When to dig cannons for wintering: gardening tips

Cannes for their large size in the community of gardeners are considered garden giants. These flowers were loved by many for their unpretentiousness and ability to bloom before the onset of cold weather. Most beginners in their cultivation often wonder when to dig out canes for wintering and whether or not to do it. First of all, it should be understood that these plants came to us from distant tropics, and therefore no shelter or special soil will help them. Being in the ground during the winter cold, they will freeze and die, but this can be completely avoided by simply digging them out of the ground and placing them in a pot.

Kanna: care and cultivation

when to dig cannons
Among gardeners, cannes are considered very unpretentious plants, but they also need some care. From the moment of their planting, they require regular and plentiful watering, cultivation and weeding. These flowers respond very well to the application of mineral fertilizers in the soil. To do this, the fertilizing granules are carefully scattered on wet ground in the immediate vicinity of the bush and immediately covered with a small layer of soil. Fertilizing in this way is necessary two to three times for the entire growing season of the plant. To extend the flowering period, the gardener can cut fading flowers. This will enable the plant to direct its resources to the emergence and development of new peduncles, and the grower can more accurately determine the time when to dig out the cannons. After all, you need to do this only after the end of the growing season. It is easier to identify it by the fact that peduncles stop developing. Once this has happened, you can prepare the plant for wintering.

kanna care and cultivation

Kanna: home care

For the winter period, this plant must be removed from the ground and placed in a separate pot, where it will survive frosts. The time when to dig out the cannes is selected depending on the latitude. This must be done when the plant has completed the growing season, and it is preparing to go into hibernation. A canna is dug out of the ground along with a rhizome, and then all its peduncles and leaves are cut with a sharp clean tool. Rhizomes are sprinkled with sawdust and placed in a cool dry place until mid-February, when they get over and placed in fertile soil.

Pests and diseases

kanna home care

Cannes are very rarely exposed to various bacterial diseases. The first sign that the plant is infected with something is the appearance of dark spots on its leaves and the blackening of the buds. To the great regret of any gardener, the canna cannot be cured, because the affected areas must be cut and burned as soon as possible. Leaves of these flowers are occasionally affected by caterpillars, and tangles by the root nematode. Any good insecticide can help cope with them.

Digging and storage

Anyone new to the cultivation of these wonderful plants first of all wonders when to dig out cannons to preserve them. This should be done in the tenth of October. It is very important that the weather is dry and warm. It is necessary to extract this plant from the earth together with an earthen lump. This is done in order to avoid drying out of the roots. After digging the stalk, the plants are cut with sharp clean scissors, leaving a shoot about twenty centimeters in size. Cannes very well tolerate the transplant process, so they can easily be moved to a roomy container and put indoors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2632/

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