How to make a luminous liquid at home?

Originality is always welcome! At any celebration, you can surprise your friends or please children with the help of the so-called luminous liquid. But at the same time, you do not need to buy a product at the store, since you can make a luminous liquid using your own strengths at home, which will look even more spectacular. And cause a lot of positive emotions.

how to make a glowing liquid
So, if you decide to make a luminous liquid on your own, then you should initially take care of your safety and the safety of your audience. Since the composition of the future mixture includes various ingredients that can cause a burn, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves and cover all exposed parts of the body. To prevent the dangerous solution from reaching the audience, mixing operations should be carried out at a considerable distance from them.

Method 1

The simplest (but at the same time quite colorful) method of making a luminous liquid. This method is also the most affordable, since it is possible to make a luminous liquid with the help of water, table salt, table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. In the household and first-aid kit, for sure, all this will be found. So, to obtain the desired visual effect, it is necessary to mix all the components in the vessel, which can be tightly closed. Shake the mixture thoroughly. All! You can admire!

Method 2

The second method will be a little more difficult in terms of the necessary manipulations, but the result is worth the effort. To obtain the desired effect you will need:

glowing liquid

- water in a volume of 100 ml;

- luminol 3 grams;

- 80 ml of hydrogen peroxide;

- 10 ml of sodium hydroxide solution;

- 3 g of copper sulfate;

- fluorescent dye (to your taste);

- glass containers.

When all the ingredients are ready, consider how to make a luminous liquid, in stages:

  1. First of all, pour water into a glass vessel, add luminol to it and wait for it to dissolve.
  2. If the crystals (or at least most of them) have dissolved, then we add hydrogen peroxide to the vessel .
  3. Next, add copper sulfate.
  4. And caustic soda is added last . After which the liquid already begins to glow in blue. If you want to change the color, add a fluorescent dye to the vessel.

Method 3

The above methods are not the only answers to the question of how to make a luminous liquid. For another way to create you will need:

how to make luminous fluid at home
- 20 ml of a solution of ordinary washing powder;

- 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide;

- 5 ml of a solution of luminol (three percent);

- potassium permanganate;

- a glass vessel.

The entire creation procedure is as follows:

  1. In a glass vessel, it is necessary to mix the solutions of powder, hydrogen peroxide and luminol.
  2. It is necessary to add pounded potassium permanganate to the container. The resulting liquid will glow.
  3. If the resulting solution begins to mix, then foam will come out of the vessel, which in the dark will look like sparks.

Method 4

The last considered method of how to make a luminous liquid at home, involves the following components:

- 0.15 g of luminol;

- 30 ml of the drug "Dimexidum";

- 35 grams of dry alkali;

- fluorescent dye;

- glass containers with a lid.

To get a luminous liquid from all this, you must:

  1. In a glass dish, mix luminol, Dimexide and alkali.
  2. Put the lid on the dish and shake it. After that, the liquid will begin to glow in blue hues. To change the color of the liquid, a dye should be added to the vessel. If the brightness of the liquid becomes less, then it is necessary to open the lid for oxygen (after which the intensity of the glow will increase again).

Now you can safely carry out experiments!


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