A gift to the boy for 11 years. Gifts for teens

The holiday is approaching, and the eleven-year-old boy needs to prepare a gift. Of course, for parents he always remains a baby, but the teenager’s requests are already different, he has matured and is no longer interested in cubes and soldiers. Let's try together to figure out how to choose the right gift for a boy of 11 years old, please him and make the holiday memorable.

How to choose a gift

a gift to a boy for 11 years

The new generation of young people is very different from the generation of parents and their friends who were about the same age. Technical progress makes itself felt in full swing. If teenagers of the 70-80s knew how to press a button on a TV and could only turn on a new cassette player, then the current five-year-olds are already playing computer games on a touchpad. Times are changing and, choosing gifts for teenage boys, you need to take into account the changing world, and, accordingly, the circle of their interests and hobbies. At the same time, it must be remembered that the attention of adolescents at this age can jump sharply to the next step, and an overly specific or tricky gift risks being completely unnecessary somewhere in the attic in a month. Therefore, you should consider several options for gifts in order to focus on one that will actually fulfill its mission in the best way - it will bring joy and will be useful in the future.

Extreme gift

birthday boy present
No matter how the world around us changes, adolescents remain teenagers. They are curious, agile, love experiments and are ready to try all the newest. And, of course, future men are simply attracted by extreme sports. If you feel financially confident enough and are ready to pay a tangible amount for a birthday gift for a boy, a modern bicycle will be a good surprise. This can be a model for the city, as well as for an unusual ride, overcoming obstacles. Also in this series you can include skates, skates, skateboards and jumping stilts, which are rapidly becoming fashionable. The main thing is that the quality of these devices is impeccable.

Sports Accessories

gifts for teenage boys

Almost all boys in their teens are interested in or engaged in some kind of sports. If the circle of interests is clearly defined, then the solution of the problem of what gift to give the boy is greatly simplified. They may be new boxing gloves or a punching bag, tennis racket or cleats. When you intend to just start introducing a teenager to sports, a leather soccer ball, an expander, dumbbells, flippers, darts or even nunchucks are good options (in this case, it is advisable that someone knowledgeable from adults teach the teenager the basic techniques, and you must first study legislation). Much harmless than the nunchucks would be a yo-yo toy that develops agility and attention.

Cool gifts

What kind of boys do not like jokes? Yes, you listen to their conversations - this is a stream of fun, jokes and mutual jokes! Be bolder, connect your imagination! A pen with disappearing ink, an escaping alarm clock (at least you need to get out of bed to catch and turn it off), an original mask, a home telescope - such gifts for teenage boys will delight anyone! A great surprise may be a baseball cap or T-shirt with a photo of your favorite movie hero or sports idol. Also, any pattern can be applied to a mug, backpack or wall clock. Binoculars, a kite, or, for example, a real globe will make a fire in the eyes of the boys, they love everything new and interesting!

Computer and electronic "little things"

how to give a boy a gift

Of course, the pride of any teenager is his computer. Without this attribute of life, it is already unthinkable to spend a single day. On a computer, most of the conversations of teenagers are often tied up, directly or indirectly. These are computer games, films, programs, and various “lotions”. If the hero of the occasion still does not have a computer, we are sure that this will be the best gift for a 11 year old boy. Any computer accessories such as a highly functional mouse, a new keyboard with letters and signs illuminated in the dark, wireless headphones will also be the envy of friends, and for the owner - a reason for pride. The new younger generation will also appreciate if they receive a new mobile phone, waterproof watch or a cool audio player as a present.

Gift of Interest

what gift to give the boy

Many boys at the age of eleven have serious hobbies, which, by the way, in many later in adulthood develop into hobbies or professional activities. It is important to support adolescents in their interests, and we know how. To give a boy a gift according to his hobby is definitely to please him and raise his authority in the eyes of the child by many points. For example, if he is fond of music, you can buy an electric guitar or an electric piano, and a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist or group will also be a great gift. If you are interested in chess - give personal beautiful pieces, and perhaps the future champion will be in front of you. And if a teenager is not indifferent to painting, a new easel or a set of paints will come in handy. The main thing is that the birthday present for the boy should be in tune with his dream, and then he will become one more happy person in the world!


A lot of controversy arises around whether and how teenagers should be given money. Our conviction is that if you are at a loss in choosing which gift to give the boy for 11 years, give him money. Most boys dream of some expensive item that their parents are not able to buy, and put aside their personal savings for its purchase. Often, parents, knowing about the aspirations of their son, ask guests to give money in order to "buy together" their child’s dream. There is nothing wrong with that. At eleven years old, the teenager is already quite independent and is able to manage his own finances. Maybe in this case you won’t be able to stand out from other donors, but the hero of the occasion will be truly happy and happy!

The main thing is to understand that no matter what gift you make to a 11-year-old boy, a little person entering the new year of his life will not do without your attention, support and care! Love and give positive emotions to the young generation!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26364/

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