Perceptual actions are ... Formation and development of perceptual actions

Many psychologists, physiologists, and philosophers devoted their works to the study of the phenomenon of human perception of the surrounding world. The data from these studies suggest a thorough study of the characteristics of perception of each person. The ability of "growing" into society, success in any type of activity depends on the quality of the perceptual actions of the individual. Each new discovery in this area gives rise to new hypotheses and research.

Perception value

Conductors, intermediaries between man and the outside world are the senses. It is they (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, taste) that provide a holistic perception of the environment, receiving stimulus signals on the receptor surface. As a result, a person gets a complete picture of objects and phenomena, their properties and qualities, and builds their “relations” with them.

perceptual system

In addition to sensations, the perception of the world is provided by thinking, speech, memory, therefore, the perceptual activity of the individual is a complex aggregate process, depending on many individual properties of his psyche.

Perception properties

Perception provides the work of various mental processes.

The perception of an object as a concrete image, regardless of its location, provides such a property of perception as objectivity.

development of perceptual actions

Simultaneously with the perception of the image (natural or, for example, drawn) are reproduced in consciousness and its properties.

  1. Such a property as integrity is expressed in the fact that the object is recognized regardless of whether all its parts are present, they are distorted, or their location in the object is incorrect.
  2. The meaningfulness of perception during normal functioning of the human psyche can be traced in the fact that the observed object corresponds to a specific class, category (classified).

  3. Observed objects (or situations) are perceived as unchanged, even if the conditions for their demonstration change. So, for example, feeling a subject in complete darkness, a person can correctly determine what it is, name its main characteristics. This property of perceptual activity is called constancy.
  4. Such a property of perception as structurality allows you to perceive the environment reliably, even if sensations are not connected. The expression "glass surface of the lake" paints a concrete image of a perfectly smooth, shiny, bluish-greenish surface of the reservoir.
  5. The individual state of the psyche necessarily influences perception: thunderstorms delight someone, and immensely frighten someone, creates a panic state. This property of perception is called apperceptivity.
  6. Perception depends on the conditions in which it occurs. The perception of the same thunderstorm in a real situation, and, for example, when watching a movie, will occur in different ways, which is what manifests such a property of perception as context.

The nature of the perception process

The external environment and its individual objects, phenomena affect the senses through analyzers. Their complex interaction ensures the flow of information to the brain centers and its processing.

formation of perceptual actions

Sophisticated analysis and synthesis of external data ensures the creation of a holistic image: external and hidden, internal, properties and qualities of the object are determined. That is, a number of its characteristics are formed.

The process of perception of one and the same object is unique, as is its mental image, since they depend on the individual mental and physiological characteristics of a person. Life principles, views, motives, interests, preferences as the results of upbringing and lifestyle definitely determine the assessment of the properties and qualities of the object. For example, the same work of art can be emotionally evaluated by various contemplators as “amazingly beautiful” and ... “disgusting”.

Perceptual structure

Any process consists of separate operations - actions. The quality of its result depends on whether they are arranged in the correct sequence and executed without errors.

The process of perception includes a number of perceptual actions, this is due to the fact that a person needs:

  • Deliberately isolate the information that is significant for him from the multitude coming through sensory channels.
  • Transform it in accordance with your own tasks.

Perceptual action is a series of operations that transform sensory information.

Detection - the presence of a cognitive stimulus is determined.

Distinction - a perceptual standard is formed.

Next, an identification process takes place based on such actions as comparison and identification. The received image is compared with the existing one in memory and belongs to a certain class of objects, that is, it is categorized.

Mastering perceptual actions is a very complex process for a person and a lengthy process that requires special training.

When and how perceptual skills are formed

The development of perceptual actions guarantees a person a full knowledge of the world and maximum adaptation to it. Sensory perception of objects, actions with them, observations expand and improve, replenish the personal experience of the individual.

The formation of perceptual actions begins in children at the age of 2-3. Senior preschool and school age are particularly important periods in this regard. The development of perceptual actions of children occurs in conditions of specially organized systematic and consistent classes in kindergarten and school.

development of perceptual actions of children

Children under the guidance of educators and school teachers discover the subject world, getting acquainted with various objects and their properties, learn to analyze them, highlight the most significant ones that become sensory standards. They are supplemented by a system of motor, or motor, skills, which provides the child with a comprehensive "discovery of the world." Modeling (drawing, manual labor, games with building material) allows you to convert mental images into real ones.

Parents note

The formation of a system of perceptual actions in a child is primarily a concern for parents. Firstly, they need to closely monitor the health of the baby’s sensory organs, otherwise their insufficient functioning will make it difficult to perceive the features of cognitive objects. Secondly, one should not rely solely on educators and teachers: the development of perceptual actions is one of the goals of family education in the early stages of a child’s life. To do this, you need to help him comprehensively examine objects (how it sounds, how it works, what parts it consists of, what it feels, tastes and smells), learn how to use it, enrich the dictionary with nouns (what is this?), Adjectives (which? ), verbs (what does?).

perceptual actions is

Children should show pictures and techniques of drawing, modeling, designing, exercise in comparing objects on different parameters.

The main method of teaching young and young children is playing. Children love playing together and having fun with their parents. Emotional substantive communication with them stimulates the development of perceptual actions in a child.


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