The composition of the design documentation. Brief description of sections

Designing the construction of buildings is a rather complicated and painstaking work, which includes several stages.

At the initial stage, a sketch of the future object is being developed, which is being demonstrated to the customer. The architectural appearance and internal arrangement of the room is determined. After the approval of the preliminary design by the developer,

composition of design documentation
coordination with the state authorities of the proposed location of the future structure is required.

The design documentation should include:

  • Preliminary design.
  • Technical and economic calculations.
  • Working draft.
  • Graphic and text documentation.

The composition of the project documentation, namely its working part, depends on the design features and consists of architectural, construction and engineering sections. The engineering part of the project is carried out only by qualified specialists. The implementation standard establishes development requirements for the design and working sections of all types of construction projects that are part of the design documentation. GOST R. 21.1101-29, in particular sections 5 and 8 of this standard, involves the implementation of general rules and the acquisition of various types of drawings and explanatory notes to them.

Working draft

construction design

The structure of the project documentation without fail includes work schemes that give complete information on construction, engineering and architectural issues.

Architectural Section

Part of this documentation includes a list of drawings, general information about the project and building specifications, facade drawings and floor plans. To determine the height of the object, the depth of the basement and basement floors, the angle of inclination of the slope of the roof is a schematic section showing the vertical section of the house. The layout of each floor, living quarters with dimensional data are shown, the passage of ventilation shafts, as well as chimneys, is indicated. According to such drawings, the thickness of the walls and partitions is determined.

composition of design documentation

Building section

The drawings in this section represent the construction of the foundation of a building under construction, floors, etc. It is here that the layout of concrete blocks for the foundation, wall plates and floors is indicated. The most complex structural aspects of construction are shown separately and in larger form.

Engineering Section

This part contains all the technical information relating to gas equipment, electrics, as well as statements of power calculation, selection and installation of various relevant devices.

Allowed Project Changes

It often happens that a project is selected, but some wishes have appeared on the part of the customer. In this case, the structure of the project documentation, after determining the changes and, based on the amount of complexity, is amended. Subject to change:

- within the boundaries of up to 5% of the outer dimensions;

- building heights from 2.50 and up to 3.00 m;

- roof slope angle up to 5;

- material for finishing the facility, flooring, insulation materials , etc.

All minor changes to the project are allowed if they meet GOST and DBN.


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