Who are friends? We analyze the highest form of human communication

Who are friends? Many had them, most have today. Each of us knows a lot of jokes, proverbs and aphorisms about friendship, seemingly explaining everything. But if you analyze the content of the concept, it turns out that people have in mind a different level of relationship. Let's try to figure out who these friends are, as well as what happens between them.

who are friends


People first get to know each other. They address each other by name, sometimes talk. Such relationships are not just superficial in nature, they are often forced or accidental. Common interests, maybe there are, they simply have not been identified, because communication is short and spontaneous. An example is the relationship of neighbors who only greet each other when they meet in the stairwell. Sometimes mutual interest is strengthened, and communication becomes longer. This means that the stage of acquaintance is over, it has passed into the stage of friendship. Relationship development does not always happen. Many people over the years continue to greet each other.


The relations of friends develop on the basis of personal sympathy and common superficial interests. These relationships are maintained through unsystematic personal meetings, the provision of minor mutual services, goodwill, and the exchange of views. Friendship ties have no basis in the form of joint activities to achieve significant social goals. They may not last long and are easily replaced by other, equally light and pleasant bonds. Those who are at this stage of the relationship are not interested in improving personal qualities, do not have emotional connections, although they understand their friend well and can support him situationally.

two friends


The relations of comrades at their core necessarily have a long joint activity, similar views on its purpose and on life in general. Deep interests, a sense of responsibility for a common cause, long close communication and mutual assistance bring together comrades. If one makes critical remarks about the other, then they are dictated exclusively by caring for a comrade, a desire to help him, they express themselves in a respectful form and are accompanied by a hint of the right way to solve the problem or correct deficiencies. The only thing this phase of the relationship is devoid of is deep emotional attachment.

Who are friends?

Friends are people who have a similar worldview, close communication over a long period, supporting each other and understanding at a glance. However, this does not mean that there can be no disagreement between them. Compared to a partnership, friendship is characterized by a deeper emotional affection and trust.

friends day

Often people who do not know who their friends are are called by this word comrades, pals, or just acquaintances. But real friendships are not easy to build. This is only possible for emotionally mature people who can overcome their own egoism, understand and accept the position of their neighbor as their own. The presence of such relationships helps a person to feel self-confidence.

Friends are very significant people for each other . Two friends whose relationships have passed the test of time, feel protected from the vicissitudes of the world. They do not evaluate, but value, respect and provide effective support. And on the ninth of June they can rightfully celebrate International Friends Day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26356/

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