Pressure switch RDM-5: adjustment, instruction

If the pressure of the water in the tap in a multi-storey building is not the problem of the tenants, then in a private house the opposite is true. To achieve the actual flow of water from the tap, you have to work hard. To solve such problems, devices such as pressure switches were invented. RDM-5 is one of the most common representatives of this class of devices.

General description of the system device

In order to accurately determine the right device, you need to understand how the system as a whole is arranged. The first part of the entire system is the point at which water is drawn. The second device is a hydraulic accumulator, and after it a pressure switch is installed. Further, a water purification system can be installed, which consists of several filters. The last point is the valve itself, for which it is necessary to provide an acceptable pressure of the liquid.

pressure switch rpm 5

In order to accurately manage to select a relay for adjusting the pressure, you need to know two things. The first is what kind of pressure is necessary for the residents, and the second is what pressure the fluid draws in the well.

Selection of devices and manufacturers

As mentioned earlier, an important point is the pressure with which water is drawn. This is the most important point, since if the numerical indicator is lower than 1.4 atm, then the fence will not be carried out, since the device will simply turn off. Even more problems may arise if the source is urban water supply. In it, the indicator does not always reach even 1.0 atm.

adjustment of the pressure switch rpm 5

If we talk about water intake from the well as a source, for example, then there are no such problems, and the pressure in the tap will directly depend on the technical characteristics of the installed pump and relay.

RDM-5 pressure switch is produced by the Dzhileks company. The cost of this device is in the region of 900 rubles. The technical parameters of this device are as follows:

  • the unit can operate at a temperature of 0 to +40 degrees Celsius;
  • operating pressure range from 1.0 atm to 4.5 atm;
  • operating voltage - 220-230 V, and frequency - 50 Hz;
  • nominal indicator of maximum power according to documentation is equal to 2.

Instrument Operation

It is worth starting with the fact that the pressure switch RDM-5 is a two-contact device that requires a connection to the mains for inclusion in the work. It is also important to note here that it will work only with a certain pressure in the system. The device carries out its work in the following stages:

  • The pressure switch RDM-5 adjusts this characteristic to the lower as well as the upper limit. If in the pumping station to which the house is connected this characteristic is lower than the upper regulation limit, then the device contacts are closed. This means that current flows through the circuit of the device, which means that it works.
  • The second principle of operation is the opposite of the first. If the pressure at the station is higher than the set upper limit of the relay, then its contacts open and the pump does not turn on.

pressure switch rpm 5 adjustment instruction

As you can see, the principle of operation of this unit is very simple. The only thing that is very important to do correctly is to configure the redistribution, upper and lower. In order to carry out this procedure, there are instructions for adjusting the pressure switch RDM-5.

Device settings

Quite often, such a problem arises that when installing the relay, experts say that the factory settings are quite enough for acceptable operation and ensuring a comfortable pressure. However, as practice shows, when installed in a private house, which is connected to a modern water supply system, the pressure is too small, since the station operates on too many flows. This is precisely the first reason that many require instructions for adjusting the RDM-5 pressure switch. In addition, installation wizards most often refuse to do this, and therefore you have to carry out the configuration work yourself.

pressure switch rpm 5 manual

Water system and unit adjustment

There are four points in the system. The first is the place of water intake (water supply or well), the second is the accumulator and relay, the third is the water treatment system, and the fourth is the final consumer.

How to adjust the pressure switch RDM-5?

The first point that needs to be done is to determine the required pressure. It is necessary to proceed from exactly how many points of fluid consumption in the house. It is also worth considering that the shower is the most demanding on pressure, and therefore you can start from it.

The first setting is the lower limit. There are two nuts on the unit body. The first of them (it is usually larger than the second) is designed just to adjust the pressure switch RDM-5 to the lower limit. The second nut adjusts the numerical difference between the lower and upper indicators of the device. In order to carry out the adjustment, it is necessary to work with a larger nut. It affects the position of the fixing spring.

pump pressure switch rpm 5

Lower limit setting

If you rotate this part clockwise, it will compress the spring. In this case, the indicator of the lower pressure limit will increase. Naturally, by rotating the nut counterclockwise, the numerical value of the parameter will decrease.

Suppose the owner of the house needs to make sure that the upper limit rises to 4.0 atm, and the lower limit remains at the value set at the factory. To do this, rotate the larger nut to the desired value. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the second part with a smaller size, it must also be rotated clockwise until the value becomes 1.4 atm. This parameter, upon reaching which the RDM-5 pressure switch for the pump will turn on.

connection pressure switch rpm 5

However, it is worth clarifying that this method is not the most reliable, its accuracy may not correspond to the required one. In this case, there is another option that you can use.

Other customization options

Another configuration option involves the use of a device such as a hydraulic accumulator. This device can help balance the pressure. Most often, the units are blue. It is immediately worth noting that this method is quite lengthy and somewhat complicated. The thing is that the adjustment of indicators is carried out manually. That is, the parameters on the relay and the tank are configured, after this device is connected and the parameters are verified. If they do not match, then you need to completely shut down the system, drain the water from the bottom of the tank, bleed air from the top, and re-configure. By connecting the RDM-5 pressure switch in this way, you can achieve better results, but it can take a lot of time.

water pressure switch rpm 5

One important point. The pressure indicator of the air part of the expansion device should be lower than the lower limit of the relay by about 10-20%. To configure the tank for this characteristic, it must be disconnected from the water supply system.

Instructions for pressure switch RDM-5

In order to fine-tune the parameters of this device, you must be guided by the following instructions:

  • the expansion tank is filled with water until the pressure gauge begins to show the required pressure inside;
  • after that, the pumping station is temporarily turned off;
  • then the device housing opens to gain access to the control springs;
  • the nut is rotated until the mechanism works;
  • to set the lower limit, you need to open the tap and gradually drain the water;
  • when the pressure gauge has the desired numerical values, the valve closes.

It is recommended to set up the RDM-5 pressure switch for water once a month, but this is ideal. In practice, adjusting the parameters once a quarter is enough. This is quite important, since too small a difference between the readings on the pressure switch will cause the pumps at the station to turn on and off more often. This will favorably affect the supply of water to homes, the quality of pressure. However, it is worthwhile to understand that with such constant intensive work, the life of the equipment at the facility will necessarily decrease.


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