“Sea” - Zhukovsky’s elegy: idea and analysis of a work

Elegy - a poem that comes from the deep feelings that embrace the poet. This is usually a sincere work and very personal. His sentimental thoughts are sad, if, rather, are not full of deep sorrow. The poem "The Sea" (elegy of V. A. Zhukovsky) fully meets these requirements.

Masha Protasova

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was an illegitimate child, which subsequently did not allow him to marry his lover. Her mother was so against mesalliance that she would have preferred her daughter's death to her union with this man. That's how Masha looked in the eyes of Vasily Andreyevich - young, tender and beautiful.

sea ​​elegy

She was smart and sensitive, and deeply religious. She was so poetic that everything around her turned to poetry. Could Zhukovsky not fall in love? Of course not. Could he not suffer, knowing that happiness is unattainable? Of course not. He married twice to Mashenka, but both times received a categorical refusal. A friend advised him to marry Masha. But the submission of the mother and religiosity did not allow the girl to agree to such a marriage. They both deeply loved each other and suffered, but the girl left after her sister in Dorpat. Now it is the city of Tartu. With Vasily Andreyevich Mashenka vowed to keep friendship all her life, which turned out to be short. And Vasily Andreevich so deeply and strongly loved his beautiful muse, his beautiful guardian angel, that he never married.

sea ​​elegy analysis

He carried his bitter happiness through his whole life. The girl in Dorpat married an unworthy man who only seemed decent in society, continuing to love Vasily Andreevich. The husband, being very jealous, did not allow Mashenka to meet with Zhukovsky. They both submitted to fate. They were separated by the Baltic Sea and personal circumstances. In 1822 the elegy “Sea” was written. The story of the creation of the poem is essentially dramatic.


We begin the analysis of the elegy “Sea” as an image of specific human feelings. Conventionally, 28 stanzas of the poem can be divided into seven unequal parts, in which the lyrical hero himself and the one he constantly thinks will be present. Reflections on love, conveyed metaphorically, through the image of the water element, make up the theme of elegy. In the first quatrain, the poet conveys his own condition with a metaphor of confused love and an anxious thought, using the image of the sea. In the second sixth passage, also through the image of the element of water, the lyrical hero, asking the sea, speaks with his beloved.

poem sea elegy

He asks how much she is in captivity. Gently and tenderly asks to open to him. In the third sixth passage, inspiring the sea, the poet recalls the days of happiness with his beloved, when in the morning and in the evening everything was illuminated with light, everything was kindly and brought joy. In the next quatrain, he metaphorically tells how a person behaves when his dream is taken away. How he is tormented and struggles with all his might.

poem analysis sea elegy

So continues the analysis of the poem "Sea". Elegy in its penultimate sixth speaks of a deceptive peace that comes after a struggle with adversity. This is also a metaphor. It seems that all anxieties go away, but this view is misleading. The two final stanzas speak of inner turmoil, hidden deeply, but making one tremble. Love with its doubts, and fear, and hope is the theme of Zhukovsky’s elegy “Sea”.

Nature as a type of Mary

The calm azure sea, raging, calming, stormy in its depths, is completely and completely connected with Zhukovsky with the image of Mary, so close to him and so far away. The theme and idea of ​​the elegy “Sea” of Zhukovsky are closely intertwined. Fascinated by the water element, he is forever devoted to the charms of Mary, Mashenka. Asking the sea, he asks the young girl to entrust him with her deepest secret. He asks her, metaphorically turning himself into the sky, whether she is drawn to him, distant, bright.

elegy theme sea Zhukovsky

The poet reassures his beloved by the fact that his thoughts are high and pure, but let her caress him and joyfully shine. He believes that if something prevents them from meeting, then Masha will protest and rush about like a water element. But then the barriers disappear, as clouds and haze leave the sea, but Masha is still excited for a long time. She cannot recover, and her calm appearance is deceiving. She is still afraid and, admiring the sky, that is, the poet, trembles for him, for their love. Such is the in-depth analysis of the elegy "Sea", if you know the circumstances of the poet's love.

Part one

The poem seems to be written in one breath, so fast, so soulful that it did not even need to be divided into stanzas. The poem "Sea" is an elegy in the full sense of the word, since it is sad and very personal. All that he wanted, but could not be expressed otherwise, the poet wrote in metaphors in The Sea. Elegy is dramatic when viewed as the world of nature animated by the poet. The way Zhukovsky began to relate to nature became a forerunner of romanticism in Russian poetry. The great F. Tyutchev animates her completely. He will find freedom and love and language in it. But it starts the "Sea". Elegy tells about the poet's observation of the charm of the azure calm sea, which is ready to conduct a dialogue with a distant bright sky. The poet asks him if the sea wants to draw closer to the sky, which is as huge, but, unlike the earth, holding it tightly in its arms, light and airy, not burdensome.

Part two

A bright sky fills the sea with azure, makes it burn with light. Golden clouds caress the sea. Elegy tells how night stars joyfully reflect in the sea. If heaven is the soul of man, then the sea is his secret, unknown and invisible world to anyone. The soul rises to heaven to know bliss. But its second part - water - with visible serenity and peace is always worried.

Part three

The excitement of the sea can turn into a storm. And then - beware. Do not take away storm clouds from the sea of ​​clear sky. It will fight fiercely, turn into gray and lead, but it will defend its peace and tranquility, end the haze.

elegy sea creation story

Part four

The work "Sea" - elegy two-faced. The poet after the storm and storm analyzes what he saw. He sees the clouds and darkness dispersing, the sky shines with azure again, but the sea remembered the weather for a long time, everything inside it bubbling and bubbling.

idea of ​​elegy sea of ​​Zhukovsky
Waves rise for a long time. Even at first glance, calmed down, in the inner turmoil of the sea is afraid to lose the sky with its sweet brilliance.


The poem was written in 1822, but was published much later, seven years later, when Maria Protasova was no longer alive.

She died in childbirth. A sharp pain passed, and already personal hid under the waves of the sea. Elegy, written by amphibrach, conveys the sway of waves. There is no rhyme familiar to the poem. This is a white verse that gives the work greatness and solemnity. They emphasize that a person under any circumstances should remain a person. When he is gone, the skies will still shine and the waves of the sea beat against the shore.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26441/

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