Recovery of a driverā€™s license in case of loss: procedure and deadlines

In order to drive a car or other transport, you need to apply for a driverā€™s license. They are international and national. We focus on the second. They are used in the native state by all drivers. Unfortunately, VU is the most common document that can be lost. Rights can also be stolen. But spoiling them is problematic, especially when it comes to copying a document on a plastic card. Next, we will try to study the process of restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss or theft. This operation requires special attention. For an unprepared population, it raises a lot of questions. Fortunately, everything is much simpler than it seems. And even a novice driver with proper preparation will be able to reissue the lost rights to the car.

Recovery WU after loss

Copy or duplicate

Restoring a driverā€™s license after loss is a must if a citizen wants to remain a driver. Otherwise, you can not think about the implementation of the task. Instead, it is enough to simply report the theft / loss of the document so that an outsider cannot use it.

Some are interested in what rights will be granted after restoration - their duplicate with the corresponding mark or a completely new plastic card. According to the law, restoration leads to a complete reissue of the WU. In the course of the actions taken, the citizen will receive a duplicate, but without corresponding marks. That is, with the previous validity. All other signatures will be identical to the original.

Authorized Services

Where is a driverā€™s license restored in case of loss? To give an accurate and unambiguous answer to a similar question will not work with all desire. The thing is that such a service can be carried out by various bodies and services.

Today you can seek help at:

  • Multifunctional Center;
  • MREO;
  • single window service;
  • My Documents
  • Traffic police;
  • State traffic inspectorate.

There is nothing difficult or supernatural in this. It is advisable to contact the same authority that originally issued the "driver card". Such a technique will significantly speed up the whole process.

Network Ability

The procedure for restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss is not so difficult to remember. Everyone will be able to cope with this task. True, in some cases there are certain difficulties.

Is it possible to restore rights remotely in Russia? For example, through Internet services? Yes, you just have to prepare for this in advance. The thing is that the registration of rights, as well as their reissue and restoration are carried out through ESIA "State Services". On such a resource, the user will need a verified account. Its absence limits the range of public services offered in electronic form.

Instruction: we apply for the document personally

Need to restore a driverā€™s license in case of loss in the traffic police? To achieve the desired goal is not difficult. Especially for those who prepare in advance for the appropriate service.

Ways to restore rights

Instructions for restoring a driverā€™s license through personal appeal to authorized bodies are as follows:

  1. To form a package of documents stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. We will familiarize ourselves with its components later.
  2. Fill in the application for the restoration of the WU. The form of the established form can be downloaded from the official web resources, as well as taken directly from the authorized body.
  3. Pay state duty for upcoming service. You can do this later, but this is not recommended in order to expedite the provision of services.
  4. Contact the authorized body with an application for the restoration of the VU.
  5. Receive a receipt of acceptance of the application. Such a document, as a rule, is drawn up when contacting the MFC or other intermediaries.
  6. At the agreed time, pick up the finished driverā€™s license.

Based on the proposed information, we can conclude that the restoration of a driverā€™s license does not cause any problems. In fact this is not true. In practice, sometimes you have to try pretty hard to achieve the desired goal.

Government Services and Submission of Request

Need to restore your driverā€™s license in case of loss? "Public services" will help to cope with this task. Only at first it will be necessary to register, as well as the process of activating an account on the e-government website. These processes do not require anything special.

We assume that everything is prepared for the driver for the process of submitting an electronic request. Then he will need:

  1. Authorize on the web service of the electronic government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Look in the archive of available services.
  3. Find the "Driver's License" service in any convenient way.
  4. Click on the hyperlink that describes the desired service as accurately as possible. For example, "Restoring WU ...".
  5. Examine the information on the screen and click on "Receive". At this stage, you can familiarize yourself with the details of electronic services on the site.
  6. Indicate the requested data in electronic form. This is the certificate recovery form.
  7. Decide on the place of delivery of the final documentation. At such a step, it is usually proposed to indicate also the date with the time of the desired reception. This can be done through a special electronic calendar.
  8. Send a request for processing, agreeing to the conditions of work on the service.
  9. Open "My Account" and select an application for the restoration of a driverā€™s license in case of loss, theft or damage.
  10. Click on the inscription "Pay", and then pay the state fee for the relevant document. It is advisable to print a check or payment order.

At this stage, the action ends. The citizen remains to wait for the invitation to the authorized body, and then pick up the VU, presenting a certain package of documents. Fast, easy and very convenient!

Important: when paying the fee for registration actions through the "State Services" commission will not be charged.

Documents for restoring a driverā€™s license

Before a visit to the traffic police

But that is not all. We reviewed several instructions for restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss or theft. Just before you use them, you need to do something else. It is about this moment that some citizens forget. Accordingly, in the process of requesting the service under study, potential recipients of HE have serious problems.

The thing is that immediately after the discovery of the loss or during the appearance of suspicion of theft of the said document, you need to contact the local police department as soon as possible. There you will need to report the theft or loss of rights. This is necessary so that attackers could not use the document found / stolen.

As a rule, to write a statement about the disappearance of a military institution, it is enough to have a passport with you. The petition will have to describe in detail the circumstances in which the loss of documentation was discovered. There is nothing embarrassing about this. And even a person who does not understand anything in paperwork can achieve the desired result.

Terms of service

What is the period of restoration of a driverā€™s license in case of loss? As a rule, it is 30 days. During this time, the WU will definitely be re-issued.

If it comes to recovering a stolen document, you will have to be patient. The thing is that under such circumstances, the waiting period for reissuing rights extends to two months.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when registering rights through intermediaries, you have to wait longer than during a direct appeal to the traffic police / MREO. "Public services" is not considered an intermediary. This portal, as a rule, on the contrary, accelerates the process of serving the population.

In any case, as soon as the rights are ready, they will immediately inform about it. And then the applicant will be able to pick up the restored driverā€™s license. This is a pretty simple task. It requires the presentation of an identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

International law and restoration

The term for the restoration of a driverā€™s license in case of loss in Russia, we studied. And how to behave if you need to get international law?

The first step is to restore the national, if they are lost. Otherwise, it is allowed to immediately use the previously proposed instructions. The difference will only be in the package of documents attached to the application. We will tell about them further.

What to do if you lose your rights

National Rights Documents

Need to renew your driverā€™s license in case of loss? It is enough to adhere to the above tips in order to achieve the desired goal with minimal difficulty. True, the preparation of certificates plays a huge role for the entire operation.

Documents for restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss include without fail:

  • police certificate;
  • identification;
  • personal photos (4 pieces);
  • a check on the payment of state fees for upcoming services;
  • certificates confirming driving skills (recommended).

That should be enough. All listed components should be presented to authorized bodies only in originals. Their copies are not endowed with legal significance. The exception is a copy of the check on the payment of a fee for rights and photographs.

Important: during the implementation of the task it is forbidden to use old photographs. They should be made no more than 6 months ago.

For national WU

Recovering a driverā€™s license in case of loss in the MFC is carried out in the same way as when applying to the traffic police directly. Just in this case, you have to wait for the document a little longer. Otherwise, there should not be any hassle.

As already mentioned, restoration may also be required in relation to international rights. To do this, it is recommended to prepare the following statements:

  • national WU;
  • photo (2 pieces);
  • certificates of contribution to the state treasury for the operation;
  • extracts about the loss or theft of military units from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Of course, do not forget about the statement. It will have to be filled in under any circumstances. Simply follow the instructions on the form in the established form.

Medical Board and Recovery

But this is far from all the useful and important information that every modern driver should know about. Documents for restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss were considered. Next, we will study the most common issues and controversial moments of the operation.

Do I need to go through a driverā€™s commission in this situation? Or will it be possible to do without a medical report?

According to the law, restoration of a driverā€™s license in case of loss does not provide for the passage of a driverā€™s commission. No certificates on the state of health of the citizen are required to be attached to the application. This can be done at will.

Where to apply for the restoration of military education in the Russian Federation

How much is

How much does it cost to restore a driverā€™s license after a loss? How much should I pay for such an operation under the law? And is it even necessary to do this?

According to the established rules, a driverā€™s license is not issued for free. Their execution, restoration and reissue provide for the payment of state duties in established amounts.

For the national university it is necessary to give 2,000 rubles, and for the international - 1,600 rubles. These duties are set at the federal level. They are the same for all regions of Russia.

Discounts when paying for services

Step-by-step instructions for restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss have been studied. It is hard to believe, but under certain circumstances a citizen may receive a discount on the payment of state duty for a document. But when is this possible?

If a person contributes in the form of a fee for a particular document through the ESIA "State Services". In this case, you can claim a 30% discount on the transaction. This means that the previously mentioned duties can be reduced, and quite legally.

Exams and restoration of VU

The restoration of a driverā€™s license after loss in Minsk will be carried out in the same way as in the cities of the Russian Federation. The difference is only in the cost of services.

Do I need to take driving tests in the circumstances? Fortunately not. Neither the driver's commission, nor examinations for the restoration of rights due to their loss or theft are provided. This greatly simplifies life.

Is there a fine

The procedure for restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss was previously studied by us. Nevertheless, drivers may still have some questions about the operation.

For example, will a careless driver be fined for losing their rights? The thing is that for damage, as well as the loss of some civil papers, in addition to duties, you need to pay a fine. Until this moment, the corresponding document will not be restored.

In our case, there will be no penalty. It can be written out in a symbolic amount - 100 rubles. The main thing is to remember that if you lose your driverā€™s license, you will have to pay a state fee for the corresponding service. Without it, the driverā€™s identity will not be restored under any circumstances.

Vehicle management during restoration of rights

Some may wonder if you can drive while restoring a driverā€™s license. Or is it impossible?

Loss of rights is equal to the complete absence of the relevant document. And by law, driving a car without a driverā€™s license is prohibited. If the traffic police stop the negligent driver, he will be fined.

Applying for restoration of rights in case of loss or theft

In the described situation, you will have to pay 5-15 thousand rubles. To avoid such an incident, it is possible to apply for temporary rights when applying for restoration. They are made on paper and cost 500 rubles.

Where to get the application form

Another point that plays an important role in restoring a driverā€™s license in case of loss is the search for an application form of an established form. Where to get this document?

It all depends on the personal preferences of the citizen. For example, you can get or download the official application form for issuing or reissuing a driverā€™s license:

  • on the website of the State Service (in the section with the description of the service "Restoration of VU");
  • on the official page of the traffic police of the Russian Federation (in the "Car Owners" section);
  • at the MFC or other intermediary;
  • directly in the traffic police when applying for rights.

Just like that, it is not recommended to download applications for issuing rights from third-party web resources. Moreover, if problems arise during filling out the document, you can ask for help from employees of authorized bodies.

Important: to file an application for rights through the State Services, itā€™s enough to dispense with the electronic application form. It will be presented as a separate page on the ESIA website with specially designated fields.


Now itā€™s clear how to restore a driverā€™s license in Russia if they are lost or stolen. This is far from the most difficult task of all. It is much more difficult to recover stolen car documents.

Recovery of lost rights on the "State Services"

If you adhere to the above recommendations, you can quickly order and get new rights on hand. Since 2019, Russia plans to introduce a new model of VU - with an electronic chip. Its restoration will be carried out similarly to the old copies of the document, you just need to pay 3,000 rubles for the operation. The procedure for restoring a driverā€™s license after loss does not cause any trouble.


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