What is remarkable about the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bruce Lane?

The small modest Church of the Resurrection of the Slovushev in Bryusov Lane is not lost against the background of the vast architectural heritage of the Russian capital. Of course, in Moscow there are many Orthodox cathedrals that surpass this modest ancient church both in the height of the domes, and the splendor of the facades, and the expressiveness of the interior decoration. But as Orthodox believers like to say about especially beloved temples, this is a prayer place.

From Moscow history

Known to Muscovites, the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane has not stopped its prayer ministry since the mid-sixteenth century. But he did not always have his present appearance. Initially, it was a wooden church, located on the Assumption Enemy. The first mention of it in historical sources dates back to 1548. In those years, the Assumption Vrazhok was called a ravine, near which the church was built. Wood is not the most durable building material. And after the fire in the spring of 1629, the temple had to be rebuilt. Its construction was completed in 1634. And in general terms, it corresponded to what the Church of the Resurrection of the Word is currently in Bruce Lane. Some changes with the building of the temple occurred only in the first half of the nineteenth century, when a refectory was added to it and a two-tier bell tower was reconstructed. The architectural forms of the temple gradually approached the traditions of Russian classicism.

The Church of the Resurrection in Bruce Lane

The name of the temple

The not quite ordinary name of the temple in Bryusov Lane is connected with the events of the sacred history. The Church of the Resurrection of Christ was opened in 335, on the site of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. It is on the very spot where Christ was buried and resurrected. And only the temple of Jerusalem has the right to such a name. Therefore, temples dedicated to this event in other countries are named after the Resurrection of the Word. They are not dedicated to the most central event of sacred history, but only to the holiday in honor of him.

The Church of the Resurrection in Brusovy Lane Address

In Soviet times

For many, it remains a mystery why, during the years of severe persecution of Orthodoxy and state atheist propaganda in the capital of communist Russia, and then the Soviet Union, did not stop serving the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane for a single day? We should not forget that many Orthodox churches in Moscow in the thirties of the twentieth century were barbarously blown up and destroyed. But the Temple of the Resurrection was always open for believers. Some explain this fact by the unusual status of the area in which Bryusov Lane is located. Moscow creative bohemia has long settled in it - figures of literature and art, musicians, artists, artists. It was their participation that helped prevent the demolition of the ancient church. In particular, this merit is attributed to the great Russian director and actor K.S. Stanislavsky, whose opinion was listened to by the most influential people of the Soviet state. But Orthodox believers see the preservation of their beloved temple as a special divine providence.

the temple of the resurrection of the speaker in the bruce lane icon of spyridon

Bell tower

The repressions of the Soviet period still did not pass over this ancient Moscow church. But they expressed themselves only in the fact that unique historical bells were withdrawn and destroyed from its bell tower. For several decades, the bell tower of the temple performed an exclusively decorative function. The inhabitants of Bryusov Lane were destined to hear the ringing again only on February 18, 2008, on that day the main bell of the Resurrection Church "Archangel Michael" was consecrated again. Now in this ancient corner of Moscow you can hear the ringing of bells on all canonical Orthodox holidays.

the temple of the resurrection of the word in bruce lane how to get there

The most important shrines

The Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane, whose address is known far beyond the borders of the capital, is the place of residence of two especially revered shrines in the Orthodox world. First of all, this is the icon "Recovery of the dead." She is dedicated to the Mother of God. This work was written in the eighteenth century. But the main thing that attracts many Orthodox pilgrims to the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane is the icon of Spiridon, Bishop of Trimifunta. This saint especially revered in Orthodoxy has traditionally been the intercessor of all the poor and destitute. It is believed that the image of St. Spyridon has miraculous power. Appeal to him with prayer in a difficult moment of life helps to gain mental strength to overcome trials sent down by fate. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that a folk path does not overgrow to this shrine. Sometimes pilgrims strive for it from afar. It is from them that one can hear the question: "The Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane ... How to get to it?" To the miraculous icon of St. Spyridon of Trimyphuntus go those who no longer have anyone to expect help from. It is located to the right of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, in the altar of the church.

the church of the resurrection of the word in bruce lane how to get there

Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Bryusov Lane - how to get there?

Getting to the center of Moscow, where the temple is located, is not too difficult from anywhere in the city. To do this, take the metro to Okhotny Ryad or Ploshchad Revolyutsii, located near Manezhnaya Square. And then you need to climb up Tverskaya, on its left side, to Bryusov Lane. The temple is clearly visible from Tverskaya. It is just as easy to get to it from the opposite side, from Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street. From it you can get to Bryusov Lane by turning right. The address of the temple is Moscow, Lane Bryusov - 15/2.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26309/

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