Consumer reviews: gasoline trimmer

Before each summer resident, and even any skilled person, the question often arose of which trimmer to choose for work. Many people opt for gasoline models, but how justified is such a respectful attitude towards them? Consider them in the light of consumer reviews. Before buying, it is very important to study all the reviews! A gasoline trimmer is a long-term acquisition, and therefore a frivolous attitude towards it is unacceptable.

What attracts buyers?

reviews trimmer gasoline

What exactly are gasoline models good when compared with electrical counterparts? Firstly, consumers note that there is no need to drag an extension cord over a section. In addition, gasoline models can be used in rain and wet weather, which is definitely impossible to say about the electric tool.

A huge advantage of these types of models is their power, the ability to work for a long time without stopping, as well as speed. The latter circumstance allows you to cough up thickets of even very powerful weeds, without fear for the fate of the engine. Buyers report that they have been using gasoline “braid” for several seasons, and with its help they mow a huge amount of grass both on a personal plot, so on construction sites and other objects.

Despite the load, there are practically no complaints about reliability - this is reported by reviews. The petrol trimmer has long established itself as a high-quality and unpretentious tool that is increasingly bought today.

Which engine do consumers prefer?

Note that in the markets today you can find push-pull and four-stroke models. As a rule, only the first variety can be found in the lower price range. If you do not go into mechanics courses, then their main difference is the lack of a separate lubrication system.

Simply put, engine oil must be poured into gasoline. And not anyhow what, but produced by the manufacturer of the trimmer that you bought. But this is in theory: in practice, people are fine with conventional motor lubricants that were purchased at the nearest gas station. The advantages of such models are their low cost (no more than four thousand), less demanding on gasoline, as well as the simplest device. The latter is important for inexperienced summer residents who are unable to perform complex technical repairs.

petrol champion trimmer reviews
Most homeowner landlords claim that the power of two-stroke gasoline trimmers is sufficient for everyday needs. The only (but serious) drawback is that you need to constantly measure and mix the oil with gasoline. If this process is neglected, then a complete replacement of the piston group is not far off.

What are the reviews for four-stroke models?

As experienced gardeners say, they prefer four-stroke machines. They are much more complicated in the technical device, as they are equipped with an independent lubrication system. Naturally, in case of malfunctions, negative reviews often appear. This type of gasoline trimmer has to be repaired in a service center, which leads to additional costs in money and time.

However, its advantages more than cover these shortcomings. So, the power of four-stroke engines is much higher, they work much more steadily at low speeds, and their piston group (subject to high-quality oil) wears out much less. If you choose such a model, and even equipped with knives, you can easily clear even the whole meadow, on which hard and hard weeds have been growing for several years.

That is why in recent years, consumers have preferred four-stroke models, since they are more reliable and better suited for continuous operation.

gasoline trimmer reviews

Lower or upper engine position?

There are two types of gas trimmers on the market today: one with an upper and one lower engine. Which one is more suitable for household needs? Let's figure it out by analyzing the experience of customers.

Everything is simple here. Devices with an overhead engine are more expensive, but more powerful and reliable. As a rule, many buyers choose them. Judging by the reviews, these trimmers last much longer, especially when it comes to push-pull models. The “lower” models are notable for their low cost, but their reliability is still much lower (there is a risk of flooding the engine with dew, and it gets polluted much more often). In addition, you can’t even count on the high power of this class of equipment.

Consumers say that for occasional lawn mowing, a trimmer with a lower engine position is also suitable. If you are looking for something more serious, you have to spend money on more expensive models.

Fishing line or knife?

If we talk about trimmers, then this debate has a history even more ancient than the comparison of electric and gasoline models. What do the reviews say? Should a gas trimmer with fishing line or knives be purchased?

Here the situation is about the same as in the case of engines. Gardeners believe that a fishing line is more suitable for those cases when it is necessary from time to time to clear the backyard or lawn in front of the house from thickets of grass. Relatively thin weeds and grass will be taken by the fishing line without problems, but with thickets of burdocks problems may arise. In any case, many reviews of gas trimmers indicate just that.

On the contrary, knives perfectly grind even old, dried stems of plants and young trees. However, users are talking about the increased power and “appetites” of such a technology for gasoline.

A little bit about leaving

In any case, forget about protecting the trimmer. For example, even regular cleaning of the workspace is a measure that can significantly increase the tool life. In addition, when working in wet weather and in thickets, you can slightly cover the most exposed parts of the device. But you should not get carried away in this way, since a violation of normal engine ventilation also does not bode well. However, when working in dry and dusty areas, this measure can significantly extend the life of the trimmer.

petrol trimmer reviews
In no case do not forget that it works due to the internal combustion engine, in which there is an air filter. Many modern models are equipped with special filters that level the possibility of clogging of the fuel system. Why are we all saying this? Some inexperienced gardeners admit that they did not recall these small features until the expensive piston system failed.

If you regularly change filters, this will not only significantly increase the chances of a long and happy trimmer life, but also save a lot of money from your family budget, which otherwise would have to be spent on repairs.

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Many users of such tools wanted dust and plant debris on the outside of the case. And this is the right approach! Blow all ventilation openings as often as possible, and carefully clean the ventilation ducts from dust and vegetation that has got into them. In no case is it permitted to use various metal objects (screwdrivers, for example) for this purpose. You will scratch plastic, and scratches are an excellent springboard for accumulation of dust and pollution. Better use a stick made of wood, the size of which is suitable for your purpose.

As you can see, your tool requires quality care, after which the trimmer will serve you faithfully not only its entire warranty period, but also much longer!

Which manufacturer to choose?

petrol forester trimmer reviews
After reading opinions on the main features of gasoline trimmers, you should decide on your preferred manufacturer. Fortunately, reviews about gas trimmers in the network are present in huge quantities.


This is a "Chinese." Models from this company cost between four and five thousand rubles. What else, besides the financial side of the issue, is the Champion petrol trimmer good? Reviews speak of the incredible power of this technique. These trimmers perfectly cut weeds and shrubs, destroy young trees and other vegetation.

As for the shortcomings, many complain of a rude design, an inconvenient capacity for preparing the fuel mixture, as well as excessive vibration during operation. Some buyers note the inconvenience of the handle. Thus, the Champion petrol trimmer, the reviews of which we have reviewed, is more suitable for episodic work where powerful equipment is required. Buying it to mow the lawn is impractical.

petrol trimmer patriot reviews


This company in our country does not need to be advertised. Former purebred "German" (today part of the equipment is assembled in the same China). What attracts buyers with the Shtil petrol trimmer? Reviews indicate that the price immediately attracts attention: it is slightly higher than for the more common and cheap models (from 7-8 thousand).

But many say that they pay this money with pleasure: for them you get a compact, powerful and surprisingly “well tailored” technique. There are no complaints about the quality of workmanship; during the operation, the Shtil petrol trimmer, which we are reviewing, is fairly modestly noisy, and the average person will hardly notice vibration (unlike the Champion).

Among the shortcomings can be written quite a high price for spare parts and consumables.


Also "Chinese", and from the cheapest. What do you get by buying a gas trimmer "Forester"? The reviews say that they will give you exactly as much as you paid. Devices with a relatively low power, very average workmanship and decent noise during operation.

Often in reviews there are complaints about the quality of gearboxes. Almost all gardeners who bought this trimmer, are strongly advised to change the "native" round fishing line, which is included, for something more serious. With standard components, he often stalls, not wanting to mow thick weeds.


And again, Chinese technology welcomes you. What is the difference between the Patriot petrol trimmer? The reviews indicate a rather good build quality for the “Chinese”, low cost and relatively low noise. Consumers notice that these trimmers start quickly, medium-sized grass is mowed without any difficulty.

The disadvantages are the same: far from ideal quality of components, why they are not too durable.


Should I buy a Meteor gas trimmer? Reviews say that this Chinese technology is not very reliable, the quality of components in some cases does not stand up to criticism. Maybe it takes only low grass, but it is problematic to mow large volumes with it, since a high level of vibration makes the work uncomfortable.


Finnish manufacturer, widely known in our country. It produces high-quality and reliable equipment, and the Husqvarna gas trimmer is no exception . Reviews indicate high reliability, unpretentiousness and power. Customers like the fact that in any store you can easily find all the necessary components and supplies.

Convenient and ergonomic trimmers of this company are perfect even for large areas.


gas trimmer meteor reviews
Until recently, it was positioned as a purely domestic company. Today - the usual "Chinese", the production rights of which our company has. Should I buy Interskol gas trimmer? Reviews often contain references to the low quality of the materials that went into production, not too high ergonomics, as well as a high level of vibration.

The advantage is low cost and a huge number of components available in almost any store.


The company is registered in Germany, but production is in China. So what is the difference between the Huter petrol trimmer (reviews of which we will consider) from its analogues? First of all, much better quality at a relatively low price. The devices are quite powerful. Many say that on this indicator they are slightly worse than the same "Calm", although they are much cheaper.


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