Garage boxing: construction features, pros and cons

Garage boxing is a necessary building for parking of any motor vehicle. But often the owners are interested in questions about whether there are rules for its construction, how to install heating, etc. Do not engage in amateur performances, it is easier to arm yourself with useful information. The first is attention to the rules and laws, recommendations of the masters and statistics.

What is covered in laws and regulations?

Do not look in the rules for the name “box” or “garage”, since such a concept does not exist. In order not to create separate articles, all these structures were combined. It is necessary to find the set of rules SP 113.13330 * 2012, this is the same edition as SNiP 21.02 * 99, which prescribes recommendations for storing cars, called parking lots. There are some explanations in this document. People use them when creating a garage box.

garage box

There is a conditional classification of parking for vehicles. This does not include repair shops where professional work is in progress. These rules do not apply to such premises. Also parking of cars with dangerous goods does not need to be taken into account. In addition, parking is considered open or closed premises, underground parking, garage.

From this it is easy to understand that there can be any area - both a full-fledged building, its part, or even an open area. It turns out that there are many solutions for storing cars. So, a garage or box can be:

  • Standing separately.
  • Attached or integrated to the building.
  • On the ground or in-depth.
  • On the water.

Key Definitions

It is believed that the name "garage" can have any building. Namely, standing separately or as a continuation of something. Another feature - the car can stand and be serviced in a major building or prefabricated.

garage box construction

In order not to be mistaken, there are definitions of these designs. The capital structure is the construction according to all the rules, the presence of a reliable foundation, full walls and a reliable roof. But if the car is in a light metal structure, insulated and additionally sheathed with special materials, then this is a modular garage. In any case, it should be quickly dismantled. It is difficult to call the building an immovable structure, but everyone can build it independently.

When two people who own neighboring plots of land build a garage, after which they divide it with a capital partition, then this can already be called boxes. It is important that this is a separate location in a large room. How to distinguish a simple garage from boxing? The latter involves the construction of a large area and dividing by means of a major partition into small ones.

Do not confuse that simple parking for a car can not be called garages or boxes. Before you begin to build a garage box, you should understand the concepts, otherwise questions and problems arise.

What requirements are taken into account during the construction?

The owner of the garage box must understand that construction work does not begin without a project. It is worth deciding how many cars will be in the temporary storage room. After receiving such information, design organizations most often do the work. Not every person without experience can do it competently.

If this is not just a canopy, but a full-fledged place to store a car, then it is considered a floor, equipped with an emergency exit and fire-fighting tools.

What else is worth paying attention to:

  • There should be enough space so that the car is in complete safety. If the whole room is a garage box, then sometimes it contains not only parking for cars, but also office rooms, sanitary facilities, a sink, etc. It is necessary to build on the project.
  • All sizes and additional rooms are included in the design process. The presence of shops and other outlets in the parking lot is unacceptable. Allowed rooms in the box must be separated by partitions.
  • Not always in a car box, the separation of a car’s location should be capital, netting is allowed. In this case, the material must be selected non-combustible.
  • According to the rules, the presence of lighting and heating of the garage box is not fundamental. It is important that fuel should not be stored with the car, there are separate rooms for this.
    garage box owner

These are some of the amendments that are taken into account before planning and building.


Any violation will prevent the building from getting the status of a garage box. Features of the construction are presented below.

  • The height of the garage box is calculated depending on the largest car in the future stored in it. But there can be no such design below 2 meters. This distance is fixed from the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling beam.
  • Floors should not have a large slope, and also respond to accidentally spilled oil products.
  • According to the rules, building a garage box in several floors is not difficult, but there are limitations. In this case, the number of trips should be equal to the number of cars in the parking lot.
  • In such a room air ventilation should occur, otherwise it is forbidden to make capital partitions.

Boxing Benefits

Creating conditions for the car, everyone receives a number of positive aspects:

  • Motor transport is protected from theft and other problems.
  • Precipitation in the form of rain, hail and snow adversely affect the car, boxing will be able to protect. It will also protect the car from temperature extremes.
  • The presence of a “home” for a car is an opportunity to conduct independent inspection and maintenance at any convenient time, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Sometimes in the boxes they store the necessary things, but not fuel and lubricants.

There are enough pluses to make a plan for the garage box and implement the project.

garage box


It is difficult to imagine any project with pluses only. There are always negative sides, but you should try to minimize them:

  • Additional costs for the maintenance of the building.
  • Not every box is located near the house, so the meaning in such a parking is sometimes lost.
  • If the microclimate in such a structure is unfavorable, then this affects the iron of the machine.
garage box plan

There are not so many minuses, so such designs began to appear more and more often in different places. Also, every year the number of personal vehicles increases, but it is more difficult to build a garage. And its further maintenance requires more cash investments and efforts.

What else is worth considering?

Even boxing for cars requires the right approach. Some nuances should definitely be performed:

  • In order not to mount a fire water supply in the box , it is worth installing automatic fire extinguishing units. It is convenient, and most importantly - effective in cases of sudden fire.
  • There is a rule: when the number of boxes is more than 50 pieces in one building, the water supply must occur autonomously. Often such buildings are inspected due to accidents.
  • Boxes have different designs: several floors; more than five rooms; underground location. In them an automatic fire extinguishing system must be present without fail.
    boxing owner


So, we examined the features of the construction of a garage box. Everyone must observe the conditions during construction. When the idea of ​​this design implies a separate exit for each machine, then there is no need to create fire extinguishing systems and autonomous water supply. For this reason, the construction of a garage box should begin with careful planning.


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