Basic rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation

The rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation as a whole coincide with similar lists of all progressive states of the world. In our country, the relevant norms are regulated by the main law - the Constitution, or more precisely - its second chapter. Moreover, the country's most important document noted that the list of civil liberties and rights does not in any way detract from the significance of the remaining fundamental natural rights.

Rights and obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation under the Constitution of the Russian Federation

rights and obligations of citizens of the russian federation

The main law of our state, while fixing the basic rights and freedoms of the human person, a priori implies their inalienability and naturalness. The rights of any person are limited to such a limit when they come into conflict with the rights of others and entail the restriction of their civil liberties. One of the main provisions of the legal section of the Constitution is the principle of universal equality before the legal and judicial system, regardless of gender, nationality, political views, race, religious preferences, social, official or property status, and so on. Idea- based civil law

Obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation under the Constitution of the Russian Federation
philosophers-humanists of the New Age and implies that the right to life, protection of private property, personal integrity, dignity, privacy of correspondence and other similar needs are natural.

Political rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation

The Constitution of the state clearly states that the highest and only source of power in the country is the Russian people. At the same time, the entire bureaucratic apparatus and all authorities are regarded as executing his will. According to the laws, every citizen has the right to directly participate in managing the affairs of his country. Such participation can take two forms: indirect - that is, the right to elect political forces and representatives of the state apparatus; direct - the right to be elected to governing bodies.

Socio-economic rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation

These rights are also spelled out in the articles of the main law, which proceeds from the fact that each person is free to use his abilities and property for the realization of entrepreneurial goals. Of course, if they don’t

social rights of citizens of the russian federation
contrary to existing law. The social rights of citizens of the Russian Federation imply the right to work, worthy remuneration for work with a clearly defined minimum. This also includes the right to own private property. At the same time, the responsibilities of our compatriots also have a certain list of requirements. Among them are the timely payment of taxes in accordance with the size established by law, the performance of military duty, and so on.

Spiritual rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation

In the cultural sphere, domestic legislation presupposes the right to independently choose one’s path in the realization of one’s abilities, the right to reliable information about events in the state and the world, to a clean environment, and so on.


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