The control apparatus is ... Definition, structure and functions

The functioning of any well-coordinated system depends on a competently constructed management apparatus, which carries out its activities based on the principles of rationality, consistency and effectiveness.

General features of control devices

The control apparatus is a hierarchical model, a multi-level system consisting of a certain number of different units, each of which is assigned the corresponding functions and tasks. The main objective of the functioning of the management apparatus is the successful and effective implementation of management processes. This category implies a set of management structures, bodies, services that create a work process at a certain time and in a certain place. Without the existence of these management branches and their interaction, the effective operation and implementation of the intended goals of the state, region, city, enterprise, corporation become impossible.

Control system operation system

The control apparatus system is obliged to carry out its work efficiently, consistently and continuously. Each hierarchical step of the management apparatus implies the presence and work of a certain official who directs the work process at some stage. These officials have their own functions and powers, and their activities are mandatory regulated by certain rights and obligations. They are also closely related and interact almost constantly. Their solutions are the main starting point of all work processes. Therefore, they should be clear, relevant and balanced. After all, the management apparatus is, first of all, a multitask management model.

Management system

Its structure may have a different number of levels, and its work can be carried out within the country, enterprise, organization, city, region, corporation or other socio-economic formations.

State administrative apparatus

The state administration apparatus involves a system of legislative, executive, judicial and regulatory bodies. Also, the state apparatus consists of other administrative bodies of state or regional significance. They exist to monitor the implementation of the instructions of the highest authorities, as well as to solve at their level various socio-economic, legal issues. These are the so-called departments, ministries, city or district administrations, local judicial bodies.

Control pyramid

Management apparatuses of authorities operate based on the following principles:

  1. Legality and compliance with the Constitution, which is the fundamental code of laws in the country.
  2. The optimal ratio of the structure of governing bodies and the rational distribution of functions between units of government.
  3. The willingness of representatives of state authorities to bear the responsibility assigned to them for the political decisions made and their consequences.
  4. Loyalty, correctness, deideologization of political activity.
  5. Competence at the appropriate level by representatives of the authorities and high professionalism.

Structural units of the control apparatus

The functioning of enterprises requires the availability of qualified human resources. The totality of the employees of the enterprise is a management structure that, by acting on objects and subjects of the work process, carries out its work.

The management apparatus is characterized by the division of labor, which helps to achieve success and productivity in the production process. The management structure itself is the organizational form of the administrative apparatus, indicating the composition of the labor collective and the order of subordination of units to higher management.

Company representatives

Factors affecting the structure of the management apparatus are of three types.

  1. Technological (scale and methods of production, level of mechanization of the work process, product range).
  2. Economic and organizational (level of centralization, the establishment of communications and relations between employees and departments).
  3. The external environment (the presence of cooperation, analysis of the market, partners, competitors, customers and consumers, natural and climatic factors, political situation).

Types of Organizational Structures

The control apparatus is a system of interdependent elements that are directly or indirectly interconnected. These elements are functional and organizational structures. The existence of various structures is due to the existence of various possibilities for building a hierarchy and the functioning of units, services, and departments. All structures can be divided into several types.

Linear This type assumes virtually absolute subordination of the labor collective to one leader. He is the main dominant person in the organization who gives instructions, makes final decisions at all stages of the work process and is responsible for their consequences. This type of management structure is most often applicable to enterprises that are elements of small business, have a small staff, a simple organization of production technology and not too extensive connections with environmental actors (suppliers, partners, intermediaries).

Functional. This type arose logically in the process of expanding rapidly developing production and a market economy due to the need to delegate important functions to other workers. This type of structure is characteristic of enterprises with extensive activities, requiring well-organized and meticulous work in relation to financial affairs, marketing research, personnel work, foreign economic activity, technical support. Therefore, in reality, various departments and structures are created that cover an impressive scale of activity, and which necessarily need a coordinator.

Office workers

Competent heads of structural divisions have freedom in relation to their activities and decision-making, but not full, but moderate, provided for by the status of the enterprise.

This type of structure has tremendous advantages:

  • maximum benefit from specialization and limitation of the burden on leadership;
  • motivation of employees, stimulation of business activity and development of professionalism of each member of the work collective.

Divisional. A key characteristic of this structure is the leading role of managers performing managerial functions in the departments of the enterprise. Such a structure is characteristic of the largest organizations that are quite ramified. Here, each branch needs coordination and control in order to carry out successful operational activities.

Adaptive structure. Such types of structures indicate a quick reaction of a company to changes in environmental factors, within which a set of actions is carried out to successfully achieve goals.

Matrix adaptive structures. They imply double subordination of employees: to the immediate boss and supervisor, for example, of the target project, program.


Control mechanism

The functions of the control apparatus include the following:

  1. the efficiency of the production process;
  2. cost minimization;
  3. rationalization and optimization of the links between the links of production.

What is the control apparatus?

Team of workers

The management apparatus is a rational and effective way to build relationships and relationships between structural divisions of an enterprise for coordinated teamwork and obtaining the desired result in the form of profit or social effect.


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