Beautiful, wise and funny sayings about a smile

It is unthinkable to imagine your life without positive minutes. Every day a person will always have at least the slightest reason to smile sincerely, even when scratching cats are comfortably settled on the soul, tearing the soul into pieces. Good weather, family, health, love, true friends, holidays, songs, jokes, gifts, flowers, animals ... You can endlessly list everything that charges the mood with a share of cheerful mood and optimism. A variety of cool statuses, lines from poems, wise sayings about a smile, people choose souls for their state and often make them their motto, helping to go through life with your head held high.

Light from within

It is difficult to convey in words the feeling caused by a person dear to the heart, who fills the atmosphere with his positive mood and pouring, like a sonorous brook, laugh.

Laughter is the gaiety of the mind, a smile is the gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

It is pleasant to realize that there are people nearby who inspire confidence, charge us with solar energy without a drop of pretense and malicious intent.

Love those who draw a smile on your face. Love those who are not looking for flaws and mistakes. Pashka Cat

This magical decoration has the property of melting ice not only in the hearts of people, but also on the expressions of their faces. This confirms the statement about the smile of the brilliant French writer Victor Hugo.

“A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a human face. ” Victor Hugo

Effective antidepressants also include our smaller brothers. It is enough to hug and caress a puppy or kitten - and fragrant flowers bloom in your soul ...

I saw cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat ... Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

But what about the wonderful season? And love? What is not happiness? Great reason to smile.

Ah, spring, what a romantic time! .. Everyone is happy, smiling and happy ... Flowers in the hands of friends, love reigns around! "Timon and Pumbaa"

Sunny smile

Sages equate a smile with a hot kiss, which means much more than a “smack” on the lips or on the cheek ...

A smile is a kiss of the soul. Charles Gordy

One smile is the floor of a kiss. Martin Charnin

And it is not necessary to demonstrate your 32 teeth ... All that is needed is just the lights in his eyes and the striking positive energy that is beating from the inside.

Even if there is no smile on the face, then it should be inside. Vladimir Vinokur

Dose of poison in a barrel of chocolate

Sometimes it does not hurt to take precautions, even when a smiling person is standing nearby. After all, no one knows what he is hiding in his bosom. Statements about the smile of insincere people lurking in themselves a dangerous poisonous sting also found their place in literature and in real life.

- Can I stroke your dog? She has such a kind smile!

- I strongly do not recommend it. Even kinder and wider, she smiles after she bites her hand.

Yuri Tatarkin

Sayings about a smile and laughter, reminiscent of an animal grin, are more and more relevant in an imperfect and ruined world, where sincerity and kindness are left in the long box.

You can smile, smile and be a scoundrel. W. Shakespeare

This seemingly harmless weapon is capable of mercilessly breaking fortunes and slowly killing no worse than a pistol ...

Oh, how much misfortune I saw caused by smiles! Honore de Balzac, "The Shine and Poverty of the Courtesans"

The insidious and vile intentions of man are precisely noticed in these sayings about the smile, set forth by the talented writers of our time and bygone years.

Often, the wider the smile of a person, the larger the stone in his bosom. Yuri Tatarkin

Life smiled at her; but there are smiles worse than tears. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

And no laughter decorates a rotten soul, saturated with emptiness, cold and lies.

Vile thoughts hid beneath the cheap, smiling masks, and the cold dumbness of hearts hidden behind a serene twitter. Frank Herbert, Dune

sayings about the smile of a hypocrite

A meaningful statement about a smile came from Dr. Gillian Foster in the film “Fool Me / Theory of Lies”.

Smiling pretended not to squint.

When clarifying the relationship with two-faced nature, you can use the clear expression of Gel Fazer from the comedy American television series "Ducks"

You are just an empty poisonous smile.

Selfishness, envy and endless thirst for profit can easily make an unscrupulous person put on a mask of friendliness and brazenly enjoy the trust of others.

Most willingly, a person shares a smile when he hopes that in return they will share money. Yuri Tatarkin

About defensive female weapons

It is not only the external beauty of a woman that is capable of bewitching men's hearts. A powerful force also lies in a smile, behind which the secret desires of the deceased are hidden.

It is much easier to solve dreams than the smiles of a woman. Adolf Jonczyk

A chic dress, spectacular make-up, well-groomed hair, a beautiful figure - all this loses attractiveness if the girl does not know how to smile.

When her eyes are burning, and a smile is on her face, you forget that in this world, everything is so unsteady ... A line from the song Loc-Dog

A wise saying about a woman’s smile, captivating a society of the opposite sex, was invented by Italians.

Smile of a beautiful girl - tears of a purse.

A real predator should not wear an impenetrable face ... Otherwise, it will scare away its prey ...

A light, languid, gloomy battle smile of a born hunter of men played on her face. O. Henry, "Burning Lamp"

Tears, eternal grumbling and a dull mood are not at all suitable for a pretty young lady, especially if she loves and is loved ...

What is the point in life to argue and take offense

And lose your strength in an empty fight?

You can’t even imagine

How come you smile! Eduard Asadov

You can do without unnecessary words ...

The silent smile of a sensual loving woman will overcome a dozen men. Henry Ward

Woman smile

Men in love with weapons ...

The later a girl comes on a date, the more smiling she is. Ramon Gomez de la Serna

It is not only necessary to love yourself beautiful, but it is also important, otherwise others will not love. The Polish writer Wanda Blonskaya in her statement about the smile makes it clear that a real woman always likes and wants to be irresistible, regardless of any difficulties.

The woman’s best smile is for the mirror. Wanda Blonskaya

The advice of the sages

No matter what happens, no matter how life kicks you do not need to stick up, otherwise the worst enemy by the name of "depression" will eat your whole soul and body from the inside without a twinge of conscience.

Smile, because all people lack self-confidence, and a smile gives this confidence more than anything else.

A. Morois

The cure for stress is a smile. Vladimir Vinokur

A patient approach to gossip and provocation with a share of humor gives strength to move in the right direction to the intended goal.

The best reaction to enemy criticism is to smile and forget. Vladimir Nabokov

It doesn’t matter who says what about you - take it all with a smile and continue to do your job. Mother Teresa

Anger spoils a person, fills his soul with sores, which will never make a sunny smile, warming with his kindness.

Be kind, do not be angry, have patience.

Remember: from your bright smiles

It’s not only your mood that depends

But a thousand times the mood of others. Eduard Asadov

A wise and true saying about a smile also sounds in the good old animated film "That Munchausen."

“I understand what your trouble is.” You are too serious. A serious face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the stupid things on Earth are done with this very expression. You smile, gentlemen. Smile! "The same Munchausen"

Pokatushki laughter

When the mouth does not want to smile and it is difficult to find a reason to raise the mood, humorous statuses, funny jokes and invigorating jokes come to the rescue.

- Smile at me radiantly, beauty!

- Gee ...

Smile of the sun

It turns out that photographers also know the secret of uplifting ...

We had a photographer. On all his photos people laughed. He did not pronounce the letters "p" and "l." After the phrase "yibyat uibib" it was difficult to resist ...

And in this case, no plastic surgeons will help.

Rosa Markovna makes a facelift: “Can I smile later?” “Are you married?” “No.” “Are you rich?” “No.” “Well, why the hell do you smile?

There are more and more neologisms ...

Start the day joyfully - Smile at your little smile!

For lovers of thrills.

With closed eyes and a smile from ear to ear, I go to my own happiness through a rake field.

Everyone has a reason to smile. Do it right now and you will feel how it became light and warm in your soul.


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