Mandatory certification of services. Law on certification of products and services

In Russia, there are a number of services that must be certified by law. These include service related to the life and health of people, as well as their property. The issue is regulated by the law “On certification of products and services”. Let's consider it in more detail.

service certification

Services and certification bodies

The objects of the certification institute in this case are:

  • services;
  • organizations for their provision;
  • staff;
  • production process;
  • quality management system.

The formation of the certification system is carried out in accordance with the Rules for certification in Russia. According to the document, its participants are:

  • Gosstandart;
  • central organizations;
  • VNIIS;
  • certification bodies and laboratories that have received appropriate accreditation for conducting activities.

Types and contents of certification schemes

on certification of products and services

According to Russian laws, there are seven schemes that are carried out simultaneously in relation to services and work. They include:

  • assessment;
  • verification of results;
  • inspection control.

For tangible view services, a process usually includes the following actions:

  • certification of professional skills and inspection control;
  • certification of service provision and inspection control;
  • spot check;
  • quality system certification and inspection control.

Certification of intangible services includes schemes such as:

  • procedure at the enterprise with inspection control;
  • certification of the quality of service system with inspection control.

There are Rules for certification of works and services, as well as the Regulation on the GOST R system. In accordance with these documents, they select the necessary measures.

Service Features

mandatory certification of services

When providing services, there are some features that affect the process. Among them are the following:

  • the object may be a person, and his right to property limits the conduct of tests;
  • the consumer evaluates the skill of the performer;
  • the evaluator sometimes must be present when the service is being sold;
  • service features may depend on the region where it is offered.

Certification Authorities

There are many organizations with which certification of services can be provided. Among them are the following:

  1. Ministry of Commerce.
  2. Ministry of transportation.
  3. Agency for Physical Education and Tourism.
  4. Gosstandart.
  5. Rosbytsoyuz.

Rules and regulations

The regulatory framework for the implementation of activities consists of both international and state and regional standards, sanitary and hygienic rules and norms, as well as those that are approved as part of a particular service.

Mandatory certification of services is carried out on the basis of certain requirements, which specify safety standards for the life and health of people, as well as their property, environmental rules, certain ways of checking the service, the executive process and the skill of the person providing it.

certification of work and services

Quality control is carried out by experts who are registered in the State Register of GOST R. Usually it is carried out in the place where the service is provided. If the results are positive, the center for the procedure draws up a certificate and issues a license to use the conformity mark. If the assessment is negative, then the applicant receives a decision to refuse.

When carrying out inspection control of services of an intangible nature, consumers are interviewed using questionnaires, interviews and other methods. This task, as a rule, is assigned to social centers, marketing services, MOU and performers. Control is planned and unscheduled. The frequency of the conduct is established by the center, which certifies the services.

The first systems that provided them covered areas such as:

  • repair and maintenance of electronic equipment, machinery and appliances for household use;
  • dry cleaning and paint;
  • hotel and tourist services;
  • public catering;
  • transportation of passengers.

Criteria for evaluation

For any assessment, certain criteria must be followed. Their choice is the most difficult decision to obtain an objective assessment. Consider how this issue is treated in Japan. Classification is based on relevance to the consumer. At the same time, they distinguish:

  • internal quality that is out of sight of customers;
  • the material that the consumer sees;
  • intangible that the consumer sees;
  • psychological;
  • service time spent.

Thanks to this approach, certification of works and services is most reliably evaluated, and at the same time, certain criteria are developed.

The international standard 9004-02 adopted by ISO under the name “Guidelines for Services” became the basis for the development of internal standardization of services in many countries, including Russia.

Common features here include:

  • waiting time;
  • deadlines;
  • number of staff;
  • consumer confidence;
  • convenience;
  • aesthetics;
  • politeness;
  • other quality requirements.

product and service certification law

International organizations

The issue of certification of products and services arises not only on a national scale. There are regional as well as international organizations conducting similar procedures. For example, such an organization as the International European Technical Center for Dry Cleaning is known. He conducts certification at enterprises in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. Among other organizations stand out:

  • International Social Insurance Association;
  • European Caravanning Association;
  • Universal Postal Union;
  • World Tourism Organization and other organizations.


According to official statistics, by 2000, business activity had shifted to up to 70% in the provision of services. And now this percentage has become even higher. This market is characterized by high competition and an even greater increase in the number of services of the same type. Thus, quality is largely a determining factor for competitiveness. Therefore, certification of services is becoming an essential institution that ensures compliance with high standards of service.


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