Exhibition of arts and crafts: photo with description

What does art begin with? At first, the child is particularly interested in drawing, sculpting, or gluing crafts. Later this hobby grows, knowledge and experience come, mastering new techniques. And here comes a moment in which a person understands that he can express what he wants through his skill.

At the exhibition of arts and crafts you can meet all the stages of the formation of the artist: from the initial timid attempts of a beginner to the confident work of the master. These are interior items that are designed to decorate the life of people, to create coziness in the house. To draw a line between needlework and decorative art is sometimes very difficult. The widely held exhibitions now allow creative children to find themselves, and creative adults to realize their potential. Of great importance for education is the joint work of parents and children.

Organization of the exhibition

Each exhibition event has organizers. It can be both city departments of culture, and regional. Sometimes the organizer is the municipality when a major event is being prepared (for example, City Day). Tickets for such an exhibition can even be sold. On Museum Day, a thematic exhibition of arts and crafts is organized by museum staff and may include temporary exhibits brought by authors of works for it. At school, such an exhibition of children's work can be conducted under the guidance of a teacher of labor or art. The House of Children's Creativity is preparing an exhibition of works by the forces of circle leaders.

Exhibition in the library

During the collection of exhibits, each is assigned a name and a tablet indicating authorship. When the collection of works is completed, begin to place them in the exhibition hall. They can serve as a lobby, assembly hall or library. At certain times, authors of works can give interviews in the hall. Sometimes it is provided for the sale of exhibits. In this case, it is also necessary to prepare documents on acceptance of funds in advance. At his request, the author can refuse the fee in favor of the event. For these purposes, financial accounting.

If authors' awards are provided, they are presented in a festive atmosphere at the closing procedure of the exhibition.

Name of the exhibition of arts and crafts

Organization of the exhibition is held under a specific motto, which may serve as its name. It happens that an exhibit becomes an exposition of a museum. This happened to the Moscow Museum of Cats - visitors liked the work so much that the museum was born. This can happen at school if the exhibition has a socially significant theme.

Choosing the right name for the exhibition is a serious matter, which can determine its frequency for many years. For example, a demonstration of student achievement can take place in the spring as part of career guidance. Name choose suitable:

  • "Bring joy to people."
  • "When work is a hobby."
  • "The warmth of wooden things."
  • "Thread and needle."
  • "Pottery and me."
Exhibition of a master of wood painting

Thematic exhibitions can have different directions, and the names must reflect this. For multifaceted exhibitions, when it is difficult to establish a style, general names are suitable. In this case, clarification is required. For instance:

  • "Our talents. Exhibition of student work."
  • "Favorite city. Author's compositions about our small homeland."
  • "HLS is a style. Handicrafts."

What works can participate in the exhibition?

Organizers select author's handicrafts for the exhibition of arts and crafts. Some elements may be factory-made, but in general, the work should not raise doubts about the artist's unique performance. At the same time, they consider the relationship of the work to the theme of the exhibition. A knitted scarf is not suitable for the theme “My city”, but if it has an image of the coat of arms or the name of the city, it will enter the exhibition.

The following types of needlework are characteristic of the decorative and applied field:

  • Painting and wood carving.
  • Ceramics.
  • Weaving.
  • Weaving.
  • Lace-making.
  • Knitting.
  • Embroidery.
  • Author's doll.
  • Author's card.
  • Patchwork.
Author's dolls

Works of art do not belong to this species, but can be included in the exhibition.

Exhibition in the library

A small exhibition can be organized in the library by readers. If the volume of the room allows, the exposure changes from topic to topic. The name of the exhibition of arts and crafts in the library may change, but it may also become permanent. For instance:

  • "The warmth of human hands."
  • "The work of our readers."
  • "Our young talents."
Panel from the exhibition

There are always needlewomen who can give a master class for visitors. In this case, the exhibition may be named after the author. A self-sewn bag, a vest converted from a fur coat, a beautiful hair clip and a belt - and now the material for the master class is ready. Here you can arrange an exhibition of other works by the author. Photo reports "step by step" can be located on a separate stand. Such an event will attract visitors and inspire them to reveal their talents.

Handmade clothes

For children, you can invite a local artist of decorative art and arrange an impromptu master class. After it, the children’s works are put on display for several days, they make a photo report and use it in the next exhibition. Authors can take their works home.

Short-term exhibitions

On a holiday, you can arrange a one-day exhibition of arts and crafts in the library. This approach will expand the possibilities of exhibiting valuable exhibits. The authors simply bring their work and talk about their creation.

Hand-made products

If an interesting topic is chosen, some will be inspired to create something specifically for her. The library can hold many special exhibitions, “My Favorite Literary Heroes.” Reading people will always find something to discuss when discussing this topic. And creative individuals will bring the work that they created.

Many beautiful products reflect love and friendship. All of them are suitable for such expositions.

Description of the exhibition

It is unlikely that a small exhibition can influence its visitors, but a report on it can be placed in a local newspaper or a plot for a local television channel. In this case, many people will learn about the event and may plan to attend it next time. For the description of the exhibition of arts and crafts to be meaningful, you should adhere to the rules of reporting.

  • Take a photo of the name of the exhibition.
  • Write down a few words from the organizer.
  • Take a picture and briefly describe the most striking works. If the author is nearby - take a joint photo of the author and his work.
  • Write down a few words from visitors - feedback and suggestions.
  • Make a conclusion about the importance of the exhibition for local residents.

It’s best to ask the editor of the local newspaper to send a correspondent or bring him the material collected by the activists to the editorial office. It will not burden too much, and the result will be professional. Report on the exhibition will be printed in the newspaper.

Spring exhibitions

The advantage of some spring holidays is that there is always a day off on this day. You can use this to organize an exhibition of arts and crafts for Easter, the Festival of Spring and Labor, Victory Day and other, less well-known, memorable dates. The theme of the exhibition is better not to limit only to a festive theme - this is not enough material for the exhibition. It is better to call it more general words in order to cover more works.

In the spring, the summer season begins. Why not reflect this in an exhibition dedicated to the Russian summer resident? Here you can arrange a master class in the manufacture of garden sculpture. After him, funny figures will remain that will attract the attention of visitors.

Children's exhibitions

Separately, it should be said about the exhibitions of children's works. The House of Children's Creativity aims at the upbringing and development of artistic abilities. Therefore, children attending classes may demonstrate amazing skills. The exposition can be quite extensive - from a box glued from pasta to the sea landscape.

Crafts schoolboy

Many interesting works can be seen at the exhibition of arts and crafts by March 8. The name may reflect the love of mom, her beauty and kindness. Here you will find artificial flowers and portraits of mothers, handmade jewelry and toys.


Everyone has a hobby, but does not often put their work on public display. Visiting exhibitions of arts and crafts is liberating, allows you to compare your work with the products of other people, to see your strengths and weaknesses. Master classes broaden your horizons and allow you to master a new technique.

Visit the nearest exhibition, come with the whole family - this will provide an opportunity to discuss it in a warm family circle.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26313/

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