The historical basis of the story "Taras Bulba". Real historical events underlying the story

The main feature of a work of art on a historical theme is that the author organically combines the story of events that actually took place with literary techniques and author's fiction. The story of Taras Bulba by N.V. Gogol is somewhat unusual in this connection: historical events are not specified in it, moreover, when reading it is sometimes difficult to determine at what time the action takes place - in the 15th, 16th or 17th century. In addition, none of the heroes is a historical person, including Taras himself. Despite this, from the moment a work appears, it is considered an epic story, sometimes called a novel. What is the strength and scale of Taras Bulba?

The story of the story

historical basis of the story Taras Bulba
The writer’s appeal to the topic of the Cossacks was not accidental. A native of Poltava province, from childhood he had heard about the heroic feat of the people during the struggle with numerous external invaders. Later, when Gogol already began to write, he was especially interested in such brave and loyal people like Taras Bulba. In the Sich there were many of them. Often, former serf peasants became Cossacks - they found a home and comrades here.

N.V. Gogol studied many sources devoted to this issue, including manuscripts of Ukrainian annals, historical studies of Boplan and Myshetsky. Not satisfied with what he read (in his opinion, they contained mean information that was not enough to understand the soul of the people), Gogol turned to folklore. Historical songs and thoughts dedicated to national heroes spoke about the characteristics of the characters, customs and life of the Cossacks. They gave the writer magnificent “living” material, which became a wonderful addition to scientific sources, and some storylines in a revised form were included in the story.

The historical basis of the story

“Taras Bulba” is a book about free people who inhabited the Dnieper region in the 16-17th centuries. Their center was Zaporizhzhya Sich - its name is due to the fact that it was strengthened on all sides by a fence of fallen trees - notches. It had its own way of life and management. Subjected to frequent attacks by the Poles, Turks, and Lithuanians, the Cossacks had a very strong, well-trained army. Most of the time they spent in battles and military campaigns, and the trophies obtained became the main means of subsistence. It is no coincidence that the description of Taras Bulba and the luminary in the house where his wife lived alone, includes numerous signs of the host's camp life.

Taras Bulba biography
1596 was a fateful year for the Ukrainian people, who at that time were ruled by Lithuanians and Poles. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted a union on the unification under the authority of the Pope of Rome of two Christian religions: the Orthodox and the Catholic. The decision made even more complicated the difficult relationship between the Poles and the Cossacks, resulting in open military confrontations. Gogol devoted his story to this period.

Image of Zaporizhzhya Sich

The main school for the education of persistent, courageous warriors became a special way of life and control, and teachers - experienced Cossacks, who repeatedly showed their valor in battle. One of them was Colonel Taras Bulba. His biography is a story about the formation of a true patriot, for whom the interests and freedom of the fatherland are above all.

Zaporizhzhya Sich resembled a large republic based on the principles of humanism and equality. Kosheva was chosen by universal decision, usually from among the most worthy. During the battle, the Cossacks should unconditionally obey him, but in peacetime it was his responsibility to take care of the Cossacks.

In Sich, everything was arranged to ensure the life and military campaigns of its inhabitants: all kinds of workshops and forges worked, and livestock were raised. Ostap and Andriy will see all this when Taras Bulba brings them here.

description of taras bulbs
The history of the short existence of the Zaporizhzhya Republic showed a new way of organizing people's lives, based on brotherhood, unity and liberty, and not on the oppression of the weak by the strong.

The main school for the Cossack - a military fraternity

The formation of young warriors can be judged by the example of the sons of Taras, Ostap and Andria. They graduated in bursa, after which their path lay in Zaporozhye. A father meets his sons after a long separation, not with hugs and kisses, but with a fist test of their strength and dexterity.

The life of Taras Bulba was unpretentious, as evidenced by a feast in honor of the arrival of his sons ("drag ... just a ram, a goat ... and more burners" - the old Cossack addresses his wife with these words) and a dream in the open air.

Ostap and Andriy did not even stay at home for a day, as they went to Sich, where they were waiting for the best partnership in the world and glorious feats for their homeland and religion. Their father was convinced that only participation in military battles could become a real school for them.

life taras bulbs


Approaching Sich, Taras and his sons saw a Cossack pictorially sleeping in the middle of the road. He spread out like a lion, and aroused universal admiration. Wide, like the sea, trousers, a proudly thrown forelock (he was certainly left on a shaved head), a good horse - this is what a real Cossack looked like. It is no accident that the main character of the story calls on his sons with an appeal to immediately change their “demonic” clothes (in them they came from Bursa) to another worthy of a Cossack. And they really immediately changed in saffron boots, wide trousers, scarlet Cossacks and lamb hats. The image was complemented by a Turkish pistol and the sharpest saber. Admiration and pride were caused by the fine fellows sitting on glorious stallions at the father.

taras bulba story
The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” obliged the author to treat the Cossacks impartially. With all due respect to them and their valor, Gogol also truthfully says that sometimes their behavior provoked condemnation and misunderstanding. This refers to the reckless and drunken life that they led between the battles, excessive cruelty (they buried the victim for the murder of the offender alive) and a low cultural level.

Partnership Strength

The main advantage of the Cossacks was that at the time of danger they could quickly mobilize and make a united army against the enemy. Their dedication, partiotism, courage and dedication to the common cause knew no bounds. In the story, Taras Bulba himself proved it more than once. The biography of other prominent warriors, including experienced Tovkach, Kukubenko, Pavel Gubenko, Mosiy Shilo and young Ostap, also emphasizes this.

Taras Bulba
Well about the unity and main purpose of the Cossacks, he said in his speech on the eve of the decisive battle Bulba: “There is no holier partnership!” His speech is an expression of great wisdom and holy faith that he and his brethren defend a just cause. In a difficult moment, the words of Taras encourage the Cossacks, remind them of their holy duty to protect their comrades, always remember the Orthodox faith and devotion to their homeland. The most terrible thing for the Cossack was betrayal: it was not forgiven to anyone. Taras kills his own son, learning that because of his love for the beautiful Polish girl, he preferred personal interests to public ones. So the bonds of brotherhood were more important than blood. The fact that this fact was true is evidenced by the historical basis of the story.

Taras Bulba - the best representative of the Cossacks

Colonel with a harsh character, past a glorious battle path. Glorious chieftain and comrade who could support with an encouraging word and give good advice in difficult times. He had a burning hatred of the enemy, encroached on the Orthodox faith, and did not spare his own life for the sake of saving the homeland and his brothers in arms. Accustomed to free life, he was content with a clean field and was absolutely unpretentious in everyday life. So Gogol portrays the protagonist. He spent his whole life in battles and always found himself in the most dangerous place. Weapons, a pipe and the glorious horse of Taras Bulba were his main wealth. At the same time, he could joke and pamper, was pleased with his life.

taras bulba historical events
Disappointed in the youngest son, the hero experienced great pride in Ostap. At the risk of his life, Bulba came to the place of execution in order to see him for the last time. And when Ostap, steadfastly enduring mortal torment, called him at the last minute, he in a word, which made the whole square flinch, expressed his pride, approval and support not only to his son, but to his comrade-in-arms, comrade-in-arms. Until the end of his life, Taras will grieve over his son and avenge his death. The experience will add cruelty and hatred to the enemy, but will not break his will and fortitude.

There is no description of Taras Bulba habitual for the hero in the story, since this is not so important. The main thing is that he possesses such qualities thanks to which he could survive in that cruel time.

Hyperbolization of Taras in the execution scene

The characterization of the hero is supplemented by a description of his death, to a large extent ridiculous. The hero is captured because he bends to pick up the fallen pipe - even he does not want to give it to the damned enemy. Here Taras resembles a national hero: a dozen three people were able to overcome it with difficulty.

In the last scene, the author describes not the pain from the fire that the hero was experiencing, but his anxiety for the fate of his brothers floating on the river. At the time of death, he behaves with dignity, remaining faithful to the main principles of partnership. Most importantly, he was sure that he had lived his life in vain. That was exactly what a real Cossack was.

The significance of the work today

The historical basis of the story “Taras Bulba” is the liberation struggle of the people against the invaders encroaching on their country and faith. Thanks to such a strong spirit, people like Taras Bulba, his son and comrades, managed to defend independence and freedom more than once.

The work of N.V. Gogol and his heroes for many have become a model of masculinity and patriotism, so it will never lose its relevance and significance.


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