Icelandic dog: characteristics and photos

If you decide to get yourself a reliable, loyal and smart pet, then the Icelandic guard dog will do just fine. Breeders involved in breeding this breed can confidently say that no flaws in its nature and difficulties in caring for it have been noticed so far.

A bit of history

The Icelandic dog, or, as it is also called, the shepherd’s husky, is a small national breed of Iceland, originating in the 9th century. It is believed that its ancestors are dogs of Germans and Celts, who came to these lands in the 7th century from Scotland and Ireland, and later from Norway.

Nobody intended to create a dog breed that would be ideally suited to help shepherds. The species that these animals now have is entirely the merit of evolution. The main estate of Iceland was the farmers, so the husky, thanks to its shepherd talents, quickly won their love and respect.

Icelandic dog

The Icelandic dog was used to guard the sheep, escorting them to pastures and back home. When there was a danger to the herd on the part of predators, the husky showed seemingly completely unusual courage and aggressiveness towards the enemy and protected its wards until the last breath. And this despite its relatively small size and good natured character.

We can say that the attitude towards Icelandic dogs in farm families has always been special. They were treated not just as labor, but as full members of the family, although they lived on the street with the rest of the animals.

At the very beginning of the 19th century, an epidemic of canine plague broke out in the country, which almost destroyed this breed. But here enthusiasts came to the rescue, and they still managed to save the Icelandic huskies. I must say that in Europe they have not become popular.

The standard breed of the Icelandic guard dog was adopted in 1898 in Denmark. She is also officially recognized in the UK. Unfortunately, the breed is still not widespread enough. Around the world, there are approximately 3.5 thousand of its representatives.


Icelandic shepherd husky is a well-built, strong and strong animal. Her ability to guard her home and herding cattle is highly regarded. The Icelandic dog, whose characterization is almost impeccable, is always full of vitality and extremely hardy. It can be used to work under any weather conditions and landscape types. She also is well-oriented, very patient and unperturbed.

Icelandic dog photo


The animal has a calm, friendly and cheerful disposition. She is an affectionate, faithful and loving dog. Icelandic husky gets along well with other pets. In addition, she gets along well with young children.

Animals of this breed almost never show their aggressiveness, except when they feel any danger. They quickly become attached to people and love to be in their company. If such a dog is left alone for a long time, it can experience great stress.


The Icelandic dog, the photo of which is presented in this article, has two layers of wool. The first of them can be either long or shortened, but it is always straight, thick and rough, which perfectly protects the animal from almost any weather. The second layer is the undercoat. It is always soft, dense and thick. Shedding occurs continuously, but is actively enhanced 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

In order not to have an arbitrary hair loss, the animal needs to be combed out with a rather stiff and thick brush. A dog should be bathed only in case of emergency. You also need to trim her nails from time to time.

Icelandic guard dog


Since the Icelandic dog is very intelligent, it does not need special training. It will be enough to take a course of so-called general obedience with her. It is strongly discouraged to apply oppressive and crude methods to it. It is much better if the training is carried out sequentially on the basis of firmness and justice. She learns very quickly and always seeks to earn the love and disposition of her masters.


The Icelandic dog is completely unsuitable for living in a city apartment. Since it was originally used as a working breed, it just needs regular physical activity, as well as constant vigorous activity. That is why it is best to keep such a dog in a private house or on a farm, where there will be a lot of free space for walking or some work will be found.

Icelandic dog characteristic

Icelandic husky can also be used when hunting small game, but still it can bring more benefit if it guards livestock.

As already mentioned above, shepherd huskies have not managed to gain popularity in Europe, remaining known only in the territory of their historical homeland. They are still used there as shepherds and guards. In addition, they have become part of the vibrant distinctive national color of Iceland, which attracts tourists from all over the world.


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