Electricity meters: which is better to put?

Any homeowner should install a device for metering water, electricity, gas, etc. If there is a delay for installing heat and water meters, the installation of an electricity meter should be done first.

How to choose an electricity meter ?

Absolutely all companies that produce this kind of device give them a warranty period of sixteen years, and this is a lot and suggests that frequent replacement is not required.

But in rare cases, when it comes to buying a new measuring device, a buyer who does not have the full amount of information may make the wrong choice. Which electricity meter is better to put? First you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the electric meter, as well as with the existing model range.

Induction electricity meter

There are two types of electricity meters: induction and electronic. Which email counter is best used, decide by reading the information below.

So, the first type of device is mechanical. The induction meter includes a voltage coil, a metal disk and a current coil. Due to the magnetic field that appears as a result of the interaction of the two coils, the metal disk begins to rotate, also spinning wheels with numbers showing the amount of expended electric energy.

Such devices have their pros and cons. The advantages include their relatively low cost and long service life, and the downside is the error in the readings of about 2%. But the long term presence of this type of meter on the market overshadows a rather large percentage of the error and makes them quite popular among buyers. Therefore, to answer the question of which counter is better, let's look at the second type of devices.

Electronic meter

The electronic device is fundamentally different from the above. It completely lacks any signs of mechanics, and the current is directly supplied to microchips and semiconductors. These microcircuits show the amount of electricity consumed, displaying the numbers on the built-in electronic display. The main positive characteristics of such a measuring device are its small size, more accurate data, an electronic scoreboard, ease of taking readings and the ability to calculate the flow rate for several different tariff plans. And the high cost and relatively short operational life are unpleasant additions to it.

Single Phase Electricity Meters

By the type of network to which it is connected, electricity meters are divided into single-phase and three-phase.

Single-phase meters are connected to a two-wire single-phase network. The total load on the network along with the number of wires are the main factors. Single-phase metering devices are used when the power consumption does not exceed 10 kV. This counter gives 220 V.

Three phase devices

These meters are connected to three-phase networks, which becomes clear by their name. Since a large amount of energy is needed for their work, three-phase electricity meters have found their application in factories or panel-type multi-storey residential buildings.

Which is better to install in a private house? Most often they are just single-phase. They can also be connected to a three-phase network, but only then will such a device be needed for each phase. The installation of a three-phase meter can only be justified by the use of any equipment with a high demand for electricity, for example, a welding machine or something like that. At the output, the meter gives out 380 V and protects the building from power surges.

Tariff classification

According to the tariffs, there are also different electricity meters. Which is better?

  1. Single tariff. Only counts at one selected rate. Often used in everyday life.
  2. Two-rate. It allows you to calculate the energy consumed by two tariff plans, for example, one tariff during the day, completely different at night. It is used at various factories and organizations where work is carried out in two shifts.
  3. Multi tariff. Calculates energy at several tariffs at once and reduces costs.

Energy Classification

Single-phase devices measure exclusively active energy passing through them, and three-phase devices, in addition to active, measure reactive energy, also taking into account the direction of flows. This helps to save money on large objects.

Electricity meters: which is better?

To select the best counter you need to consider some parameters of the device and learn something about the network.

  1. To decide on the choice of a one- or two-phase meter, you need to find out the type of mains where you intend to install the meter. To do this, you just need to pay attention to the old meter: if it says 220 / 230V, then you should buy a single-phase, and if 220 / 380V or 230 / 400V - three-phase.
  2. Which electric meters better withstand the load? Many are interested in this question. In the house, a conventional device operates at a load of no higher than 60A and a power of 15 kW. If suddenly the network exceeds these indicators, then it is worth purchasing a device with a maximum load of 100A. Parameters can usually be seen on the opening machines of buildings.
  3. The number of tariffs you must determine yourself. If it is profitable for you to pay for several, then before installing special devices in the appropriate authorities, you need to clarify whether they are able to provide this to you. Otherwise, the purchased equipment is simply not useful.
  4. Before choosing, you should also pay attention to the mounting option. Although this does not affect the quality of the counter, it can complicate the installation. If you decide to install the meter inside the apartment with a modular automatic machine and an RCD in one plastic box (HagerGolf, Volta, Vector or Energy) or in one iron shield of the SRN, then you will need a single or three-phase din rail meter of a modular design (not all din rail devices are modular). In a plastic box, three bolts or an adapter plate are used to install an electricity meter. And which electricity meter is better to put outside the building, in the measurement and protection unit? For this, BIZ, SCHU-1N-9, SCHUR-8 are better suited. You have a choice: either purchase a counter for mounting on a din rail or on a flat surface. But if you choose to install on a din rail, you still need to buy it. It will also be the case with the installation of metering devices in a metal shield like SCHURN or SCHRUN.
  5. They say that the best counter has various additional capabilities, such as backlighting, counting in the absence of voltage or broadcasting information on the display. However, these functions will not affect the quality of work or the operability of the device. Whether they are or not, it's up to you.
  6. Absolutely all devices, without exception, pass a state check (operability and accuracy of measurements) at the manufacturing plant before entering the market. Upon successful verification, a seal is put in the passport of the device, and a state seal on the case. Also in the passport should be the date of verification, and on the seal itself - the quarter and year of testing. Also, the meter must be sealed and installed by the energy supplying company within a period not exceeding two years, and for a three-phase one this period is reduced to one year. We also need a mandatory periodic check of the accuracy of the counter calculations and its operability. That is why for such devices there is a so-called inter-verification interval, which for electronic metering devices is from ten to sixteen years, starting from the production date.
  7. When purchasing a device that counts electricity, you must remember to look at the accuracy class. This indicator allows you to find out the maximum error that the counter can make in the calculations. On average, this figure for residential buildings is 2%.

Companies producing the best electricity meters

According to official data from Abarcad, headquartered in Moscow, in 2012, more than eight million electricity meters were installed in the Russian Federation, of which the lion's share (90%) was made up of single-phase devices. This suggests that in the household sector, electricity meters are often replaced.

Which is better to apply? It is known that more than ¾ of all production in Russia falls on three Russian companies. Among them are the Energomera concern (Stavropol), the Incoteks company (Moscow) and the Moscow Measuring Instruments Plant holding. The leading place in this three is occupied by Energomera with 40% of production in the asset, behind it are Incotex and Moscow Plant of Measuring Instruments with 29 and 7% respectively. The price of domestic meters is much lower than foreign, but the difference in quality is not very visible.

Electricity Meter Market Leaders

In order for you to decide which meter is better to put, we will consider these companies in more detail:

  1. Concern from Stavropol "Energomera" owns a pair of factories not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. It specializes in the production of high quality energy metering devices of all kinds, the price of which varies from 13 to 330 units in European currency.
  2. Incotex is a large domestic organization with factories in the Russian Federation and not only. The specialty of this company is the development and collection of electronic devices, which include all types of electricity meters.
  3. Moscow Plant of Measuring Instruments (MZIP). An old company engaged in the production of electricity meters and various radio equipment. The devices manufactured include single and two phase energy meters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26433/

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