Water frog frog: description of the plant and care

Water frog frog (common) is a floating plant that adorns many natural reservoirs. Probably everyone had to see him, but few people know his name. This plant can please not only those who went to nature, but also everyone who has their own pond or just an aquarium.


Plant description

Many had to see nature frog frog. The description of this plant will remind many how it looks. It is small in size, floating on the surface of water bodies. The plant belongs to the Water and Red family, has many branching roots. To maintain life, he does not need to take root, since it receives nutrients from the aquatic environment. But in rare cases, for example, when the pond dries up, the pond takes root in the soil. The stem of the plant is very short, almost imperceptible. The leaves are small - only 3–6 cm in diameter, round, their shape resembles small copies of water lilies. They are assembled into a power outlet. Each leaf at the base has a recess.

In order for the plant to remain on the surface of the water, its leaves and roots are “dotted” with air-bearing cavities.

water frog description

The frogfish vodokras begins to bloom in the last weeks of June and pleases the eye until the end of the summer season. The flower looks simple but beautiful. It consists of three white petals, which are decorated with a yellow core. Their size is on average 3 cm, but some can reach 4 cm. The flower itself stretches 3-5 cm above the water level.

Life cycle

The plant can be pollinated by insects, but mainly aquatic species reproduce by division (vegetative method). Maternal bushes grow lateral shoots (antennae), on which small rosettes appear. In summer, offshore, you can see whole thickets of ordinary water-grass. Young shoots gradually take root and disconnect from the mother bush.

With the approach of autumn, frogfish (the photo of the plant can be viewed on this page) forms winter buds in which scaly leaves are located. Even before the cold, they sink to the bottom and remain there until spring. Sam vodokras dies for the winter, dropping leaves. As soon as spring heat comes, the buds rise to the surface of the reservoir and open, releasing young leaves. The life cycle is repeated again.

How a plant "moves" to other bodies of water

It is worth noting that the plant reproduces by seeds very rarely, therefore it is not transferred to other bodies of water due to the wind. But, nevertheless, the vodokras has its own “transport” - these are animals and birds. In order for the "sleeping" plant to survive until spring, the winter bud secretes sticky mucus. This glue allows you to attach to the fur of aquatic mammals and waterfowl that travel from one pond to another.

frog frog interesting facts

Where does the plant meet

The frogfish is widespread in many territories. It grows in Western and Eastern Europe. He also pleases the people of Asia and Siberia. The plant prefers the surface of quiet backwaters, lakes, ponds and slowly flowing streams.

The benefits and use of water

In those reservoirs where water-red grows, the life of underwater inhabitants is more comfortable. So, in the thicket, plants can hide and take refuge small residents. Also, the water itself is faster cleared of pollution, and in the sultry time it is not so hot in the pond, since the green “cap” does not allow to warm up quickly.

In addition, many breed vodokras to make their private pond extraordinary. Since the plant is unpretentious, many have adapted to breed it in an aquarium.

It can be noted that the water coat does not grow very fast, therefore it is suitable for keeping even in miniature ponds.

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Maintenance and Care Tips

Those who have kept this plant in their pond for some time, leave useful feedback. Frog frogfish can be planted in a bright or semi-shaded place. To do this, in the summer, a process is removed from the maternal process with roots that is disconnected from the mother. If a vodokras is planted in an aquarium, it needs overhead lighting for at least 12 hours a day. The temperature can be maintained from 20 to 28 degrees. A plant in a pond, on the street, can tolerate winter if the kidney is lowered deeper than the level of freezing. But many recommend taking out a few kidneys and transferring them to a jar of water (pour sludge at the bottom), and putting them in a cool place. With the onset of spring warm days, the contents of the jar must be poured into a reservoir.

Water frog frog: interesting facts related to the name

In the Dahl dictionary, this plant is referred to as the “carrier”, although almost no one uses this name. Today, the most common option is “frogfish”. He got such a “name” thanks to frogs that settle near this waterfowl plant and like to emerge among its leaves. It can be noted that in Belarus the "gills are extraordinary" is also known as the "svyarblyachka". Most likely, it was actively used in past years, when a person had skin diseases, such as itching, rashes, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26242/

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