How to make hearts out of paper clips with your own hands?

Do you like decorating your life with beautiful things? Today it is fashionable. Everywhere you can hear that you need to enjoy the little things. And if your life does not bring you little joys every day, you need to create them yourself. For example, remake your paper clips. Agree that it would be more pleasant to pin boring documentation if you use a beautiful office for this. How to make hearts out of paper clips, read below.

Standard option

how to make hearts out of paper clips

The easiest way to upgrade a paper clip is to bend it in half. The step-by-step process of this action you can see above in the photo. How to make a heart out of a paper clip? To do this, find the right material. A small iron heart will not look as presentable as a large plastic heart. Today on sale there are multi-colored paper clips that are “dressed” in a colored sheath. For the manufacture of hearts, it is better to use them. Firstly, it is more convenient to bend such an office, and secondly, its lifespan will be longer due to the best technical characteristics.

How to make a heart from a paper clip? To create such a craft, nothing but hands is needed. We take a large plastic paper clip and rotate it with two ends of different lengths towards us. Now the lower part needs to be bent as shown in the picture. The angle should be 100-120˚.

Upgraded Option

how to make a heart from a paper clip photo

The first way to make a heart from a paper clip was described above. It is considered a classic. But people with creative thinking always wanted to be different from their colleagues. Therefore, more than one way was invented for how to make heart clips. This version of the craft, like the previous one, should be created from a large workpiece. It is desirable that the clip is plastic and colored. If you didn’t have one at hand, of course, you should not worry. You can always use acrylic paint or tint the finished product with a spray can. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the factory "clothes" on the clip hold better than home-made.

So, let's start creating the heart. We put a paper clip with two ends up. Now you need to part them. Take away the small “head” of the paperclip to the right by 1 cm. Now you need to create a heart shape. To do this, connect the right and left ends of the paper clips, which are now at the edges of the workpiece. You can find instructions on how to do this above.

Compound heart

how to make paper clips hearts

Such a product is made from a paper clip purely nominally. In fact, the paper clip should be completely disassembled. To make a craft, you need a wire. And for this version of the heart, it is better to use classic paper clips. They should not be in the shell, since it will be too easy to damage, greatly deforming the wire. But this is exactly what will have to be done. We find a suitable blank and proceed to creativity. How to make a heart from a paper clip? First you need to straighten the product, and then bend it in the middle. The next stage is the creation of turns on each part of the former paper clip. We twist the wire into the ring so that it appears exactly in the middle of one of the legs. Repeat the same process on the other side of the paper clip. The heart is ready.


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