Gravilate: seed cultivation. Chilean Gravilate: Seed Growing

gravel seed cultivation

Every housewife tries to decorate her cottage with all kinds of flower beds so that she becomes bright and elegant. When choosing flowers, pay attention to gravity. Growing from seeds indicates that difficulties with planting usually do not arise.

Gravilate: the visiting card of your flowerbed

These multi-colored decorative balls (usually scarlet, orange and yellow) will delight the eye throughout the flowering period. Chilean gravilate, the planting and care of which are quite simple, belong to the Rosaceae family. This explains their form - decorative, terry balls. These are perennial plants. They are known to be unpretentious, and you can admire them for more than one season. Gravilates are no exception to this group. Growing from the seeds of this flower allows you to decorate your own plot for several years, without making any special effort. Gravilate loves a company of its own kind, especially bells and carnations.

Where to grow gravilate?

Especially aesthetically pleasing, the flowers look along the edges of a flower bed or a border. It is desirable that there were several bushes of this plant nearby, then they look more solid. Everywhere you can plant gravilate. Growing it is justified:

  • Chilean Seed Gravity

    On the Moorish (in other words, blooming) lawns . They are a well-groomed motley meadow. You can place such a lawn in front of the entrance to the house or in the shade of trees.
  • In the rabatki . Such flower beds today have become an integral element of landscape design. They can be placed along paths and fences. It is desirable that the discount consisted of several rows. Usually, they use alternating rows of bulbous, carpet, leafy-decorative plants and perennials.
  • In mixborders . Such flower beds are arranged on the principle of continuous flowering. Among the variety of multicolor pets, gravity will take its place. Growing from seeds makes it possible to decorate the garden with them without any problems. When creating mixborders, difficulties usually occur with bulbous plants. Due to the fact that they need more space.

gravilate landing and care

Moody character of a garden favorite

Yes, gravilate can easily become one of the most outstanding flowers in your flowerbed. But it should be remembered that this plant is moody. A transplanted bush may not bloom, as it simply will not like the new place. Therefore, it is better to grow it not by dividing the bushes, but from the seeds. It is a pity that the life span of the gravilate is too short. Usually it is 3-4 years.

Flowering features

The plant blooms in late July and pleases us with its terry inflorescences for at least three weeks. What a pleasure to admire the flowers during this period. They paint our areas with new colors - bright and saturated.

As already mentioned, gravilate is an unpretentious plant. He favors the shady areas of the garden, but at the same time he is not afraid of the sun. Therefore, it can be grown almost everywhere. The only difference will make itself felt during the flowering period. If the plant is planted in the shade, then it will bloom not so lushly and abundantly. However, this has its own plus. The flowering period will last longer.

Chilean Gravilate: Seed Growing

Experienced plant growers talk about two methods of propagation of this plant - dividing the bush and seeds. Both of them are used quite often. However, the division involves mechanical damage to the stem of the flower and rhizome. Many gardeners prefer a more gentle way if they want to breed gravilate - growing from seeds.

gravel growing

Sowing the plot with seeds in the southern regions is possible even in autumn (in September). But most often, flowers are sown in spring. For their cultivation, seedlings are used or immediately the seeds are sent to the open ground. It is desirable to treat the substrate before sowing a fungicide solution. So you prevent the possibility of damage to seedlings by fungal diseases. When growing through seedlings, such processing must be done. From above, seeds are sprinkled with soil and left for a while. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the humidity and do not allow the soil to dry out. If the temperature is room, then the shoots will not take long. You will notice the first seedlings in a couple of weeks. As soon as 1-2 leaves appeared, it's time to transplant the plant to a permanent place.

If you want gravilat to please you with its bright inflorescences this year, then plant it in March or early April. The perennial express will bloom approximately 4 months after sowing.

Gravilate: planting and care

What to look for when growing a flower?

  • Any garden soil is suitable for this decorative plant. However, it will feel best on loamy, well-drained soils. Therefore, you can use sand, which will greatly improve drainage. Gravilate does not like acidic soils. You can correct the situation by introducing dolomite flour, which will make the soil suitable for growing this plant.
  • Chilean gravilate landing and care
    Gravilate loves moisture, so it is recommended to water it quite often on hot days. It’s better to do it under the root. But at the same time, the flower does not like it when the water stagnates. This must also be remembered.
  • Flowers are usually planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other. As they grow, they grow. The already faded gravilates look completely unaesthetic. Therefore, they must be removed as soon as this becomes necessary. By the way, such a cleaning not only improves the appearance of your flowerbed, but also increases the flowering period.
  • Gravilate is a frost-resistant plant; it can tolerate winter without shelter. But if you are worried about your flowering pet, you can cover it with dry leaves or spruce branches.
  • Be careful: root rot can be affected by the plant. Typically, such a disease occurs due to abundant watering. Gravilate will simply not be able to absorb all the water. If this happened, then the damaged flowers must be dug up.

Here it is, gravilat. From time immemorial, this plant was valued in Russia. He was called the grass-grass and believed in the miraculous power of flowers. It was believed that they protect against illness and misfortune.


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