Sale of maternity capital: documents and procedure for implementation

Maternity capital is a demanded and significant benefit, which is provided by the state only to families in which a second child appears. A baby can be born or adopted. As a result, the family can get a certificate for mother capital. The size of this benefit is a little more than 450 thousand rubles, which can be used for different purposes. The implementation of maternal capital should be carried out taking into account the numerous requirements of the law, otherwise citizens will have to return illegally received funds.

Benefits Features

Matcapital is represented by a state subsidy. Its main goal is to support families in which more than one child is being raised. You can use the funds received from the state for a limited number of purposes. State bodies constantly monitor the legality of various transactions with a certificate.

When using these funds, the interests of each family member must be taken into account. The main bias is made to improve the lives of children. The implementation of maternity capital is most often carried out by buying real estate. In this case, the family can count on improving living conditions.

exercise of the right to maternity capital

How to get the?

A certificate for mother capital is issued only to families in which a second or subsequent baby appears. A child can be born or adopted. The right to receive a subsidy arises immediately after the birth of the baby or the entry into force of a judicial decision on adoption. But the year of birth or adoption of the child must coincide with the period of the program, so it must be in the range from 2007 to 2022.

A certificate is issued in the PF branches. For this, citizens must hand over to the employees of this state institution a full package of documents. The following papers are included in it:

  • the applicant’s passport, which is the mother of the children;
  • birth certificates of minor family members;
  • if the child was adopted, then relevant documents are prepared;
  • application for receiving capital, which is formed in the form prescribed by law;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • if a woman cannot, for various reasons, independently engage in drawing up this privilege from the state, then she can take the help of a proxy who must have a power of attorney certified by a notary.

If necessary, other documents may be needed, therefore, it is necessary to clarify their exact number directly from the PF employees. All documentation is transferred to the PF department, after which it is carefully checked by the specialists of this state institution. If any problems are not found, then the family receives a certificate for the capital. You can use it only after the child for whom the privilege is issued, turns 3 years old. The only exception is when the family already has a registered mortgage, so it can be immediately partially or fully repaid at the expense of state funds.

realization of regional maternity capital

Ways to implement mothercapital

The implementation of maternity capital is possible only for limited amounts of purposes established at the legislative level. Certain changes are periodically introduced to allow the use of funds in new directions. Standard implementation of maternity capital is possible for the following purposes:

  • improving the living conditions of the family, for which an apartment or a house can be bought, and the construction of residential real estate can also be carried out;
  • an increase in the mother’s pension, for which funds are used to increase the funded part of her future pension;
  • purchase of various items necessary for the rehabilitation of a disabled child;
  • training of children in various educational institutions that have the necessary license to conduct this activity.

Citizens independently decide on where the funds will be sent according to the certificate received. Most often, people prefer to pay for the education of their children, as well as improve their living conditions.

the procedure for the sale of maternity capital

Features of improving living conditions

The implementation of maternity capital for the purchase of housing is considered the most popular way to use this type of benefit. If another child appears in the family, then people need to increase their living space, for which you can use the money received from the state.

The implementation of maternity capital for housing should be subject to some requirements:

  • new real estate should be registered not only for parents, but also for all family members, which include minor children;
  • You can not only buy an apartment or a house, but also build a private house for permanent residence;
  • funds may be used to reconstruct the existing structure;
  • if housing is purchased with borrowed funds, the capital can be used to repay the target loan;
  • it is allowed to choose an apartment in a house under construction, but at the same time, a DDU is compiled with the developer;
  • allowed to become participants in housing cooperatives.

Cash is issued by the Pension Fund, to which all documentation for the selected property is to be transferred. Representatives of this organization carefully check the apartment or house. Only if there are no problems or contradictions, funds are transferred.

documents for the sale of maternity capital

The nuances of buying a home mortgage

It is allowed to sell maternity capital funds even provided that housing is bought on a mortgage. With the help of this money, you can partially or fully repay your existing target loan. The procedure for the sale of maternity capital in this case involves the following actions:

  • initially, the family must receive a direct certificate in the PF department;
  • Further, this documentation is transferred to the bank, where the target loan for the purchase of real estate is issued;
  • an application is filled in to deposit state funds to pay off a mortgage by transferring a non-cash amount;
  • approval is made with representatives of the Pension Fund, as a result of which the necessary amount of money is transferred to the bank account to pay off the mortgage.

Matkapital is issued to all family members, so an important condition is that the purchased property must be issued not only to parents, but also to all children. The size of the proportion copied to children is determined by the direct parents, as this information is simply not available in the regulatory enactments.

Some banking institutions, which include Sberbank, offer special mortgage programs, according to which borrowers can use matkapital. The conditions depend on the lender, but a down payment of 10 to 15 percent of the value of the selected property is standardly required. If the family does not have the required amount of funds, then it will be able to use the capital as a down payment.

If the family has already used part of the money, for example, to educate children, then it will no longer be able to use the balance to pay off the mortgage.

sale of maternity capital for housing

What documents are required?

In order for the PF to allocate funds for this acquisition, it is necessary to prepare the correct package of documents for the sale of maternity capital for a mortgage. These papers include:

  • passports and birth certificates of all family members;
  • application for certificate use;
  • documents for the selected apartment, which include an extract from the USRN, a house book, a technical plan and a certificate from the housing and communal services about the absence of debts, all of which can be taken from the seller of the property;
  • direct certificate;
  • mortgage agreement drawn up with the bank;
  • a notarized obligation in the future to allocate a share in real estate to all children in the family;
  • insurance policy for an apartment or house.

Only after checking the documentation, the PF allocates money transferred to a banking institution.

Buying a home for cash

It is allowed to exercise the right to maternity capital even when buying a home for their own funds. For this, the conditions are taken into account:

  • the child for whom the certificate was issued must be three years old;
  • you need to warn the seller of the selected property in advance about the use of capital, as the PF allocates funds after a thorough review of the transaction and housing;
  • first, a contract of sale is concluded, after which documents for housing are transferred to the Pension Fund;
  • the decision is made within two months, after which the seller receives the required amount of funds.

If any documents are missing or it is established that the transaction is not legally clean, then funds are not allocated.

sale of maternity capital

Home construction

It is allowed to use funds from the state even for the construction of a private residential building. In this case, payment documents confirming the costs of the construction of the object are included in the documents for the sale of maternity capital.

Initially, the family must acquire a land plot, and then decide on the method of building the house. The procedure can be performed independently or with the help of a hired construction team.

If invited specialists are involved in the construction, then the documents for the sale of maternity capital include a building permit, an agreement to attract a contractor, an obligation to draw up part of the house for children, as well as documents for an existing piece of land. Money is issued after a month, during which the verification of documentation is carried out. Money is transferred to the account of the construction company.

If citizens themselves build a house, then they can only rely on compensation, so initially they will have to spend their money. Further, payment documents are transferred to the PF branch. Only after that is compensation for expenses incurred.

Buying an apartment in a house under construction

The implementation of regional maternity capital may differ slightly from the use of a federal certificate. Local authorities can use their restrictions and requirements.

You can purchase an apartment in a building under construction at the federal mother capital. To do this, you need to sign a DDU with the developer. The documentation from the construction company is transferred to the PF, after which funds are transferred to the company’s account.

maternity capital housing sales

Other implementation methods

Additionally, you can use the mothercapital to educate the child. But you need to choose for training only educational institutions that have a license for this activity. Cash is transferred directly to the organization’s account.

A woman can independently increase her future pension. For this, the funds for the capital are transferred to increase the funded part of the pension. A woman must draw up a statement stating which fund the money will be transferred to.

If a disabled child is raised in the family, then the money can be used for his rehabilitation. To do this, parents must collect numerous certificates confirming the presence of a certain disability group and the need for rehabilitation.


Families eligible for maternity capital can obtain a certificate from the PF by submitting the required package of documents to this government agency. There are several opportunities for the implementation of capital, so citizens can improve their living conditions or increase their future mother's pension.

To receive money from the state, it is required to prepare numerous documents. It is checked by the PF representatives, after which the funds are sent to the seller of real estate, the construction team or other organizations, but citizens can not receive cash in their personal account. The only exception is the receipt of compensation for expenses incurred during the self-construction of a residential building.


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