Types of sewerage, their advantages and disadvantages, selection criteria

Country life has recently become increasingly popular. This is due to the use of fresh air, and modern cottages and country houses are no longer associated with urban residents with a place where there are no comfortable conditions that are characteristic of urban apartments.

Central sewage disposal and purification systems are not provided in all suburban villages, but you can equip the house with sewage and water supply, as well as other engineering networks yourself. But first you need to understand the types of sewage.

Which sewer system to choose

types of sewage pipes

In a private house you can use one of several sewer systems. Among other solutions is a dry closet. It is suitable only for that country house, which is used periodically, for a short rest. Such a design can solve the problem of toilet drains, but a sink in the kitchen and a shower cannot be served by such a device. In addition, the dry closet can become a source of unpleasant odors.

types of sewage at home

Among the advantages, it should be noted the compactness of the installation, unpretentiousness in maintenance and mobility. Considering the types of sewage, you should pay attention to the cesspool. This option was the most popular before, but today even more often you can find washing machines, showers and other equipment that produces a huge amount of drains in summer cottages. If we consider the cesspool, then we should pay attention to its advantages in the form of low construction cost and simplicity of the device.

But there are plenty of flaws. They are at risk of soil and groundwater pollution. If you use a cesspool, then unpleasant odors in the area can not be avoided. The installation of such a system in the country can be done if you do not use the territory for living and do not operate a large number of plumbing fixtures.

pipes for sewage pvc types

Another type of sewage system is a septic tank. It allows you to collect and recycle waste water. Inside the chambers, sewage is settled and processed by bacteria that feed on organic matter. Septic tanks are autonomous sewers. The device can be implemented by installing wells that are poured with concrete, laid out with bricks or assembled from reinforced concrete rings. To install a septic tank, you can choose an industrial design. This option has a high cost, but is convenient and profitable. Installation works take several days, but the construction of a home-made septic tank will take several months.

This type of sewage system, which is assembled from improvised means in the form of car tires, is not able to provide reliable environmental protection. Such a design is suitable only for those cottages where the number of drains is small. You can use a similar sewage system for a free-standing bathhouse, which will not be equipped with a toilet.

What you need to know about the treatment plant

You may also prefer a deep biological treatment station. This sewage system is autonomous and highly productive. The system cleans drains with high efficiency. But here there are also disadvantages, which are volatility, because the station provides for the connection of power supply. The design itself can be expensive.

When considering the types of sewers for the house, you should pay attention to the geological features on the site. If the groundwater is high, and the soil is quite heavy, with a predominance of clay, the installation of a septic tank will be impossible. In this case, a choice can be made between a septic tank of accumulative type and a biological treatment plant. The first one will periodically need to be cleaned using sewage equipment.

The choice of pipes for sewage

types of pipes for sewage photo

If you plan to carry out the work yourself, then you need to figure out which pipes it is customary to use today when arranging the sewage system in a private house. Building codes allow the use of the following pipe-based materials:

  • cast iron;
  • plastic;
  • asbestos cement;
  • ceramics;
  • reinforced concrete.

The latter option is used for the construction of trunk pipelines. Practice shows that plastic pipes perform best. This is due to the fact that polymers have many advantages, among them it should be distinguished:

  • lack of corrosion;
  • ability to undergo resistance to aggressive environments;
  • smoothness of the inner surface.

If we talk about the ability to withstand aggressive environments, then this is very important for sewers, because drains can corrode the walls. The inner surface of the pipes must be smooth, the only way you can reduce the risk of clogging. We must not forget about strength.

About plastic pipes

Modern plastic pipes are manufactured in a wide range. This material is offered in great variety. For example, when considering the types of PVC pipes for sewage, you should consider that polyvinyl chloride has some features. For example, the connection does not require the use of a special tool. Pairing is carried out in a bell or with glue. The latter technique is called cold welding.

Such pipes are quite rigid, so fittings in the form of tees and bends should be used for turning. Pipes are good for open and flush mounting. The appearance of the products is quite attractive, so with an external installation you will not bring dissonance into the interior.

Considering the types of pipes for sewage, a photo of such products you should definitely consider. They are offered in the article. If we evaluate PVC in more detail, then we can also note that this material is the cheapest polymer.

Is it worth it to choose polypropylene

types of sewage systems

Polypropylene can be single or multilayer. The latest products are thick-walled pipes made of polypropylene. In this case, the polymer is located on top, and aluminum foil is inside. The layer is less laminated plastic. The connection is made by fittings or by welding. In the latter case, you will need a soldering iron and nozzles of different diameters.

Should I choose polyethylene

One of the common types of pipes for sewage are polyethylene products. They can be operated at a rather low limit temperature. The manufacturer offers for sale polyethylene manufactured by various technologies. You can meet products from polyethylene of low and high pressure.

The material is highly elastic, so the pipes are sold in convenient bays. For connection, welding or fittings are used. In a special category, pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, which are characterized by high thermal stability and strength, should be distinguished.

About water supply and its types

types of water supply and sewage

In most cases, the sewage system is continuously connected to the water supply, which can be central or autonomous. If there is a trunk network in the village, then for the supply of communications you will only need to contact the owner of the central water supply, who will carry out all the necessary work. As for autonomous water supply, it can be provided through a well or a well.

About the wells

The first option is the most affordable and cheapest. The depth of the well can be determined by the level of water. Usually this parameter reaches 10 m. It is quite simple to equip a well, as well as to maintain. However, such a system has some disadvantages. For example, water may contain bacteria and impurities. In addition, the amount of fluid received from the well is limited and is usually about 200 liters per hour. If you plan to use the well in winter, then to eliminate the risk of freezing of the pumping system, you should build a warmed house above the well.

Which well to choose

The article presents the most common types of water supply and sanitation. If you need to bring water to the house, then you can also use a well. But this method of extracting water is quite expensive, because it requires drilling the soil. You can build a sand well that has a relatively shallow depth of 50 m. Therefore, you should decide on the line of the aquifer. With the help of such a well, you can get about 1.5 cubic meters of water per hour. This volume will be enough to supply a small country house.

Quite often, owners of suburban real estate choose an artesian well. This option, although it is the best, but costs more than the rest. Water is taken from the limestone layer. Depth can reach several hundred meters. Every hour from which source you will receive about 10 cubic meters of water.

Storm sewage and its main types

types of sewage in a private house

Each private home has a problem of drainage of rain and melt water. If you also faced such a problem, then you can figure out what types of storm sewers exist. Such a system may be open, it is the simplest from the point of view of the device. Rain water will flow through open gutters or through special outlet pipes.

You can arrange a closed system, which is a more complex option. Such sewerage requires design, and the professional should be engaged in laying the pipes. In addition to gutters and pipes, such a system will have storm water inlets and underground pipes. Living in a private house, the types of storm-type sewers you should definitely consider. You can use a mixed type of sewerage to divert water from the foundation. This option is something intermediate between the two above. Such a system is installed on large areas or in the case when you need to save on sewage.


There are a lot of modern types of sewage systems. This should include the central highway and autonomous installations, the arrangement of the latter of which you can do yourself. The sewage system is also considered to be the system that diverts rain and melt water from the foundation of the house. Without it, the materials in the base and walls will quickly become worthless, and the foundation will have to be strengthened or altered altogether. Before you start work, you should definitely consider the main varieties of such designs in order to decide which one is right for you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E26468/

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