The Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the most important power structures in the country

The main power agency of the state is the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). This is a very extensive structure consisting of departments. The main task: ensuring the security of the country.

MIA is

What are the objectives of the structure

To make it clearer what the Ministry of Internal Affairs is - this is the agency carrying out the tasks it faces.

  • It implements the state policy to maintain law and order, migration of citizens.
  • Protects state property.
  • Warns, identifies, investigates crimes and administrative offenses.
  • Manages the internal forces.
  • Protects the rights and freedoms of people.
  • Maintains public order.
  • It monitors road safety.


The Ministry of the Interior (MVD) has a very extensive structure. Each region, republic, territory has its own departments. Moscow region is no exception. There, the rule of law is ensured by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Moscow Region (GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow Region).

Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Moscow region

It is located in Moscow at the address: Nikitsky Lane, building 3. There is also an official Internet site to the address of which you can send your appeals.

Admission to service in the internal affairs bodies

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has always been prestigious. It accepts those who are already eighteen years old. It doesn’t matter if it’s men or women. Also, their race, nationality, origin and many other factors do not matter. The main thing is that the candidates are in good physical shape, allowing them to further fulfill their duties.

You can first enter the higher and secondary educational institutions of the system, unlearn the prescribed time there and then start working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is the most practical way and a guarantee of employment.

The limits for service and studies are set - 35 and 25 years, respectively. Thus, upon reaching the specified period, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will no longer be admitted to the service or to the educational institution. There are a number of restrictions, in the presence of which one can only dream of serving in the internal affairs bodies.

  • If the person is legally incompetent or partially capable.
  • Existing criminal record or terminated criminal prosecution.
  • The candidate refuses to obtain admission to classified information.
  • The health of the candidate impedes service.
  • Citizenship of a foreign state.
  • Knowingly false information provided by the person applying for the service.

Ministry of the Interior

In addition to these requirements, there is also a number of them for entering the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These are diplomas and certificates of secondary (full), professional and higher education, depending on the future position. It is necessary to confirm their suitability for a psychophysiological examination, testing, which is designed to reveal the facts of abuse of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances.


The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region united many subdivisions and departments, such as: criminal investigation, inquiry, rear, office work. There are thirty-four of them in the structure. The functions and tasks of the units are the same as those of their district-level counterparts:

  • operational investigative work;
  • investigation, inquiry;
  • material and technical support of internal affairs bodies;
  • forensic activities;
  • fingerprint registration of citizens.

Many functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs begin to operate only during emergencies. But basically the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers are called upon to carry out their work in peacetime, around the clock to protect citizens from encroachment, and their property from theft.

A bit of history

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Until 1956, such a power department as the internal affairs bodies of Moscow and the Moscow Region were united and included in the system of the NKKD of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the indicated year, the Minister of Internal Affairs N. Dudorov, by his decree, formed two separate departments: the Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow and the Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region. The first to this day is located on the famous Petrovka, 38. And the second also still occupies Nikitsky Lane, house 3. The head of the department, who has four deputies, is in charge of the entire Main Directorate. Further, each department has its own staff and its leaders, who report to the head.


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