Thuja pruning in spring - features of plant care

One of the most unpretentious and spectacular plants for landscape design is considered thuja. The description of the main characteristics, as well as the rules for caring for the plant, given in the article, will allow gardeners to enjoy this shrub for a whole year, without spending much effort.

Thuja is an evergreen perennial shrub from the cypress family. It is perfect for the construction of green hedges and landscaping. Care is not distinguished by complex elements or manipulations, however, this must be done systematically. The most famous and popular varieties of thuja include:

  • Aurea;
  • Albospicata;
  • Wagneri;
  • Globose;
  • Globose Nana;
  • Danica.

Landing description

Thuja is planted with seedlings or seeds. The best time to plant is early spring. The main care after this is to systematically water and protect against direct sunlight and wind.

thuja description

Tui can also be grown in an apartment or a house. For normal development, the plant needs diffused sunlight, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter. From spring to autumn, the plant must be fed with specialized fertilizers.

How to prepare needles for winter

Thuja after the winter can become covered with brown-brown spots. This effect is due to sunburn. In winter, the sun and wind dry the plant, and frozen ground does not provide the required amount of moisture. To avoid such consequences, care must begin in the fall. Thuja must be protected from direct sunlight. This must be done with the help of flax, chintz, matting or special industrial material. Just wrap the fabric well in the fabric.

Thuja care in the spring will greatly facilitate the proper preparation of the thuja for winter. Make sure that the plant is not covered with snow. Snow during the thaw can provoke the bush to undermine, and spots will appear as a result.

thuja spring care

Also, under the weight of the snow, the crown can β€œbreak” and the needles will lose their shape. It is better to fix the crown with a rope.

Thuja care in spring

1.Haircut. Thuja care in the spring involves the removal of dry shoots. If the bush was wrapped up for the winter, then in the spring it is necessary to remove the protective material and give the crown time to take a natural position. After that, you can start the haircut.

2. Feeding. In spring, the plant necessarily needs additional top dressing, for example, it can be liquid organic fertilizers, compost or mineral top dressing.

In the first year after planting, the plant does not need additional fertilizer.

How to trim thuja in spring

In order to trim the thuja, you will need a garden pruner.

thuja pruning in spring

To correctly carry out this procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Carry out the procedure only in dry weather.
  2. Thuja is trimmed in spring in early April or in summer, at the end of June.
  3. After removing dry branches, thin out thickened crowns. By cutting healthy branches, you provide better air circulation and thereby reduce the possibility of infection of the shrub with pests.
  4. In order for the thuja to grow not up, but in width, it is necessary to trim the upper part. To form a spherical bush, if the variety allows it, it is necessary to prune branches that differ in length from the main array of shoots.
  5. Part of the annual growth should be regularly removed during the decorative haircut. Such trimming of thuja in the spring is done in order to maintain the selected shape of the needles. However, if you overdo it with pruning, areas without greenery may appear in the crown, which will lead to the loss of a decorative look.
  6. If the plant grows very quickly and requires frequent cutting, then it is necessary to reduce the amount of fertilizer applied to the soil.
  7. If thuja was not trimmed in the spring in a timely manner, then in summer it is imperative to remove dried branches and thin out the crown.
  8. Tui, which grow in shaded places, often do not need thinning crowns. These plants can not boast of lush greenery.

thuja after winter

When transplanting thuja, it is necessary to preserve the earthen lump that surrounds the roots, then young bushes will be much better taken in a new place.

Growing this plant will bring a lot of pleasure to gardeners, since with it you can create a unique landscape design.


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