Phlox awl - planting and care, cultivation and reproduction

Phlox perennial (awl-shaped) is very loved by gardeners and landscape designers. This is not surprising: being fairly unpretentious plants, they have many types of the most diverse colors.

phlox awl-shaped landing and care
Under natural conditions, phlox grows in forests, in places with moist soil. They achieve intensive growth and lush flowering, growing in moist nutrient soils.

When breeding plants in a garden plot, it is advisable for them to ensure the conditions in which they grow in nature. Phloxes should not be planted near fruit trees - they do not really like shade, and besides, flowers will lack nutrients. Plants negatively relate to stagnation of water in the root system, so areas with groundwater located close to the surface are not suitable for them. An ideal place for flowers would be a light partial shade, covering them from the scorching sun during the hot hours of the day.

Phlox awl-shaped, planting and care of which are carried out properly, practically has no problems with flowering. Despite the unpretentiousness, plants, of course, need basic care.

phlox awl-grown
If you decide to breed phlox in your area, then it is better to prepare the soil in advance, in the fall. Flowers are usually planted in spring after the soil has thawed. The most important requirement for the land in which the flowers will grow is humidity and essential nutrients.

After disembarkation, phlox should be watered abundantly. Then, when the flowers take root, it is recommended to feed them with a weak solution of mullein.

Phlox awl-shaped, planting and caring for which does not provide the moisture it needs, grows low, inflorescences are small, and their number is very small. Such plants bloom very quickly.

perennial phlox
Phlox awl: cultivation and care

In order for the flowers to please their splendor for a long time and have a decorative look, they must be fed. Phloxes respond very well to top dressing from wood ash containing potassium and lime. Thanks to such elements, the brightness of the inflorescences increases, in addition, they become more resistant to diseases.

The awl-shaped phlox (planting and caring for it do not require special conditions of detention) can be planted even in autumn. True, you can’t delay with planting in the ground: if the flowers do not have time to take root, they will die in the winter.

Phlox planting in the fall

Flowers are planted along with the stems, pruning about one third. You can not cut the stems to the very base, otherwise the plant will freeze in winter. Two weeks before planting flowers, they prepare the soil, applying all the necessary fertilizers.

If it so happened that you did not have time to plant phlox on time, do not get upset, you can save the plants. You should find a secluded place, protected from the wind and drafts, and carefully nestle the flowers to a depth of about 25 cm. For the winter, seedlings must be covered with peat or fallen leaves.

The awl-shaped phlox, planting and care of which is carried out correctly, eventually turns into a tall beautiful bush with bright inflorescences, blooming for a rather long period of time.


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