The term for the response to the appeal of citizens to a state institution

The deadline for responding to citizens ā€™appeals is one of the fundamental elements of protecting citizensā€™ rights. Its significance is to exclude the possibility of ignoring sent letters, statements and complaints. An officialā€™s step outside the allotted time for consideration of documents gives the right to use other remedies.

Normative regulation

The right to appeal is one of the rights given by the Constitution. This is not to say that it is something new. International documents note the importance of compliance. For example, in the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966.

Their provisions are partially reflected in the federal law directly devoted to the procedure for submitting and considering applications. It also addresses the question of the duration of the response to citizens' appeals. The law serves as the basis for regulatory documents regulating the communication of people with officials and authorities. Almost every institution adopted a document that established the procedure for working with letters from citizens. Orders are issued for the transfer of authority to employees. Probably, many were faced with departments for working with citizens. Sometimes this work is assigned to one of the employees.

response time to citizens

The law states that other laws may prescribe a different procedure for making decisions on citizens' appeals.

What is the meaning of the term of response to the appeal of citizens

Firstly, the possibility of ignoring letters is excluded, and secondly, a belated reaction to the received documents may lead to a loss of the meaning of an appeal to officials, or the severity of violations will increase. Thirdly, the regime of work of government bodies is streamlined.

Who the law applies to

According to Art. 1, the normative act applies to the relations of citizens, associations of citizens with officials, as well as legal entities with government bodies and officials. Organizations or persons not related to the exercise of state authority are subordinate to this law. This also applies to the period of response to the appeal of citizens.

A little bit about terminology

What is the response time for citizens? Article 12 requires them to be considered no later than 30 days.

appeal of citizens to the management company

The application on migration issues sent to the highest official of the region or the executive authority should be considered no more than 20 days.

An official has the right to increase the time allotted for the consideration of documents by 30 additional days.

In other laws and regulations affecting the consideration of applications and complaints, it is allowed to adopt other rules, in particular, the timing of consideration.

Time rules

The law states that the flow of time begins from the moment the application is registered. If the papers were brought in person, it is not necessary that they be immediately entered into the journal of incoming documentation. The copy of the application will include the date of adoption and signature of the authorized person.

appeal of citizens to the administration

If papers from applicants are sent by mail, two options are suggested:

  • representatives of the organization pick them up from the post office after they receive a notification of the arrival of correspondence;
  • they are brought directly to the post office.

The first option is bad because letters are stored for a long time in the mail, and then sent back to the sender. No more than 3 days are allowed for registration. If documents are required to be transferred to another authority, the time for their transfer should not be delayed by more than 7 days. In a new place, the countdown begins anew.

The response time to citizens ā€™e-mail is the same as in the case of sending a letter. Exceptions may be specified in the organizationā€™s internal regulations. I must say that with the use of digital technology the speed of processing documents is increasing.

Executive authorities

The term for a response to an appeal from citizens to the administration is prescribed in accordance with Article 12 of the law under discussion. Administration is the main body to whom it is addressed. We are talking about it and about other bodies - various kinds of management, structures that are not formally a division of the administration.

In fact, the time spent processing letters from citizens exceeds the allotted time limits.


The term for a response to an appeal from citizens to bailiffs is regulated by two normative acts. One of them is the law on appeals, and the second is the law governing enforcement proceedings.

In the first case, the same period of 30 days applies, in the second - the time allotted for the use of powers is already determined by the relevant law.

For example, the storage period of an application for opening production in the office cannot exceed 3 days. The same period is counted from the moment of transfer of documents in order to decide on the opening of production or to refuse it. The law prescribes the procedure and time limits for the transfer of complaints to the bailiff (10 days).

Features of the prosecutor's office

The term for a response to an appeal from citizens to the prosecutorā€™s office is regulated by laws and documents adopted by the prosecutorā€™s office itself. Special provision adopted.

If the complaint does not concern a criminal case, then 15 days are given to resolve it. If you need to request documents, conduct an additional study of the circumstances, then it is allowed to answer 30 days after the registration of securities. For the rest, the terms of proceedings for appeals from citizens are the same.

Management Organizations

Regulation of companies in the field of housing and communal services is provided by special regulatory acts. In particular, the rules for the provision of utility services of 2006, adopted by the Government.

The term for a response to an appeal from citizens to a management company is prescribed in particular by these rules. The length of time given to resolve the issue is provided for almost every case.

registration statement in the journal

For example, 5 days are given for the transfer of information, 2 days for the acceptance of a claim or refusal to consider it with the reason for the refusal. The duration of the claim may not exceed 20 days.

Commercial organizations

response time

The term for a response to an application from citizens to a bank is regulated by the same law. Statements that he does not apply to non-governmental organizations. If a bank or other organization is delayed with a response, it makes sense to contact the prosecutor's office - it is responsible for monitoring the procedure for considering citizens.

The Central Bank intervenes when it comes to the direct provision of services by financial institutions.


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