • Synthetic glue. The basis of this tool is formed by epoxy or furan resins. The composition is practical and functional, since it can also be used as a trowel. However, the resins present cannot be classified as environmentally friendly components.
  • Sealing glue. This is a universal silicone tool for laying tiles in the kitchen on the floor, which provides reliable protection against moisture, but in terms of mechanical reliability this is not the most profitable option.

Now you can go directly to the grout. It is needed for repairing tile joints. High-quality grout is resistant both to physical influences, and to plentiful contacts with chemistry and water. The most stable mixtures of this type are made from Portland cement. In particular, a solution with the addition of sand allows you to quickly and efficiently wipe seams up to 5 mm thick.

Combined tile laying on the kitchen floor

Preparing the floor in the kitchen under the tiles

The basis for the decorative coating must be smooth, cleaned and reliable. First of all, the structural reliability of the surface is checked. In this regard, much in the examination will depend on the material of the rough floor. If it is a concrete screed, a leveling primer may be performed. In the case of deep cracks, the coating is refreshed by self-leveling mixtures.

Particular attention is given to the wooden base. Checked plank flooring and supporting logs with a crate. In case of detection of damaged segments, replacement or repair is carried out using special primers. Weak and flimsy boards are also reinforced with additional metal clips and clamps. It is important that the foundation is stable and sustainable. If the tiles are laid on a wooden floor in the kitchen with the subsequent integration of coolants, then appropriate insulators must be provided. This layer can be made with mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other refractory ceilings. Laminated panels are recommended to be laid on a damping substrate. The best option would be cork flooring. Natural cork material also provides a noise reduction effect.

Laying tiles in the kitchen on the floor

Mortar for tiles on the kitchen floor

The adhesive solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. As a rule, these are two-component mixtures that are diluted with water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, add modifying components. Apply the finished mixture to the work site preferably with a notched trowel, which will leave grooves that increase the strength of fixing the floor from the tiles in the kitchen. With your own hands, carefully position the coating elements so that their position matches the intended layout. Again, to maintain even seams, it is necessary to use mounting crosses. It is important not to forget about the hardening time of the adhesive mass. As a rule, the crystallization period (gaining strength) of such mixtures lasts 30-45 minutes; therefore, laying is recommended to be carried out in separate zones.

The next step is to grout. This operation is carried out with a spatula with a flat surface. After applying a sufficient amount of grout to fill the joints, the task of the master will be to carefully remove the external mass. How to put tiles in the kitchen on the floor so that there is no excess solution? There are two ways - wet and dry. In the first case, a dampened sponge is used. In a circular motion, the surface of the seam is subjected to external cleaning. An adhesive grout is removed from the tile. With the dry method, a bending tool or mounting stick is used, which will ensure the evenness of the seam line with the mortar laid. But in this case, wet cleaning of contaminated surfaces will be required.

Tile grout on the kitchen floor

Tile Care Tips

Aggressive detergents are undesirable. The best option is to use warm water and a few drops of the wiper. Wash the tiled surface with a rag or soft brush. The main thing is to prevent strong abrasive effects, which can lead to the formation of small cuts. Manufacturers recommend ceramic tiles to be cleaned with chalk diluted with water. After completion of the procedure, the surface is covered with a dry suede cloth. In the case of a glossy coating in this way, you can give the tile shine and an updated look.

To remove grease stains, you can use table vinegar in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp. l on 1 liter of water. For severe impurities, vinegar is used undiluted, but even after cleaning, rinse the area with distilled liquid. If the tile on the kitchen floor is arranged with the expectation of counteracting chemicals, it is recommended to use special protective coatings. To prevent minor damage, for example, use a varnish based on a urethane polymer. It is in some way a solvent, which, after drying, hardens and increases the mechanical resistance of the tile. Such compositions are recommended to be applied immediately after installation and updated every six months.


Decorative tiles on the kitchen floor

Tiles, even of high quality, cannot be used “blindly”, without taking into account specific operating conditions. Even for the kitchen, taking into account its characteristic features, there are no universal coatings that would meet all individual requirements. In one series, the manufacturer focuses on resistance to elevated temperatures, in the other it focuses on mechanical resistance, and in the third it implements special stylistic properties to the detriment of water-repellent abilities. In addition, the pairing of the material with other coatings from which the floors in the kitchen are formed should be taken into account. Tile and laminate flooring are a classic combination of diverse flooring, in the selection of which it is important to consider the way of physical bonding. Lock joints of laminated panels will not affect the bonding properties of ceramics in any way, but the shape of a solid-state material may well adapt to the model of wooden coating. But for this you should choose the appropriate series, which will fit into the overall style of the kitchen interior.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26229/

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