Alexey Tolstoy, "Killer Whale": a summary

The work of Alexei Tolstoy “Killer Whale,” a summary of which is presented below, was written in 1916. Events are developing in pre-revolutionary Russia. The first action of the two-act play takes place in Petrograd, then the author transfers his heroes to a provincial estate on the Volga.

killer whale summary

For decades since the creation of the work, performances based on its motives have been staged in many theaters in our country. And today, spectators enthusiastically receive the “Killer Whale” performed by the stage groups of large and small cities throughout Russia.

Names and characteristics of the main characters

Starting to retell the summary of Tolstoy’s play “Killer Whale”, we first find out whose name is in the title of the work. Killer whale in a close circle is called Marya Semenovna Kosareva. A young woman of noble birth earned her living by her labor. In her own words, she was a laundress, and a maid, and an employee in the store.

Alexey Killer Whale Summary

In addition, Masha, taking the pseudonym "Killer Whale", sang romances on amateur stages, performed acrobatic numbers for the entertainment of the public. Marya Semyonovna did not disdain the patronage of wealthy men. She considers herself a woman sinful and deeply unhappy. The main character A.N. Tolstoy draws such a picture for us. Killer whale ... The summary, as well as the full text of the work, will allow the reader to understand that under this name is a person with conflicting feelings, but with a kind and open heart.

During the period described in the play, Masha is in close relations with Prince Anatoly Petrovich Belsky. A nobleman, thirty-two years old, squandered his fortune, indulging in idle amusements, including drinking and card games. Killer whale cannot count on the financial support of the prince; on the contrary, a man literally lives on her means. They met when Anatoly Petrovich was in distress after another card loss. Compassion for Belsky outgrew Mary Semyonovna in a feeling that she mistook for love.

Other characters in the play

Together with a couple in love, in one of the hotels in St. Petersburg there is a certain Abram Alekseevich Zheltukhin - a middle-aged man who calls himself a friend of the prince. As the plot develops, the remaining characters appear on the scene.

In the house of a good landowner, her pupils live - Ilya Ilyich Bykov and Raisa Glebovna. They are about to get married. Young people familiar from childhood are linked by mutual interests and tender feelings for each other. Secondary characters include Uranov and Stevinsky, the prince’s partners in playing cards, his cousin Anna Apollosovna with her daughter Vera, the maid Dunyasha and the sailor on the Volga marina Pankrat, as well as Varvara Ivanovna Dolgova, a distant relative of Anatoly Petrovich, who is his aunt.

Another card fiasco

How does the play “Killer Whale” by Tolstoy begin? A summary of the chapters, or rather, on theatrical acts, of which there are only four, invites us to plunge into the atmosphere of the confined space of the St. Petersburg hotel. At a time when preparations are underway for the wedding of Ilya and Raisa, Prince Belsky is trying to recoup his card debt in a smoky, untidy hotel room.

a n fat killer whale summary

His partners, Uranov and Stevinsky, do not want to enter the game, since Anatoly Petrovich has no money left. The prince begs, looks with hope at Masha. Having taken pity, Marya Semenovna puts her ring on the line and sits down to play. But luck is not on her side. As a result, Belsky’s debt is only increasing. Uranov makes Kasatke an obscene offer, promising to settle financial problems. Masha refuses with tears, the prince signs a bill of exchange, players leave the room. However, it is too early to put an end to the summary of “Killer Whales” of Tolstoy.

Debt Relief

Left alone in the room, Marya Semenovna and Belsky begin to quarrel. A sleepy Abram Zheltukhin appears. Upon learning of the plight of his friends, he offers everyone to go somewhere together. The prince recalls that he has an aunt who lives in a rural estate on the Volga. Zheltukhin clings to this idea, makes Anatoly Petrovich write a letter to Varvara Ivanovna with the news of the arrival of the guests, he himself dictates the necessary words.

The killer whale at first refuses to go, referring to the fact that she, the sinful girl, is ashamed to show herself to the virtuous relative of the prince. But Zheltukhin and Belsky persuade her. The prince promises to introduce Marya Semenovna as his wife, and in the future will really bind herself to her by marriage. This ends the first act of A. Tolstoy’s play “Killer Whale”. A summary of the remaining parts is devoted to the description of more interesting events.

Mixed feelings

Masha and Anatoly Petrovich have been living in the house of a hospitable aunt for several days now. Abram Zheltukhin should arrive a little later. Arrival of the guests violated the usual order of a quiet estate. One feels that some kind of change is brewing. The prince is increasingly quarreling with Marya Semenovna. He admires the local nature, rural life and is simply fascinated by Raisa - the bride of Ilya Ilyich. A sincere and naive village girl aroused in Belsky’s soul unknown bright experiences for himself. In retelling the summary of “Killer Whales” of Tolstoy, it is impossible to reflect the fullness of feelings that torment heroes. But still we see that each character opens from an unexpected angle.

killer whale play summary

Killer whale recognizes in Ilya Bykov his longtime fan who pursued her several years ago in St. Petersburg. Masha then sang on the stage of the summer garden in the "Aquarium", enjoyed great success with the public, had no end to the cavaliers, so she was more than indifferent to the courtship of the black-eyed boy and even mocked them. Ilya also recalls Marya Semenovna, between them a conversation is not quite pleasant for both. Old passions flare up again, disturb the man’s heart, and Kasatka feels that she’s probably for the first time in her life in love. Ilya Ilyich is trying to put an end to this, in a hurry to aunt Varvara as soon as possible to begin his wedding with Raisa.

The long-awaited wedding day

Young people are preparing to attend church, there is a commotion in the house, preparations are underway for a wedding feast. The day before, Abram Alekseevich Zheltukhin arrived at the estate. He had already secured the trust of Aunt Varvara Ivanovna, persuaded the maid Dunyasha to remind the hostess as often as possible that the guests in the person of Prince Belsky, Kasatka and his own person would bring happiness to the house. Zheltukhin has his own selfish interest, he wants to stay here longer, since the tables always have delicious food and drink. Meanwhile, the plot of Tolstoy’s play “Killer Whale”, the brief content of which we are trying to convey, is the climax.

a fat killer whale summary

Another aunt of the prince arrives, Anna Apollosovna, invited as the planted mother of the bride. Her daughter, Verochka, a rather adult young lady, whispers about something with Raisa Glebovna, and then approaches Belsky. She tells Anatoly Petrovich that Raisa does not want to marry her fiance at all and asks to break the wedding, insulting Ilya and challenging him to a duel. The prince recalls that during a joint walk, Raisa hinted about her feelings for him, but Belsky did not have the determination to answer her the same. No, of course, he will not upset the upcoming marriage of the girl he liked.

Varvara Ivanovna, in the presence of guests, blesses the young, announces her will, where he writes to each of them an equal share of the estate. The bride and groom, accompanied by relatives, go to church. Marya Semenovna, burning with inseparable feelings for Ilya, decides to stay in the house alone.

Unexpected turn of events

A few minutes later Ilya Ilyich bursts into the room to Masha. He declares his love for the woman and offers to run away, all the more so under the windows there is a harnessed three horses prepared for a wedding walk. Killer whale tries to object. Grabbing weakly resisting Marya Semenovna in her arms, Ilya seated her in a wagon.

On a dark night, Masha and her lover are waiting for a steamboat on the Volga pier, which will take them away from these places. Sailor Pankrat explains that the river ship is late for some reason. Killer whale with Ilya go to the banks of the Volga to pass the time before the arrival of the ship.

killer whale chapters summary

In their absence, Zheltukhin appears on the pier. He explains to Pankrat that he came here from the estate on foot, since Varvara Ivanovna drove him out of sight. Still would! After all that had happened, Abram dared to utter his favorite phrase saying that guests like him, Marya Semenovna and Belsky, were fortunately in the house.

The bell sounds. This landowner Dolgova came to find the bridegroom who escaped from the wedding. Having met with Zheltukhin, Varvara reprimanded him for disgracing her, leaving on foot - she could give a wagon. Aunt goes to the shore, hoping to prude Ilya.

Soon Prince Belsky and Raisa came up to the pier. They also decided to leave. The former bride is not yet sure of the feelings of her guide. After some reproaches, the prince and Raisa Glebovna confess each other their love.

In the concluding finale of “Killer Whales,” Tolstoy prepared a beautiful happy ending for viewers and readers. Newly created couples reconcile themselves, forgive previously inflicted insults. Finally, a steamship approaches, the lovers set off. Varvara Ivanovna wishes everyone happiness and motherly admonishes. Zheltukhin also did not go unnoticed - aunt invited him to live in his estate.


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