Oxygen inhaler reducer. Description

Medical oxygen inhaler-reducer is intended to reduce the pressure in the cylinder to a predetermined value, as well as to carry out aerosol therapy. The device is also used to connect mechanical ventilation equipment (artificial ventilation in the lungs) in the conditions of transportation of victims or directly at the scene. The oxygen reducer is attached to the valve.

oxygen reducer
The device can be used in first aid in case of fire, gas, smoke. Equipment is also used for asphyxiation, oxygen starvation, to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma. The device is safe to use, for its use does not require special training. An oxygen reducer can also be used by employees who do not have any qualifications.

In addition to reducing pressure, the device also contributes to maintaining it at the optimum level automatically. An oxygen reducer is attached to the cylinders using union nuts. Devices are divided according to working pressure, throughput. The oxygen reducer can be direct or reverse action. In the first case, the control valve opens due to gas pressure. In the reverse gear, on the contrary, the valve closes. This model, it should be noted, is considered the most reliable and, in this regard, more common.

medical oxygen reducer
The reverse oxygen reducer is compact enough. Its relatively simple design includes two cameras. One of them - the worker - has a low pressure, the second is high. There is a valve between them. It is affected by 2 springs through the membrane. The second chamber is connected to the cylinder, in connection with this the pressure in these parts of the device is the same. The opening of the valve depends on the ratio with which the compression of the springs occurs. The elasticity of one of them (in the low-pressure compartment) is adjusted using a screw. It is twisted to loosen the spring and close the valve.

The low-pressure chamber is connected to the gas burner via gas hoses and a valve.

oxygen reducer
If the oxygen consumption is greater than its intake, the pressure of the working chamber will decrease. The pressure spring, acting on the diaphragm, deforms it. This will cause the valve to open slightly, which will provoke an increase in oxygen supply to the working chamber. A decrease in flow rate causes an increase in pressure. The compression of the spring in this case deforms the diaphragm in the other direction. As a result, the passage opening is blocked by the valve and gas flow is reduced. This ensures that optimal pressure is maintained automatically.

The oxygen reducer is equipped with two pressure gauges. Their serviceability must be checked before starting work when connecting the container and the device. The gauge arrows should be at zero and should not shift when the gearbox is turned.

It is forbidden to independently tighten the threaded connections of the device, due to the fact that the work is carried out under high pressure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26278/

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