Grapes "lowland": characteristics and description of the variety. Grape Care

Grapes "lowland" - a table variety that has a harmonious taste and purple-red fruits. Growing it is easy. This grape crop does not require special care and has a good yield.

The benefits of grapes

lowland grapes
The fruits of the above culture are recommended for those who regularly expose their bodies to heavy mental and physical stress. It is useful to eat grapes for constipation, migraines, for the prevention of kidney disease and body fatigue.

Also, these berries are characterized by a diuretic effect. In addition, they greatly help to cope with puffiness.

But people with dental problems, diabetes, or obesity should refrain from eating crops.

Grapes "lowland": description

grape variety lowland
This grape culture was bred for the first time by the famous breeder V.I. Krainov in the city of Novocherkassk. This is the crossing of grape varieties such as the "talisman" and "radiant raisins." This crop is characterized by early ripening.

Grapes "lowland" is a table form. Full maturity occurs in approximately 146 days.

The shoots of this grape variety grow quite well. If everything is normal, then the culture blooms in June. Its distinctive feature is the fact that grapes "lowland" is practically not subject to excessive peas. This is due to the fact that he has bisexual flowers that are pollinated well.

Interestingly, the β€œlowland” grapes can be of two colors. Its color depends on the soil. For example, if you grow this grape culture on black soil, then the color of its fruits will be blue-violet.

The variety of this grape has a high yield. One plant can bring up to 6 kg of fruit per year.

The form of "lowland" is characterized by high frost resistance: withstands low temperatures up to -23 degrees Celsius. In addition, this grape crop is highly resistant to diseases such as gray rot and mildew. As for oidium, the "lowland" variety is affected by this disease. It should be noted that wasps of berries of the above grape varieties are practically not damaged.

Grapes "lowland" has a fairly good marketability. Transportability is also wonderful.

Grape variety "lowland": characteristics

This grape culture has the following features:

  • fruits of violet-red color;
  • vigorous bush;
  • clusters of medium density;
  • berries are oval and weighing up to 15 g;
  • clusters have a maximum mass of up to 700 g;
  • the flesh of the berries is juicy and fleshy, and the peel is edible;
  • sugar content is up to 19%;
  • 7 g / l is the average acidity.

Shoots are quite fruitful - 80%.

Care for the above grape crop

lowland grapes description
The best option for planting this grape variety is chernozem. Light loamy soil, which is well provided with nutrients and moisture, is also well suited. It should be noted that excessive moisture and lack of heat can provoke a delay in the growth of grape culture. The fruits ripen under such conditions is very bad.

Since the variety is overgrown, overloads are noted. Therefore, gardeners are advised to thin out the clusters.

It is also important to prune fruiting vines. Gardeners allow two of its options:

  • long - up to 10 eyes;
  • short - up to 4 eyes.

It is very good to protect this grape culture from pests and rodents by whitewashing it with lime. Only carrying out the above process is important exclusively in spring or summer. There is no point in whitewashing in autumn and winter, since frost destroys all the properties of lime.

Grapes "lowland" - an excellent option for growing both in the country and on an industrial scale. High productivity, marketability, transportability, resistance to frost and pests, excellent taste and aroma are the main advantages of the above varieties.


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