The best bundles of Dota 2 heroes

Modern multiplayer games are divided into several genres that determine how events will develop in a particular project. If we are talking about the game "Dota 2", then it belongs to the genre of "MOBA", which means "mass online battle arena." Naturally, it will be difficult for a person unfamiliar with such terms to understand what lies behind this combination, but in fact, everything is quite simple. Unlike MMORPGs, which in most cases have a huge open world where you can travel with your hero, in Dota 2 and other similar games you are limited by the space of one arena where the battle takes place. That is, a certain number of players are going to fight among themselves in the arena, identifying the winner. In this case, there are even some modes that diversify the gameplay. For example, you can fight in pairs, but for this it is important to know the powerful bundles of heroes. "Dota 2" is a game in which it is very important to correctly handle your character. And if in your team both people play for your favorite heroes and know how to do it, then you can become a real thunderstorm of the arena.

Lyon and Lina, Mirana and Bane

bundles of heroes of DotA 2

Naturally, the game has characters that are better suited for each other and form more powerful bundles of heroes. "Dota 2", if played in pairs, should be based on interaction, on the compatibility of skills and character classes. If you go to the enemy with similar characters, then you may have problems, as they will be too one-sided, and in multiplayer game versatility is important.

The first bunch to be discussed is Lyon and Lina. These two characters are great for each other and can be used even by beginners. The fact is that their skills are ideally combined with each other, and together they can create problems even for the most experienced opponents. The combination of Mirana and Bane is already more difficult to manage, here newcomers may not be able to cope. Everything here is based on what Bane can hang on the enemy, and after that Mirana can hit him with his arrow. But it’s always worth remembering that at maximum levels their usefulness is falling, so you should hurry up and resolve issues no later than half an hour after the start, otherwise there will be no sense in this bunch of heroes. "Dota 2" is a diverse game with a large number of characters, so if you don’t like a particular bunch, it doesn’t matter, you can always choose another one.

Ax and Dazzle, Juggernaut and Crystal Maiden

the best bunch of heroes of DotA 2

Ax and Dazzle is a great defensive team that is unlikely to let anyone in. If they can get to the tower and occupy it, then even the most powerful bundles of heroes will not break through. Dota 2 is a game in which you can apply a wide variety of tactics, but there is no universal recipe for success. And even with these heroes, you can lose, especially if a mead equipped with a rune comes to visit you. As for the Juggernaut and Crystal Maiden, these two characters do an excellent job on the line. It is enough for them to have only a couple of levels of the first skills to begin to dominate. But if the opponent’s team includes an omnichka, who is pumped to the maximum, he alone will be able to cause a lot of inconvenience, let alone support. But still these are the best bundles of heroes. "Dota 2" is a project in which you can improve endlessly. Therefore, do not think that by choosing the right bunch of characters, you will win all matches. You will need experience, practice and, of course, mutual understanding.

Ursa and Shadow Shaman, Sven and Magnus

Dota 2 bundles of heroes

The best bundles of Dota 2 heroes will in any case include a pair of Ursa and Shadow Shaman. Here everything is solved very simply - the Shaman uses his network to catch the enemy, and Ursa quickly resolves all issues with him. But you need to act quickly, because at high levels such tactics with impunity will be difficult to implement. If you want something more complicated, then you should try to fight with opponents a pair of Sven and Magnus. Here it will take a long time to hone the skill, since Magnus has a difficult task - to pull all the enemies together so that Sven can destroy them with crits. But to tighten it is necessary that the enemies were nearby, and this is far from always the case. That is why this team is considered one of the best, but at the same time the most difficult in the Dota 2 game. Bundles of heroes are different, and you need to find your own approach to each - it's just that sometimes it can be harder to do.

Huskar and Necrophos, Moon and Spirit

bundles of two heroes of DotA 2

In the game "Dota 2" bundles of heroes can sometimes be tied to any one action. For example, in the case of Huskar and Necrophos, both characters use ult as their main weapon. These are two characters that many consider imbs, so their pair can be a very formidable weapon in the arena. The same applies to the Moon with Spirit - both of these heroes have passive skills that increase damage, as well as a powerful camp, so this pair has no equal at the first levels. Further it will be more difficult, but with the proper skill, you can cope at high levels. You always need to be able to pick up a bunch of two heroes. "Dota 2" is a game in which everyone can be for himself, but pair fights are always more interesting. Here a lot depends on teamwork, and not just on individual abilities.

Teeny and Visp, Bloodsicker and Invoker

Bundles of DotA 2 2x2 Heroes

Bundles of Dota 2 2x2 heroes is one conversation, but there are other battles as well. Sometimes there are massive confrontations, to which you need to look for a completely different approach. For example, the bundles of Dota 2 5x5 heroes will be completely different. And if in a double confrontation, Tini and Visp can win due to basing on the mid and a stack of creeps for Tini, then in a mass fight they will easily be rolled out over this very mid. But Bloodsicker and Invoker are an extremely powerful bunch that focuses on hunting weakened enemies. Bloodsicker has the ability to highlight the health of those opponents who have less of it, but Invoker has an excellent attacking spell that allows you to quickly kill such heroes. As a result, together they are incredibly dangerous.

Spirit Baker and Loughsteeler, Void and Lich

bundles of heroes of DotA 2 5x5

Effective bundles of Dota 2 heroes don't end there - you can find even more pairs that terrify other players. For example, Spirit Breaker and Lifestyler, when properly pumped together, can then carry any loner on the line. But the pair of Void and Lich looks much more interesting - the first has the ability to close opponents under the dome, and the second - to make a huge amount of damage under this dome. The whole secret is to cover as many enemies as possible with a dome, otherwise the heroes may be open to a serious threat. By the way, in this bunch you can use the Doctor’s Litch instead of Lich - from this she will not lose in quality.

Teeny and Centaur, Viper and Venomancer

effective bundles of heroes of DotA 2

A very interesting combination can be done by Tiny and the Centaur. The first character has excellent damage and a useful ability to forward his companion forward. Thus, you can take any opponent by surprise, especially considering the fact that the Centaur has an elegant camp in its arsenal. Such a combination will be unexpected and deadly. If we talk about interesting combinations, then we can not mention Viper and Venomancer. The first one can slow down the enemy with the simplest skill, which will give the second the opportunity to use not the fastest ability to attack with a deadly gel. These characters are ideally suited to each other and together create a real danger in the arena.

Omni and Klokverk, Cauldron and Zeus

Omni is a helpful character, as he can seriously treat his partners. But best of all, he is paired with Klokverkom, which with the help of claws can inflict a lot of damage, withstanding the attacks of the enemy. Zeus is a character who wins due to the frequent use of skills, they have a short rollback time. Therefore, he looks good in tandem with the Cauldron, which allows him to do his favorite thing constantly, restoring his mana.

OD and SM, Lina and Crystal Maiden

The interaction of OD and SM very much resembles a pair of Cauldron and Zeus. OD has a passive skill that can randomly restore mana to him and his partner. And the skills of SM, like Zeus, have good power and a short rollback. So with the right amount of luck with this bunch, you can destroy everything in its path. Well, the last bunch is Lina and Crystal Maiden, in the history of the world they are considered sisters. And together they really can do wonders. Lina has a good camp, Maiden has a good frost byte. There are practically no equal on the line of this pair.


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