What is a hood and how is it knitted

Answering the question β€œwhat is a hood?”, It is easiest to describe a hood with a scarf sewn to it. In this case, the scarf can have rather long hanging edges or be short and circular (like a pipe).

what is hood

The benefits of hoods

The idea to sew a scarf with a hat is far from new. Most likely, it comes from those places where winter lasts most of the year, and protection from the cold wind becomes the main priority. Such a product is really indispensable, it effectively protects the most vulnerable places from frost and, besides, it looks very interesting. There are several options for how you can knit hoods, a photo and a knitting pattern for one of the most common patterns are given in this article.

hoods photo

Hood knitting workshop

The model described below is not simple. Here will be applied such techniques as:

  • Knitting pattern with braids.
  • Shortened rows.
  • The formation of the uneven edge of the canvas by adding and reducing loops.
  • The use of knitted seam.

From the materials you will need:

  • Knitting needles and hook number 7.
  • Auxiliary tools (short knitting needles and pins for harnesses, needle for knitted fabrics, markers).
  • About one kilogram of yarn, the thickness of which is 220 m / 100 grams. It will be used in two additions, so you can immediately use a thread with a thickness of 110 m / 100 grams. The density of knitting the front surface and shawl was 13 loops per 10 cm, the width of the braid of 16 loops is 7.6 cm in width.

In this case, a thread was used in which 75% of wool and 25% of silk. However, a material with a lower wool content (for example, 50-60%) is quite suitable. You should not choose a thread that consists entirely of acrylic, even if it is thick and looks warm, because what is a hood made of synthetic yarn? Extremely decorative and impractical accessory.

Getting started: scarf making

Knitting of a cloth occurs in accordance with the following principles:

  1. On the edges of the scarf (at the beginning and at the end of each row) you need to knit four loops of garter stitch (PV). Both in the front and in the back row, such loops are knitted with facial ones. The goal is to prevent the scarf from twisting.
  2. Scythe A is knitted according to pattern A. Her curls will be turned to the left.
  3. Scythe B is performed in accordance with scheme B, it will β€œlook” to the right.
    hood scheme

You need to start on the right side of a long scarf. You should dial 52 loops in any convenient way, then the work is performed as follows: 4 loops of the strap, 16 loops of braid A, 10 loops are knitted with facial loops in the front row and, according to the figure in the wrong side, 16 loops of braid B, 4 loops of braid.

After the length of the scarf will be 70 cm (about 140 rows), you need to transfer 46 loops on the right to a thick thread or other holder. Those 6 loops that will remain on the knitting needle need to continue to be knit in stitches to a height of 36 cm (about 76 rows). This will be the bar for the hood. The hood scheme with the indicated dimensions is located further.

knitting needles

The left side of the scarf should be performed similarly, given that at the last stage 46 loops will need to be transferred from the left side of the fabric. The remaining 6 loops of the right and left sides of the scarf do not need to be closed. They are also transferred to the holder, and then the parts are sewn together with a knitted seam.

What is a hood: making a hood

The process of knitting a hood looks like this:

  1. Gather 106 loops.
  2. As well as when working on scarf webs, PV stitches of 4 loops are knitted at the edges, then 16 loops on braid A, 64 loops on the front surface, 16 loops on braid B, 4 loops of strap.
  3. At a height of 56 cm (approximately 112 rows), the formation of the bevel of the hood should begin. To do this, after knitting braid A, it is necessary to shorten 1 loop with a slope to the left (remove one, knit the second and thread through the removed), and before knitting braid B, add 1 loop from the broach. These steps must be repeated seven more times in each front row.
  4. The next 18 cm (36 rows) are patterned.

Completion of work on a hood

When studying photographs and wondering what a hood is, you can notice one feature - the rounded top edge of the hood. It is formed by incomplete rows (partial knitting). This measure is necessary so that the top of the hood does not puff up.

The formation of the upper part of the hood occurs as follows:

  • Mark the center loop with a thread or other means.
  • Knit in a pattern to the central loop, then retake the left side of the fabric onto a thick thread (it can also be left on the knitting needle, but you should be careful not to knit these loops in the future). Then the work is turned and proceed to knitting the wrong row.
  • Further, the row is also shortened in a loop, then do not knit two loops two times, two times - three and two times - four.
  • Transfer all the loops to the holder.

The second part of the hood is performed in a similar manner, but in mirror image (that is, the right side is not already tied).

When all the details are ready, they should be sewn with a knitted seam and decorate the ends of the scarf with tassels. A total of 34 brushes are required, each consisting of nine threads and is 40 cm long.

The finished hood with knitting needles is washed only in warm water and dried unfolded.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2628/

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