How to make a false ceiling with your own hands?

To create a false ceiling with your own hands will help not only reduce the laboriousness of the ceiling repair, but also expand the possibilities of decoration. False ceilings will be divided into two types. Some require additional decoration, while others do not. Despite the fact that in the first case there is a need for additional decoration, it is such ceilings that are most prevalent. These are plasterboard ceilings.

False ceiling is a special kind, which is distinguished by its installation system. It, like other suspended ceilings, is made of decorative finishes and suspended structures. Only in this form does the suspension structure simultaneously act as a partial decorative element. And for decoration use such material as plates.

We carry out the installation of the ceiling.

False ceilings are now popular, so the question often arises of how to make a suspended ceiling. You can turn to specialists for help, but many want to make their own unique suspended ceiling with their own hands. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

You will need: a ruler, tape measure, cord, level, screwdriver, drill, hammer, fasteners and a hacksaw for metal. When deciding on how to make a suspended ceiling and what materials to choose for this, you should not be guided by a very budgetary option, since such a ceiling will not serve you for a long time.

At the initial stage, we collect guide profiles. But before assembly, it is necessary to clean their surface and mark out: marking the level points along the entire perimeter of the room, and then, connecting their solid line, we will go over to marking the ceiling. We mark the point of the first guide profile on one wall, and then do the same on the opposite wall. And we pull a cord between them, along which we drill holes with a meter step. Having finished one line, repeat the procedure, stepping back 60 cm and so on to the end. Do not forget to make holes for the wall corners. For angular conjugation of profiles, you need to use a hacksaw to trim the decorative rib at a 45 degree angle.

Next, we hang T-shaped profiles with screwed hook-shaped dowels, fixing the ends with locks. It is important to do the work so that the front planes of the profile and corner coincide. Having completed the installation of T-shaped profiles, we proceed to laying the tiles.

How accurately the work is done, the do-it-yourself suspended ceiling will be so beautiful and durable.

Ceiling design.

When making a false ceiling with your own hands, you should know that glass ceilings can give the interior an unusual and stylish look, create a feeling of lightness, volume and lightness. But to make the design of suspended ceilings unique is a rather complicated and painstaking work. The design is developed taking into account materials and is designed to embody original and most unexpected ideas, as it is carried out taking into account your wishes and preferences.

Matte, mirror, glass or glossy panels can be combined with a variety of colors, according to drawings or choose monophonic panels, while skillfully using lighting fixtures - all this makes it possible to create your own design of suspended ceilings. By combining matte, mirror, glass or glossy panels, it is possible to create amazing spatial and lighting effects. With the help of various color schemes of ceiling panels, it is not difficult to complete the design of the entire room in general tone. The design possibilities are almost limitless thanks to the various uses of the lighting fixtures. On suspended ceilings, you can use directional or local, spot or fluorescent lamps, as well as lamps using the effect of stray light.


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