Water heated towel rail with side connection. Water heated towel rail: which is better

More recently, the heated towel rail, which is installed in the bathroom, was a device that has exclusively functional tasks. This is due to the primitive design.

Successful interior solution

Water towel rail with side connection

Already today, such devices have become real masterpieces of interior art. Water heated towel rail with lateral connection is a compensation loop of temperature differences in the presence of risers with horizontal orientation and a large length. A similar system takes place in every high-rise building. The most important function of such a device is the role inherent in the name of the device - drying and heating of towels. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to consider the design features of the device and get acquainted with the properties of the material at the heart of the device.

The choice of heated towel rail by design

hot water towel warmer

Water heated towel rail with side connection can become part of the heating system or be a standalone device. The latter option can be achieved if the device has additional electrical equipment. TENY are installed in heated towel rails of the combined or electrified type, the first of which are capable to work from a water heating system. Among their unique characteristics, one can single out the possibility of independent heating of the coolant. For the coordinated operation of such heated towel rails, it is important to ensure an uninterrupted supply of electricity. In terms of external characteristics, such devices almost do not differ, and the connection system of combined devices is similar to connecting water. If you decide to choose a water heated towel rail with a side connection, you should consider that automation of temperature control is an important factor. The simplest options are manually adjustable, which is ensured by a thermostatic head. On sale you can find more advanced models that are equipped with thermostats and timers. The set temperature will be maintained without outside interference from a person.

Choosing a model by wiring diameter

heated towel rail which is better

Before you buy a water heated towel rail with a side connection, you should remember that there are models that may not be suitable for domestic standard systems. The common diameter of risers in public housing complexes is 1 inch or 1.4 inches. As for foreign standards, there are used connecting dimensions in 3/4 or 1/2 inches. If you purchased a device with such dimensions, then you can additionally get an adapter with which you can make installation work.

Model selection by material

heated towel rail water connection

Heated water towel rail “Sunerzha” can be made of different materials. For example, models made of steel are the cheapest. However, they are not always the same in quality and method of coating for protection. It is important to choose a model whose joints are rolled and have no sharp edges. If you want to choose a budget model, then you should pay attention to options that are covered with pentaphthalic paints. It should be prepared for the fact that such a coating is not able to provide one hundred percent protection against the effects of corrosion. Heated water towel rail “Sunerzha” can be made and protected by polymerization. Such a coating is applied not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Stainless Steel Models

side heated towel rail

A stainless steel side heated towel rail is a high cost option. However, you can choose a brass version with chrome plating, which is cheaper due to the ductility of the material. This facilitates the production process and reduces the cost of goods.

Selection by technical characteristics and form

best water heated towel rail

If you need a heated towel rail, which is better, you need to decide before visiting the store. Russian manufacturers most often produce models of the U-shaped or M-shaped type. You can also find heated towel rails that are more advanced. They gained their popularity due to the possibility of using almost the entire area. The buyer can choose a color scheme, which today is not limited to white gloss or chrome. However, color and matte coatings are made in limited batches or on order. Such a water heated towel rail, which will be connected independently, is slightly more expensive. It is important to choose a device that will be adapted to the coolant pressure in the system. The pressure level of domestic highways is higher compared to that adhered to in foreign countries. The test pressure is 22.5 atmospheres, as for the worker, it is 15 atmospheres. If you decide to choose a Finnish product, then you should consider that it has certain standards of center distance. If we are talking about U-shaped models, then this parameter is 200 millimeters, in M-shaped distance is 630 millimeters, and in S-shaped models the step between the axes is 310 millimeters. These parameters should be taken into account, only then you will not have problems during the installation process, which afterwards will be very difficult to eliminate.

Finnish heated towel rails are designed for rigid connection with heating pipes. If you want to use the device with a rotary mechanism, then, first of all, you should pay attention to products supplied from Germany. They allow you to rotate the device 180 degrees. This option can be called very convenient, however, when choosing this option, you should consider whether the dimensions of the room allow you to deploy a heated towel rail unhindered. If you want to buy the best water heated towel rail that will withstand the maximum possible weight, then you should abandon the rotary mechanisms, as they are able to endure a weight of 5 kilograms.


It is important to consider when choosing the described unit that it must meet all the requirements of the consumer. First of all, he will have to fulfill his main functions. Among other things, it should look aesthetically pleasing, because there is not a single person who would not care about the interior solutions of his apartment or house. If you need a water heated towel rail, which is better, you can decide, given all the parameters that were presented above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26292/

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