How to crochet sundresses for girls

Crochet sundresses fast knit. Such products will be original and unique due to the patterns, density of knitting and the ability to copy any image. However, for each age there will be rules for creating such clothes.

Baby Clothing

  1. The skin of the babies is tender, so the threads need to be selected soft. Also remember that openwork patterns make dresses not only beautiful, but also airy, light. Tight knitting requires a greater consumption of threads and makes the product coarse, which will lead to skin irritation.
  2. Babies have fragile bones, any incorrect movement can lead to dislocation. Therefore, choose models with a wide neck, without sleeves (you can “wings” or “flashlights”), with straps that fasten. If you choose sundresses, crocheted , adjacent to the body, then make them in the image of dressing gowns, on buttons or ties from the top.
  3. When deciding on jewelry for clothes, consider the material, place and method of attachment. Children should not be able to tear and pull them into their mouths. The seams of the product itself when connected to decorative elements should not injure the skin of the baby. It is better to wear such dresses as a tunic over clothes.
    crochet sundresses

Remember: sundresses for newborns should be free, comfortable, safe, not to constrain movements and not rub the skin.

Crochet for kids

Sundresses for younger preschoolers can differ in elegance, sophisticated technique and a variety of decorations. Unlike one-year-old children, preschool children do not pull knitted flowers, berries, beads and other small details into their mouths. Girls at this age prefer a variety of patterns.

  • Children's models. It can be dresses made in the form of strawberries, raspberries, daisies, ladybugs, with images of animals. These products delight adults and attract the eyes of children with small decorative elements.
  • Openwork evoked dresses, crochet sundresses (mesh patterns of crocheted columns, candles, floral elements, lush patterns give room for creativity) look elegant, unusual. Such models can be worn on clothes, this emphasizes the contrasting pattern.
  • Ballroom models. Lush and long dresses are especially loved by girls, and they look no worse than purchased ones.

dresses sundresses crochet patterns

In terms of jewelry, mothers give themselves freedom of action: embroidery with ribbons, beads, cross, stitch, knitted flowers, berries, fruits, leaves. Experiment with different patterns and types of needlework (knitting and crocheting, sewing, weaving lace).

How to crochet sundresses?

Initially, measurements are taken and a pattern is made. If you use magazines, then translate the pattern to its full height. Then it will be convenient for you to try on the product and evenly distribute decorative elements.

Next, the sundress can be connected entirely from the bottom or top. For kids, the product fits in the middle, and the rest of the details are tied. This is the convenience of crocheting when you can discreetly tie any part of the dress.

The patterns allow you to knit the product according to the figure, emphasizing each bend of the body. In addition, for a thing from individual motives (colors, squares, circles) they are simply necessary. In the event that large openings are formed at the junction points or if you want to insert part of the pattern, use element strapping.

crochet for kids sundresses

Openwork sundresses crochet quickly, but they shine through what older girls don't like. In this case, use either a lining, or decorative motifs in the right place, or tight knitting. Models with a knitted hem look original in the same pattern, but in a different color and longer.


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