Housing law. Redevelopment

One of the components in the formation and regulation of relations in society is housing law. It plays an important role in the unity of the legislative system of Russia. The scope of this right is housing.

Legislative documents cover issues relating to:

- duties and rights of subjects of the residential sector;

- the limits of use and the procedure for the provision of residential premises;

- methods used in the management of multi-apartment buildings;

- registration of citizens;

- privatization of premises intended for housing, etc.

This branch of legislation combines legal institutions and norms, as well as a set of acts of a financial, administrative, family and civil nature. It regulates those relations, the occurrence of which occurs in the sphere of ownership and disposal of premises and houses. This industry is housing law.

Redevelopment of premises and houses has become quite a popular event in our country. It allows for the improvement of housing conditions. The explanation for this phenomenon is the lack of funds needed to purchase a new, more spacious apartment. But the reconstruction of an existing building is much cheaper.

The period of general redevelopment of housing began in the country at the end of the last century. It was at this time that the ideas about the quality and comfort of our houses radically changed. For constantly changing trends, construction organizations, as well as housing law, could not keep pace. Redevelopment was carried out everywhere. However, in most cases, people did not realize that they were causing significant damage to their homes.

Currently, construction norms and rules have been developed , which are included in housing law. Redevelopment, according to these acts, is clearly delimited by groups. According to this provision, some types of reconstruction must be agreed upon, while others are strictly prohibited.

SNiPs do not allow the placement of showers, bathtubs and toilets over kitchen and living quarters. This ban is due to the fear of breakthrough or leakage of water pipes, which can never be ruled out. Such a planning solution is possible only in a two-level apartment. Its owners can move the bathroom to the room located above their own kitchen. Redevelopment, with which tenants want to expand or move the shower, bathroom or toilet, in principle, is possible. However, according to SNiP, it can be produced only at the expense of the territory of hallways, pantries and halls located in the immediate vicinity of the bathroom. Kitchens and rooms intended for washing are allowed to be placed anywhere in the apartment if the conditions for their ventilation and lighting are met.

The redevelopment of the living room, according to regulatory documents, is not performed with the device of the doorway directly from the sleeping room or kitchen to the bathroom. The exception is luxury apartments.

Issues of building and eliminating partitions are also included in SNiPs included in housing law. Remodeling of the living room, which is located near the kitchen, is carried out taking into account the provisions set forth in the regulatory documents. So, it is strictly forbidden to clean the partition if the apartment is equipped with a gas stove. They contain SNiPs and a number of restrictions that relate to engineering communications.

Redevelopment of offices is carried out in order to create a comfortable space for work. Quite often, an ordinary apartment or non-residential premises undergoes reconstruction. The implementation of this task concerns not only the choice of stylistic design and color scheme. And here it is necessary to observe a number of rules. If the apartment, which is subject to conversion, is located on the first floor of a multi-storey building, then a doorway from the street will be a prerequisite. In addition, you will need permissive signatures of regulatory organizations on fire safety and hygiene, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26396/

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