Partenocarpic cucumber is also grown in open ground

Previously, in the open air, only varieties of vegetables pollinated by bees could be grown, in particular cucumbers. But gradually, standard varieties were replaced by hybrids, which are called parthenocarpic, or self-fertile, that is, tying the fruit without any pollination.

Partenocarpic cucumber
Initially, they were intended for growing in greenhouses, but recently, domestic breeders have created the first hybrid for open ground - parthenocarpic cucumber, which is great for pickles and salads. And gradually, due to the undoubted advantages, many gardeners began to plant these hybrids in open ground, especially since recently the number of bumblebees, bees and other pollinators in nature has sharply decreased.


Partenocarpic cucumber has a higher yield, it has no bitterness, it constantly bears fruit, and is resistant to adverse climatic conditions and harmful diseases. In open ground, it can produce up to twelve kilograms of crop per square meter. In addition, the parthenocarpic cucumber is completely devoid of seeds, therefore, when salted, it does not form a void, which many housewives appreciated. It has quite dark coarse-humped fruits of a beautiful cylindrical shape up to 10 centimeters long. The stem of this garden crop intensively branches, thereby restraining the growth of the main stem. At the same time, a rather powerful curtain is formed on it, which is necessary for good fruiting. Partenocarpic cucumber has medium-sized leaves, which allows minimally injuring the plant during harvesting. Therefore, this new hybrid is suitable for up-and-down cultivation.

German cucumbers


Parthenocarpic cucumber can be grown and seedlings, and direct planting of seeds in the garden. For germination, a temperature of at least 24 degrees Celsius is needed, so the vegetable is sown when the soil is warm enough. According to many gardeners, the best seeds of cucumbers for giving or homestead are parthenocarpic. They are grown on a solar bed protected from the winds, which are mulched slightly humus. Sowing seedlings begin in late December at a depth of up to three centimeters in small pots without diving. Watered with warm water through a strainer. At the end of the second week after the emergence of seedlings, plants are placed at the rate of an average of 25 pieces per square meter. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place at about a month of age, when five or six leaves already appear.


Care for this vegetable consists in loosening, weeding, as well as in watering, and only after sunset. Over the entire growing season, you need to feed him at least twice. Breathable medium loamy soils are suitable for this vegetable crop. The most favorable precursors are onions, potatoes, peppers and cabbage.

The best seeds of cucumbers for giving


Parthenocarpic hybrids include cucumbers "german", "cheetah", "vir", "virenta", "europe", "essika" and many others. They are distinguished by the marketability of the fruits, high productivity, uniform ripening and evenness of greenery. Some subspecies are also characterized by resistance to cladosporiosis.


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