The story "Dink": a brief summary

Valentina Oseeva, a children's writer of the Soviet era, wrote many small stories and only two large stories - “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades” and “Dinka”. A summary of the latter is presented in the article.

"Very homely family"

dinka summary

The main character is an eccentric, very lively 8-year-old girl, strong, cheerful and at first glance frivolous. However, in the course of the narration, the reader recognizes her as a faithful, responsive friend, a sincere, caring and loving daughter.

She has 2 sisters - 12-year-old serious student Alina and 10-year-old painful affectionate Angelica, whom the family affectionately calls the Mouse.

There are also adults surrounded by the main character: father Alexander Arsenyev, mother Marina, aunt Katya and uncle Oleg, cook Lina, old watchman Nikich, Katin's fiance Kostya and other characters.

One of the most important people in the girl’s life is the 13-year-old orphan Lenka. The story "Dink", the brief content of which is not able to convey the fullness of the story, tells readers about the amazing power of children's friendship. A frank and disinterested feeling helps children overcome many obstacles.

Dinka Summary: The Beginning of the Story

valentina oseeva dinka summary

The action begins in 1910. The Arsenyevs family spend their summers in a summer house in Samara, on the banks of the Volga. Marina and Alexander Arsenyev, Katya and Nikich are active in revolutionary activities. Alexander has to hide from the royal authority.

Before dinner, Dinka always runs away for a walk along the banks of the Volga. Here she accidentally meets Lenka, who saved her when she was drowning. Between children a real friendship is established, which is growing day by day.

Lenka does not have a sweet life: he often goes hungry, and Dinka sings in summer cottages, sells fish at the bazaar, and, in general, does everything to help her friend.

Meanwhile, the traitor is watching the Arsenyev’s house. The first part of the story “Dinka”, a brief summary of which describes an amazing childhood friendship, ends with Lenka tracking down a spy and meeting his girlfriend’s family.

How further events developed

dinka summary

Young revolutionaries, Kostya and Stepan, involuntarily attract Lenka to the struggle against the tsarist autocracy. The boy distributes leaflets, helps eliminate the traitor, hides the Bones revolver. Dinka is also involved in all of this. Her family does not even know what matters she is involved in. Later, mother Marina calls the youngest daughter for a frank conversation. The girl tells her mother everything: about an orphan friend, organ-grinder, trading in fish at the market, about a spy and Kostin revolver ... Marina listens with great surprise and is amazed at how difficult the life of her eccentric Dinky turns out.

Lenka arranges to serve as a young boy on a ship and will sail away for as long as 2 weeks. The guys are very homesick and miss each other.

The Arsenyevs family must leave for the city, but Lenkin’s steamer still doesn’t come. Dinka is in despair. Before leaving, she leaves a note, the cry of the soul: “Find me, Lenka!”, And the boy really finds her ...

The third part of the book tells about the life of Lenka in the Arsenyevs, who adopted the orphan as their own son.

Autobiagraphic story

dinka summary

Where did the story of Valentin Oseev come from ? "Dinka", a brief summary of which is presented above, has autobiographical roots. The heroes described in the book existed in real life - the mother of Valentina herself, her older sisters, aunt and others. Dinku Oseeva wrote from herself. The prototype of Lenka is a homeless boy who was adopted by the Oseevs.

The book is deservedly loved by many. It is saturated with sincerity and faith in great feelings, which are so lacking in our world.


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