Blanket for newborn

Talk about which blanket for the newborn is most suitable for a long time. The fact is that when choosing this important subject, several factors should be carefully considered at once. We will try to describe all the nuances in order to help future parents make the right choice.

When choosing a blanket for a child, you should determine what time of year the period of its use will be. Of course, several blankets will come in handy, but most often you will use one of them. Winter blankets for newborns, of course, differ from summer or even demi-season. In the warm autumn you can use a plaid. It is both light and warm, and it is easy to take along with you on the road or for a walk: the plaid can be folded compactly, it is not difficult to carry it with you. As for the summer period, many probably have seen more than once that sometimes the mother in the stroller is covered with only a light diaper or a soft terry towel. Such a blanket is quite enough to protect the child from the wind or insects.

Looking closely at a variety of children's products, determine for yourself - for what specific purposes do you intend to purchase a blanket. If you want to choose a blanket for the newborn directly for discharge from the hospital, then the appearance, and not the degree of its warmth, may well be the decisive argument. It is clear that this is not very practical: it is not necessary to buy things that you will use only for about fifteen minutes. However, many give away children's things to friends and relatives, so that a cute blanket for a newborn will not disappear. Often, for discharge from the hospital, they buy a ready-made kit, which includes a warm envelope, and besides it, a few caps, vests and diapers, which will also never disappear. By and large, the envelope can be used at home - as long as this device fits the baby in size.

If you want to look for a blanket for walking, then, of course, the time of year and weather conditions in your region will be a decisive factor. As we said above, something easy will go for walks in warm summer weather, and in winter you need reliable protection against frost, so that while lying in a stroller the baby is reliably protected from the cold and is not in danger of catching a cold. For winter, choose a blanket made of wool or down. It can also be used for laying on a sled or in a stroller from below. Warm clothes can be spread on the cold floor for a child who can already sit and play independently.

Another goal for which you definitely need a blanket for newborns is to shelter the baby in the crib at home. The degree of warmth of the blanket that you buy should be selected based on the temperature in the room. However, you should remember that young children toss and turn a lot in a dream and open up. Therefore, it is more advisable to dress your child warmer at night and cover him not with a very warm blanket, but with a light blanket.

Blankets for newborns from natural components - fluff and wool, are good because they allow air to pass through and at the same time keep heat. However, a significant drawback of such blankets is that they may well cause allergies in children. In this, blankets for newborns made of natural materials are certainly inferior to syntepon. A sintepon blanket is great for home use, and don't be afraid that it is synthetic. Such a blanket is light, and the baby will certainly be comfortable under it.

Many people care about the size of the blankets. The blanket for the newborn most often corresponds to the standard sizes - 0.9x1.1 m. However, the baby can also be covered with a large blanket. Check what duvet covers you may already have, what size crib, how big the stroller area is.

From a hygienic point of view, it is not recommended to use an old children's blanket, which was used before for a long time. The fact is that such a blanket could very well “deteriorate” - it is possible that fungus or mold settled inside.


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