Constitutional Day Oral Magazine: Library Event

How are cultural institutions and educational institutions preparing for Constitution Day? The event in the library on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the memorable date is best held with younger students in order to instill in them a love of the printed word, book, and history of the country. The best form is an oral journal, when literary pages seem to come to life before the participants of the holiday. Consider the possible topics of the event and its scenario.

Sample spoken magazine names

This form will be of interest to middle managers and senior students, especially if they take a direct part in its preparation and meet interesting people in the region who are relevant to the basic law of the country. These may be advanced workers, participants in the referendum that adopted the Constitution, and well-known lawyers.

We will present in the form of a table the theme of events for the Constitution Day in the library. Names will be offered for three age categories.

Sample topics

Junior schoolchildren

"Pages of history: how the Constitution of the Russian Federation was born"

"The Constitution is our law. We live by it."

"What you should know about the Constitution of the Russian Federation"

Middle link

"Milestones of the Constitution of the Russian Federation"

"We glorify the Fatherland, which will be and is"

"By conscience we live, glorify and honor the law"

Senior link

"25 historical years"

"Freedoms and human rights in the Russian Federation"

"My homeland is Russia, in law our strength"

Constitution Day: Library Event Scenario

In the article we will present an oral journal on the topic: “The Constitution is our law. We live by it.”

The purpose of the event: to increase the interest of younger students in the basic law, which reflects both the interests of the whole people and each of its representatives.


  • to form a civil and legal culture of students;
  • update knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legal foundations of Russian legislation;
  • contribute to the formation of the civic position of students.

Necessary equipment: an exhibition of books on the theme "We Know Our Rights", "The Constitution of the Russian Federation - 25"; video projector, screen, round table, chairs for students, the text of the constitution for each participant in an oral journal, sheets of paper and pens.

Exhibition for Constitution Day

Preparatory stage

What needs to be prepared in advance for Constitution Day? The event in the library differs from the school one in that children take part in it voluntarily. Everyone’s interest is very important here, so the guys should be involved in the training, where they can show their strengths. What tasks can be completed in advance?

  • Prepare a presentation where to reflect the history of the adoption of the main law of the country in 1993. To talk about the first Constitutions of 1918, 1924, 1936 and 1977.
  • Invite guests. These may be labor veterans who lived under the 1977 Constitution and became living witnesses of the adoption of the country's main document in 1993, on December 12.
  • Invite an expert. The lawyer should be ready to answer the questions of the guys at the end of the event. They can be given both verbally and in writing during the oral journal.
  • To come up with a scenario of a sketch, which will reflect what rights the children have in the country and what responsibilities they have.
Scenario event for Constitution Day in the library

Oral Journal Plan

What parts can an oral journal consist of on Constitution Day? The event in the library for elementary school students can reveal the following topics:

  • History of the adoption of the 1993 document.
  • The basic duties and rights of citizens guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • What ensures the enforcement of the law in the country.

Event progress

The oral journal begins with the introductory word of the librarian who talks about the topic of the event. The song “On the twelfth day of December” by Y. Matus sounds, and the presenter demonstrates a copy of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” dated December 3, 1937, where an article is published listing the songs devoted to the basic law.

Activities in the library for Constitution Day

Further, the contents of the event for Constitution Day in the library can be briefly described as follows:

  1. Submission by an expert. Children are invited to ask him questions during the course of the event.
  2. Demonstration of a presentation telling about the history of the adoption of the basic law of the country.
  3. Familiarity with published texts of previous constitutions.
  4. Memoirs of guests about how the country was preparing to adopt the fundamental law in the 90s and how it happened.
  5. The leader’s word about the basic duties and rights of citizens. Participants are requested to find the necessary articles in the text.
  6. Acting out a prepared scene about the rights of minors.
  7. The final word of the expert about who is the guarantor of the Constitution, and answers to the questions of the guys.

What issues can be discussed? For example, why Constitution Day is not a day off.


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