Raspberry "Indian Summer": variety description, photos and reviews

Warm summer gives summer residents and gardeners abundant berry crops. One of the most beloved in our country is raspberries. She as if personifies the summer itself. Especially popular today are its repair varieties. Similar plants give a crop twice a year (in the middle and at the beginning of autumn).

One of the best representatives of such plants is raspberry “Indian summer”. Description of the variety , reviews of gardeners allow you to grow it on your site yourself. Knowing the features of this variety, you can avoid mistakes when growing.

Grade description

The result of the work of domestic breeders was raspberry “Indian summer”. The description of the variety (the photo is presented below) indicates its regionalization in the Central, North-Western and Caucasian Northern regions. The author of the presented raspberry is I. V. Kazakov. He crossed such varieties as "Kuzmin news" and "Kostinbrodsky".

Raspberry Indian Summer grade description

Raspberries are not very tall. Berry picking is easier. The plant reaches a height of no more than 1.5 m. The branches have a slight spread to the sides. They stand straight, have an average thickness. Raspberry branches cover sharp spikes. You can also observe a slight wax coating.

Young branches are painted in a delicate pinkish color. The growth does not grow very actively. On 1 m² of land there are about 10 pcs. shoots. Inflorescences are characterized by strong branching. This is also true for shoots. Leaf size refers to the middle type. The curl of the leaves is weak, the surface is smooth.


Delicious, juicy fruits boast raspberry “Indian summer”. Variety description, reviews (photo below) indicate the presence of medium-sized berries. Their shape is most often round-conical. One fruit weighs about 3.5 g. The berries have a dark raspberry color. They practically don't smell at all.

Raspberry Indian summer grade description photo

The berries taste very good. Drupe have a small size. Their structure is homogeneous. Berries have a sweet and sour, delicate taste. Fruits the variety mainly in the middle section of the shoot.

If spring was characterized by an early onset of heat, the first berries may appear on the bush as early as June 5. The bulk of the first crop is harvested on June 10-13. Fruiting ends in early July. Then the plant rests for a while.

In the fall, harvest begins on September 1. Fruiting continues until the very frost. In autumn, you can collect about 1 kg of berries from one bush. If you grow a variety as an annual plant, the autumn harvest will be more abundant.

Advantages and disadvantages

The raspberry variety “Indian summer” has a lot of positive qualities. Thanks to them, the plant is often cultivated by gardeners. The main advantage is the harvest twice a year. This allows you to collect a plentiful crop throughout almost the entire warm period.

Raspberry Indian summer grade description photo reviews

If it rains for a long time, the berries will not rot or lose their sweetness. Berries, although not very large, but there are a lot of them on the bush. Their transportability is not the best. Therefore, the variety is most often grown by summer residents and gardeners for eating raw or processing berries in various ways.

The disadvantages of the variety include its low resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew, purple spotting. However, the plant is almost never affected by gray rot and curly. Spider mite attacks may occur. The variety tolerates winter well, but needs good snow cover.

Grade "Indian Summer 2"

Later, breeders bred a slightly different variety. This is raspberry "Indian Summer 2". The variety description (photo below) determines a number of differences between this raspberry variety and its predecessor.

Raspberry Indian Summer 2 grade description photos

Fruits presented variety at a height of 2/3 of the shoot. Experienced gardeners also argue that if the first plant has repairing qualities from time to time, then the second one is almost always the case.

The second grade begins to bear fruit earlier and more abundantly. The second stage of the appearance of berries occurs in August. This allows you to harvest before the cold. This is true for cold regions. The second grade has larger fruits. It is also resistant to more fungal infections and pests.

Features raspberries "Indian summer 2"

In the Chernozem, Central, and Caucasian regions, it is recommended to grow raspberry “Indian Summer 2”. The description of the variety indicates the mass of its positive qualities. This is a medium-sized, sprawling plant.

Raspberry Indian Summer 2 grade description

Shoots branch heavily. Harvesting is simple. Annual shoots have a light brown color. They have an average thickness. On the shoots along the entire length you can see sharp spikes.

The productivity of the Indian Summer 2 variety is on average about 1.5 kg per bush. In cold regions, up to 40% of the second crop may not ripen. However, the first fruits in this period appear from mid-August.

Berries reach a size of 3-4 g. Their color approaches a bright red hue. Berries do not crumble. Their drupes are heterogeneous. The second grade has good transportability. The aroma and taste of the fruits are at their best.

Landing features

Sunny places on a site are preferred by raspberry "Indian summer". Description of the variety, reviews of gardeners indicate the need to protect the plant from the northern winds. Fruiting is best observed on the south side of the site. It is recommended to plant it near a house or other building.

Raspberry Indian summer grade description reviews

The site should not be swampy. Groundwater should not approach the surface closer than 1.5 m. In this case, the development of the bush will be harmonious. Experienced gardeners argue that planting a plant in the ground, where members of the nightshade family used to grow, is not recommended.

Also, one should not plant the plant in the same place where other raspberry bushes used to grow. The soil in this place is tired. Raspberries have the ability to release specific components into the soil. They will inhibit the growth of a young bush. You can plant raspberries in the same place only after 6 years.

Landing process

The raspberry “Indian summer” is characterized by a certain planting technique . The description of the variety indicates the need to carry out this process in spring or autumn. The best period is the end of September - the beginning of October.

At the selected site, you need to dig a trench with a depth and width of 50 cm. At its bottom, humus, peat peat is laid out . In the mixture you can add complex fertilizers in the amount of 1 tbsp.

The roots of the bush must be covered with fertile soil. Tamp the soil. After the procedure, the earth is watered abundantly around. For 1 bush, about 6 liters of water will be required. At the roots, the soil can be mulched. To do this, use peat or humus. Landing at this stage is completed. You will need to provide proper care for the plants.


The description of the Indian Summer raspberry variety also reveals the particular care that the plant needs. In the first two years, there will be no difficulties in this matter. The plant requires timely watering. It does not tolerate drought. The root system refers to the type of superficial. Drought can harm the plant.

Raspberry variety Indian summer

If the gardener cannot be present at his dacha every day, you can organize a drip irrigation system. This will preserve the healthy appearance of raspberry bushes. If it is not possible to equip the site with special equipment, you should ask the neighbors to visit the site in the middle of the week.

Raspberries require a large amount of moisture. Mulching helps keep it at the roots. Also carry out loosening of the soil. The roots need oxygen. Loosening is carried out carefully so as not to damage the plant. At a distance of 1 m from the bush, you can not dig the soil deeper than 5 cm. Weeds and other unwanted vegetation need to be weeded out. This will reduce the risk of certain diseases, insect pests.

Pruning and feeding

A certain technology of pruning shoots requires raspberry “Indian summer”. Description of the variety indicates the need for this process in accordance with their needs. This will allow you to get a crop 1 or 2 times a year. In the first case, the shoots after fruiting are cut almost to the ground. If it is required to receive a crop 2 times, it is necessary to bend the proclaimed branches to the ground.

If the shoots are not cut, the crop will grow on them next season. At the end of the next season, these processes are removed. If the owners of the site need to harvest only in the fall, all shoots must be removed at the end of the year.

The plant responds well to fertilizing. In late June, it is necessary to focus on the introduction of nitrogen-containing solutions. In the second half of summer, mineral components must be added. It is also recommended to fertilize in April-June. Top dressing should be liquid. At the same time, experienced gardeners most often choose a solution of manure with water in a ratio of 1:10 or chicken droppings in a ratio of 1:20. Such fertilizers contribute to the harmonious development of the bush, its high productivity. The taste and size of the berries will be at the highest level.

Having considered the features and characteristics that Raspberry Indian Summer possesses , the description of the variety and the reviews of gardeners, it should be noted the mass of advantages of the presented plant. Due to its qualities, it is in demand by summer residents in our country. Good yield, pleasant taste, as well as ease of cultivation and the possibility of fruiting twice a year make the presented variety well-known and cultivated everywhere.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26393/

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